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Thursday, October 03, 2024

Moves and Rumors

Larritorious (or his puppetmaster) are making some moves:

  • 1. Deputy Chief Shemash to Street Deputy. She requested the transfer because she can’t handle the job, so we’ll put her in charge of our most important critical incidents?!?! Literally broke down crying at a deployment from the stress. WTF.

    2. Deputy Chief Calderon to Deputy Chief A3 (replacing Shemash). He’s a much better critical incident supervisor than manager. Again, WTF!! 

    3. Cmdr Betancourt to Deputy Chief (replaces Nieves)

    4. Cmdr 025 to Cmdr 010. He was only visiting 025 for a few periods. 

    5. Lt. LA (189) to Cmdr 025. Lt. is the working police despite his connections. 

    6. 2 Captains promoted. Was originally slated for 5 Captain promotions. (nfi)

    7. Cpt. Fenner moved outta 005 (to make room for a competent Captain to help the new Commander get promoted to Deputy by April 2025

    8. Cmdr DH 001 retiring in May 2025 (instead of being demoted). His ppl are negotiating a lateral (lol) until retirement. This guy survives it all (like a cockroach). 

    9. Cmdr YP 002 being demoted since she hit the medical during the DNC.

    10. A few more gold stars to be shuffled but the list is not complete.
Rearranging the deck chairs as the ship sinks further into the abyss.


Monday, September 02, 2024

Exempt Movement

005 got a new commander? 

  • Cmdr. Karla Johnson (OCP) new Cmdr of 005. Larry said she needed street cred before her next bump. I see Fenner being moved and a strong Captain being sent to 005 to help the new Cmdr.

"street cred" because the Office of Community Policing isn't a credible spot.

And Mrs Fenner, she of the burnt underwear and exam cheating bridal party, being moved again in the vain hope that everyone forgets how and who promoted her.


Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Actual Changes (Fixed Tech Issue)

The press release (click for larger versions):

Pictures re-uploaded, not sure what happened. Should be readable now.


Friday, July 19, 2024


Ask and ye shall receive:

  • Bird DC of CCG
    Joyce DC of Compstat
    Chung Street Deputy
    Ward Street Deputy
    Milmine Street Deputy
    Wallace Area 4 DC
    Blanton Area 5 DC
    Barry Area 2 Det Commander
    Fenner Commander Mass Transit
    Tate Commander Narcotics
    Wooten 004
    Yolanda Irvin 006
    Baier 009
    Junious 011
    McGovern 020
    Altamirano 025
    Stewart Captain 004

Let's see if these rumored changes actually occur as listed. Some have already taken place.

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Thursday, July 18, 2024


Nothing like running up to the DNC with all sorts of vacancies in the upper echelons so that there is either: 

  • no cohesive chain-of-command or
  • a new exempt comes in and upends all the existing plans.

But that's Larritorious for you, the almost useless figurehead who couldn't pass a single promotional exam to get ahead....because he was too busy chasing tail with his other head. 

All we've heard so far is a few laterals (commander 020 to 009), a promotion (captain 015 to commander 020)  and a demotion (016 back down to lieutenant.)

Someone has got a list lying around, ready to be faxed out at the close of business Friday.


Saturday, March 16, 2024

Chief of Patrol Named

Finally, Conehead is appointing Larritorious' command staff:

  • The Chicago Police Department has officially named 28-year veteran Jon Hein as the new Chief of Patrol.

    Police Supt. Larry Snelling described Hein as an "experienced leader" who has served multiple positions in the Bureau of Patrol.

    "I have seen firsthand Chief Hein's leadership in responding to public safety concerns, major events, and critical incidents and it's why I know he is the right person for this position. As Chief of Patrol, he will lean on this experience to oversee the direction of our Department's largest bureau and guide the public safety strategies in each of our 22 districts," Snelling said in a news release.

Also, Papaioannou has been named the Deputy Chief of Counterterrorism.

Nothing like burying bad news on a Friday night.


Monday, September 04, 2023

Command Changes "Official"

This had leaked out a few days ago, but the Press Release is dated Friday, 01 Sep. 

