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EXMARaLDA (Extensible Markup Language for Discourse Annotation) - a toolset for creating and analysing spoken language corpora, supports the TEI guidelines for Transcriptions of Speech


  • Cross Platform (Windows, Macintosh, Linux) tools: transcription editor, corpus manager, query/concordancing tool
  • XML based file formats, exports to and imports from TEI and various other formats (ELAN, Praat, FOLKER, Transcriber, ANVIL, TASX, Annotation Graphs)
  • Sophisticated audio and video support, various visualization methods (musical score, column or line notation), various customizable visualization formats (HTML, RTF, SVG, PDF)

User commentary

Please sign all comments.

System requirements

Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or higher

Source code and licensing

The software is free and open source, technical support through developers as far as time allows

Support for TEI

The tool imports from and exports to TEI


The tool is written in Java using JDOM, XSLT. The interface is available in English, German, French, Swedish, Turkish, Spanish and Czech. Documentation is available in German and English.


Documentation can be found on the project website.

Tech support

Info about tech support can be found on the project website

User community

The tools are mostly used in discourse and conversation analysis, language acquisition studies, and dialectology.

Sample implementations

Check out the demo corpus created with EXMARaLDA. See also this list of TEI transcripts created with EXMARaLDA

Current version number and date of release

Current version of the transcription editor is 1.5.2., released in September 2013.

How to download or buy

Download for free from the project website.