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Friday, July 31, 2020

Update to Shooting

  • A carjacking suspect being transported in a police vehicle to the 25th District police station at Grand and Central opened fire Thursday morning in the station’s prisoner loading bay, wounding three officers, one seriously, sources said.

    The prisoner, in turn, was shot multiple times at the police station, 5555 W. Grand Ave., sources said.

    One officer was in serious condition after being shot in the chin. He was taken to Illinois Masonic Medical Center, CPD Supt. David Brown told reporters outside that hospital.

    Two officers suffered less serious wounds. One was shot in his protective vest, but the bullet didn’t penetrate; the other officer was wounded in the hip. They were taken to Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Brown said. Two other officers were taken to that hospital for chest pains, Brown added.

    The prisoner’s condition was unknown; he was taken to Stroger Hospital.
Guess what his condition was previous to being arrested?
  • Police sources said the shooter is a 25-year-old felon paroled just three months ago. He’s been sentenced to prison four times, according to court records. He’s been convicted of illegal gun possession by a felon and aggravated assault with a vehicle. He also has two felony drug convictions.
Imagine that. Another violent felon, released to the streets. Who would have thought that could happen in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois? Crimesha, any comment?

And then Frank Main's "stellar reporting" comes to the fore:
  • It’s unclear how the prisoner had a gun because he should have been searched before he was placed in the police vehicle. That question is certain to be a focus of the ongoing investigation.

    The prisoner began shooting in the station’s sally port, a secure interior area where prisoners are moved from police vehicles into the station, according to a police source.

    The prisoner may have managed to move his handcuffs from behind his back to his front before he started shooting, a source said.
Well Frank:
  • he probably was searched, but that's going to be the subject of numerous investigations now and it would be improper to comment on it;
  • sally ports are far from secure unless both doors are operational and closed in sequence...again, that's going to be the subject of a few investigations;
  • you don't "move handcuffs" Frank. You slip them or "jump-rope" them to get your arms to the front of your body. We met a prisoner once with double jointed shoulders - he just lifted his arms right over his head and tried to strangle a cop with his cuffed arms. And when his shoulders healed, he wasn't able do that again.
This incident ought to be utilized as a training opportunity.


About Those Gun Numbers

  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) told CNN’s State of the Union, “Our gun problem is related to the fact that we have too many illegal guns on our streets, 60 percent of which come from states outside of Illinois.”
However, for the last data available:
  • The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (ATF) 2018 figures show Illinois as the top source state for guns recovered in the state of Illinois.

    The ATF numbers show 5,337 guns recovered in Illinois were traced and sourced as coming from Illinois.

    Fourteen other states accounted for a total of 4,375 guns recovered in Illinois and traced to their source. Those states were Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, Georgia, Iowa, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas, and Michigan.
So Groot does what all Groot's do when confronted with facts:
  • She lies
Of course, lying is second nature to politicians.

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Kass Column

Kass has been taking a beating professionally this past week for writing actual truth. That's a mortal sin in the leftist world. You can't tell the truth about commie sympathizers attempting to overthrow the Rule of Law by purchasing States Attorneys across the nation.

But this column wasn't about the troubles of being a part-time conservative in a full time lib-tarded job world. It was about police suicide and how it's ravaging the CPD especially.

We'll let his column speak for itself and link it here. It's an effort to explain the inexplicable and he does okay.

Comments closed here.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

025 Officers Shot

Two wounded.

UPDATE: Three wounded

UPDATE:  Two stable, one serious to critical, shot through the neck

Two others to the hospital for non-specified injuries

UPDATE: Video - from a long distance away. The gunfire starts around 5 or 6 seconds in.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to all involved officers.

Do NOT Volunteer for This

We don't know how much plainer to make it.

Just say "No:"

The FOP has come out solidly against volunteering for this short-notice detail in Milwaukee after approximately 100 different police agencies withdrew their offer to assist MPD at the democratic national convention.

If our advice and the FOP advice doesn't sway you, take this into consideration:
  • the 100 agencies that withdrew support did so after the Milwaukee City Council banned the use of tear gas and pepper spray as crowd control tool, even in the event of a civil unrest (a riot); 
  • Wisconsin State law is written to forbid outside agencies from using Force of any sort either on-or-off duty because your agency's rules might not align with Wisconsin policy. In other words, what is proper and legal in Illinois might not be in Wisconsin;
  • democrats have been advocating "defunding" for how long now? You think you'll get any sort of fair shake if it goes south?
And can you imagine how hard the "protestors" are going to come after a Chicago cop, out of state, in a foreign jurisdiction, with these sorts of rules? We'll bet money that (A) Wisconsin pols would push for you immediate arrest and (B) the CPD brass wouldn't even try to get you proper representation. Hell, we can name three that would put the cuffs on you and hand you over without even breaking a sweat.