Either Fred's last favors or Larry's preliminary moves:

  • Cmdr 017 Jesse Alvarez from Cmdr at BOP
  • Cmdr 020 John Baier from Cmdr at Counter Terrorism
  • Cmdr 003 Melvin Branch from Lt in GIS
  • Cmdr 1st Dep Office Galen Caldwell from Cmdr at Special Functions
  • XO Area 3 Elizabeth Collazo from Cmdr 014
  • Cmdr CAPS Karla Johnson from Lt in Superintendents Office
  • Cmdr Constitutional Policing Sean Joyce from Cmdr 022
  • Cmdr 022 Brian Kinnane from Lt in 022
  • Cmdr Special Functions Thomas Lamb from XO Special Functions
  • Cmdr 014 Melinda Linas from Cmdr Constitutional Policing
  • XO Area 1 Brendan McCrudden from Cmdr 020
  • Cmdr Inspection Division Patrick McKenzie AND Community Safety Intervention (too bad he doesn't get double paycheck for double commands)
  • Cmdr 015 Carlin Morse from XO 020
  • XO Area 4 Andre Parham from Cmdr 015
  • Cmdr 002 Yakimba Phillips from Cmdr Constitutional Policing
  • Cmdr Criminal Network Group Joshua Wallace from Cmdr 002
  • XO Area 2 Rodedrick Watson from Cmdr 003
  • XO 007 Darwin Butler from Lt 003
  • XO 019 Terrance Forbes from Tact Lt 016
  • XO 018 David Koenig from Tact Lt 018
  • XO 012 Thomas Ryan from Tact Lt 012
  • XO 020 Fred Ulleweit from Lt 020
  • XO 010 Nick Zodo from Tact Lt 010

The Department isn't top heavy at all, what with Constitutional Policing having at least two commanders who got lateraled around.


Saturday, August 05, 2023

Command Staff Changes

Unusual that a Temp Super would be allowed to make this many changes - unless the new supernintendo is known and these are to help him hit the ground running:

By the way, word is that Snelling and Bradley showed up at the CPD Baseball game the other night, wearing Jersey #1 and Jersey #2.

It would be difficult to be more obvious.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Demotions and Promotions

We'll just throw this out there before HQ and City Hall get around to announcing anything:

  • Retirements & Demotions:
    Saldana - retiring
    Hanna - retiring
    Williams back to Captain from Inspections (and retiring soon)
    Cmdr Quarterman to Lt. (007)

Then there are these:

  • some new Captains and some reassignments:
    Ramirez 003
    Murphy 004 (from Academy - SPARred Mrs. Carter)
    Mullinex to 009
    Sesso 014 (from HQ)
    Parham 011
    Lamb 022
    S. Carter - didn't get 006. HQ working for Boik. Only Captain left working in an inside spot.

New Commanders:

  • R. Watson to 003
    Ben to 006
    McKenzie to 007

"New" hire:

  • Retired Cmdr Jimmy Sanchez as Director of GEU at Homan

Gee, commander pension and Director salary. What's that, about $250K or more?

  • Deputy Chiefs:
    Snelling to A/S Deputy Chief
    Muhammad to D Unit as Deputy Chief
    Dep Chief Darlin to CCS from Patrol


  • Chiefs:
    ODonnel to CCS (Crime Control Strategies)
    Boik as Chief of Constitutional Policing from “Interim Deputy Sup.”

As a sop to "reform" the Area XO's (a commander slot?) are going to be eliminated / redistributed in open spots.

There are still some last minute changes expected for slots of those who aren't going to go quietly into the night.

UPDATE: There is a Lieutenants list ready to go now, but might not be released until January. Sergeants in January. Maybe.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Command Changes (UPDATES)

What we've been able to track down:

  • Captains:

    Lt. Brown to Commander Narcotics/OCD
    Lt. S. Carter to 006
    Cpt. McKenzie to 007

    Deputy Chief:
    Mohammad from 006 to DC A/South *
    Larry Snelling from 007  to DC Academy (was sgt 2 years ago) *
    Godsell from Academy to Compstat (replacing Khan & Lemmer)

Good Lord. 

UPDATE: Seems we made City Hall angry by posting the changes before they were official? Or someone at City Hall read the comments and decided a couple of these promos were too controversial?

  • Snelling to A/S
    Muhammad to D Unit

Nice to know we're living rent free in Groot's head. 

UPDATE: Supposedly, a big pow-wow at City Hall about the spot in 006. The optics look bad, having the First Deputy's wife promoted and having her name attached to the test cheating scandal and a few other incidents. She might get a Captain spot in 022, but the alderman there doesn't want her.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Changes Thursday

Or Friday.

Rumor mill at 35th Street has kicked into high gear.

Someone mentioned a promotional class also - lieutenants or sergeants. We haven't seen a request for "merit" picks recently, so maybe that political idea hasn't been resurrected yet. 

Or maybe Groot is seeing how the process has been so corrupted as to leave unqualified morons at the top who are unable to perform basic event planning and crowd control....but we doubt it seeing as how Groot was the beneficiary of a number of undeserved "merit" spots throughout her life.


Saturday, October 03, 2020

Changes Begin

Four that were announced Thursday:

  • Cmdr Mills (Vice/Narcotics) to Deputy Chief of the Criminal Networks Grour
  • Lt Andrew Costello to Commander Central Investigations
  • Lt Elizabeth Collazo to Commander 014
  • Mayoral Protection Detail Specialist Harold Lewis to Commander of Detached Services

Expect more.


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Pillows Retiring

Barb "Pillows" West dropped her papers yesterday for 15 October. We still have numerous contacts who remember her bringing her sleep-aid to work and snoozing the night away, and it paid off with her reaching what is arguably the #3 spot in the Department.

There's a laundry list of other "bosses" - in actuality hacks - who are also leaving on or about 15 October. Post em if you got em.


Monday, August 17, 2020

Changes Thursday

Let's see if this comes true:
  • Cmdr. Muhammad (006) to Dep Chief OCD;

    S. Carter to Commander 006.

    Douglas to Dep Chief to replace Holt (retiring)

    (Open Slot) to replace Douglas

    Cmdr. Rubio to 014 to replace Saldana
    (until Jimmy Sanchez retires in September.
    Then Rubio to Cmdr of OCD/Gang Inv.)

    Cmdr. Saldana back to XO (demotion prior to retiring?)

    Lt. R Cruz to replace Rubio as Cmdr 004.
More to come as retirement dates approach.


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Changes Today?

A bunch of people at HQ yesterday getting notified for their upcoming promotions or lateral moves so they could hit the uniform stores in time for the big presser tomorrow. One of our spies captured a snapshot of one exempt about to get the news:

No idea what spot he got.

If you got the list, post it. We'll get it eventually.

UPDATE: Here's a big part of the list (we had a few of these the other day):
  • Chief of Operations - 008 Cmdr Brian McDermott
    Chief of Counter Terrorism - A/1 Dep Chief Jose Tirado
    Deputy Chief Area 1 - 015 Cmdr Yolanda Talley
    Deputy Chief Counter Terrorism - A/1 XO Cmdr Dion Boyd
    Deputy Chief IAD - 024 Cmdr Michelle Rubino
    Deputy Chief Summer Mobile - A/3 XO Cmdr Mike Piggott
    XO Cmdr Area 3 Patrol - 012 Cmdr Steve Chung
    XO Cmdr Area 1 Patrol - Saturation Lt Senora Ben
    012 Commander - 012 Lt Gabriella Shemash
    008 Commander - 022 Lt Fred Melean
    015 Commander - 003 Capt Patricia Wines
    024 Commander - 014 Capt Joe Brennan
    Narcotics Commander - A/1 Det Cmdr Tom Mills
    Area 1 Det Commander - A/1 Det Lt Jarrod Smith
    CAPS Commander - A/4 Lt Angel Novalez
    MLAS Commander - Reform Man Lt Donna Rowling
    IAD Commander - IAD Tim Moore
    Summer Mobile Commander - Capt Mike Barz
    VICE Commander Mark Harmon
    OEMC Commander Felipe Garcia (see above picture of demotion)
Sorry for any misspelling. More coming?


Sunday, July 12, 2020

Here Comes the Fun

Changes afoot:
  • ...get the popcorn ready!!

    Waller - out/retiring

    Lemmer - out/retiring

    1st Deputy - Eric “I deserve this” Carter

    Chief of Operations - “ol’Double Bump” McDermott

    Chief of Counter Terrorism - Tirado

    Area 1 Deputy Chief - undecided

    Area 2 Deputy Chief - undecided but Holt is dropping his papers this week.

    Commander 008 - undecided

    Commander Summer Mobile - Barz
More coming we're sure.


Thursday, May 21, 2020


From the comments:
  • OT...sources at hq report that [Brownie] was forced to demote Ron Kimbal and Bill Bradley by Groot. [Brownie] WAS NOT happy about doing it. He’s complaining to our sources that Groot is running the show and making personnel decisions without any input from him. He’s saying that he’s regretting his decision to take this job.
We find it hard to believe he didn't know he was being hired as a figurehead / fall guy. It's no secret and every single day here ought to be another clue.

Another rumor gaining traction is Riccio is out and Tirado is up for the new First Deputy.

Interesting times....interesting times.

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Sunday, February 09, 2020

Detective Commanders, Lieutenants

New organizational chart (click for the larger version):

Surprisingly, a couple of competent bosses.

Not surprising, more than a few clouted clowns.


Saturday, February 01, 2020

Changes at Mass Transit?

  • Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Friday called a three-year surge in CTA crime “totally, fundamentally unacceptable” and vowed to get a handle on it with increased patrols and even more surveillance cameras.

    In the one-month period between Thanksgiving and Christmas alone, CTA buses and trains were the scene of 458 criminal incidents, according to Chicago Police. That’s a 24 percent spike from same period in 2017.

    “I was alarmed when I saw what the numbers looked like going back to 2017, and we’re gonna fundamentally turn that around. The public transportation system has to be safe,” she said.
Well, when you put clouted idiots in charge of the Transit Detail, then ignore all the signs of impending disaster, multiple PAR forms to leave, allow qualified manpower to dwindle, and completely miss years and years of warnings here, well.....you can't say you weren't warned

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Friday, January 31, 2020

Most of the List

The large portion of the list of changes (as we've been able to determine via emails)
  • Area 1 DC Jose Tirado; XO Cmdr Dion Boyd
    Area 3 DC Dan O'Shea; XO Cmdr Mike Pigott
    Area 4 DC Ernest Cato; XO Cmdr Rod Robinson
    Area 5 DC Roberto Nieves; XO Cmdr Fabian Saldana

    Dep Chief of Patrol (?): Randy Darlin

    Jacob Alderden - 001
    Joshua Wallace - 002
    Felipe Garcia - 004
    Glenn White - 005
    Larry Snelling- 007
    Gil Calderon - 010
    Jill Stevens - 018
    Sean Joyce - 022
    Jim Sanchez - Gang Intel
    Duane DeVries - Intel
    Kevin Bruno - IRT
    Eve Gushes - FRU
    Antoinett Ursitti - CIT

    Detective Commanders:
    Area 1 Tom Miles
    Area 2 Joel Howard
    Area 4 Rich Wiser
    Area 5 Eric Winstrom

    Deputy Chiefs
    Migdalia Bulnes - Det
    Dan Godsel - Academy
    Kevin Johnson - CAPS
    Chris Kennedy - Anti Terrorism

    Eric Carter- Anti Terrorism
    Brendan Deenihan - Det
    Jim O'Donnell - Constitutional Policing
Seems like a lot of over-supervision and duplication in the Detective division, unless our emails were reading something other than the changes? Also, Barb West isn't listed here and she's been put into the #3 spot, probably anticipating the departure of Riccio in the near future.

We also don't have a list of demotions, though we understand Staples has been dropped to Street Deputy.


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