UPDATE: And with Wisconsin on Groot's "No-Go"list, you are required to use your own time and quarantine for 14 days.

Do you have 124 hours on the books for this enforced vacation?


In Case Anyone Forgot

  • CHICAGO, IL – When talking about systematic racism inside police departments and law enforcement in general, the narrative may sound emotionally compelling, with carefully selected videos that graphically depict what might appear to be abuse at the hands of officer.

    However, statistics are often conveniently left out, as they disprove the allegations.

    The Black Lives Matter movement would lead its followers to believe police brutality runs rampant across the country, especially in big cities.

    They push the narrative that innocent black males are in mortal danger of being randomly shot, or even deliberately targeted, by a law enforcement system bent on elimination of African Americans. Again, the data not support this.

    Not only does it not support that accusation, it tells a completely opposite story.
Go read it all, bookmark the link, and spread it among your friends and social media presence. The word has to get out.


Gregor Mendel

Anyone know the famous abbot who pioneered the study of genetics?

Of course, Mendel did it with peas, not poltergeists, damned souls and their demonic offspring.


Time to Boycott

These are the assholes over at Dollar Shave Club:

Why can't these companies just shut up and produce a product that people want without introducing their politics into it?

The next time the Inspector asks to see our bump card, we're going to have to say "Sorry boss, we're between shaving companies at the moment."


More Fed Busts

  • The reputed leader of the Black Disciples street gang was among 23 people arrested in a federal gang takedown involving drug and weapons trafficking in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood, federal authorities announced Wednesday.

    [some oxygen stealing asshole], 34, who goes by the street name “Murder,” was charged with distribution of fentanyl-laced heroin to a cooperating individual last September in the 7000 block of South Lowe Avenue, according to court records.
Those of us who have been around for a while realize that this disruption in the hierarchy sometimes means the underlings are jockeying for spots. There might be an uptick in people get shot and/or killed because opportunities for advancement are few and far between. But this is also an opportunity for law enforcement to make further inroads into dismantling the gang stranglehold on the neighborhoods, giving decent people a fighting chance.

Hopefully, these arrests lead to double-decade sentences, something Crimesha is incapable of delivering.

This is also a good reason to keep Hoover behind bars until he dies of old age.


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

101 Homicides in July

Remember, Crime is Down!
  • July to Date
    Shot & Killed: 91
    Shot & Wounded: 461
    Total Shot: 552
    Total Homicides: 101
No wonder Groot has her mouthpieces out there claiming that two units that didn't even exit in early July suddenly have this huge, unimaginable impact on crime numbers.

By the way, have you seen what this week looks like already?
  • Week in Progress (7/26 – 8/1)
    Shot & Killed: 5
    Shot & Wounded: 55
    Total Shot: 60
    Total Homicides: 6
That's averaging two dead and twenty shot PER DAY.

Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job.

(all stats via HeyJackass.com)

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Commie Antifa Teacher

That CFD paramedic asshole took all his social media private. The anti-cop democratic candidate in DuPage county dropped out and took all her stuff private, too.

It's almost like they aren't proud of their opinions and associations, but are all too willing to tell everyone else how and what to think.

This self admitted commie antifa CPS school teacher (Bridge Elementary) has already started taking his garbage down and the CTU is in full-throated defense of his rights to spout his bilge:

He has also taken it upon himself to publicly name, dox and harass a CPD mom who has kids who go to Bridge Elementary up north. There was a petition started to have him sanctioned, but the Chicago Teachers Union - led by a known millionaire communist - hassled Change.org to take down the petition because teachers have rights to spout their anti-American rhetoric off-duty as it were (and harass CPD members, too). Why is it cops are the only ones not allowed to have an off-duty life separate from their jobs?

We saw a stat the other day that 13 of the most recent 20 arrests in Seattle (or Portland) of rioters were public school teachers. No wonder these commies don't want to go back to work - it interferes with their rioting schedules.


Fake Testing

Story from a regular reader of ours:
  • My wife and I went to get tested at the Covid-19 location up in Norridge. We're older and with assorted health issues, so it made sense. We get registered, they take all of our info and tell us it's a 45 minute wait. No big deal, right? So we wait and wait and wait. After an hour and fifteen minutes, we decided the heck with it and headed home without being tested. We'll just get up earlier and do it in a week or so.

    Ten days later guess what arrived in the mail? Our test "results" telling us we were both positive, even though we left without being swabbed. This whole thing is looking more and more like a scam.
It certainly is, and this would be a slam dunk for any reporter worthy of the name, but don't expect the media to do anything that might interfere with the narrative.


Sgt Sues SJW

  • A Chicago police sergeant is suing a Colorado YouTuber for allegedly misidentifying him as the cop who gave protesters the middle finger in a widely publicized incident last month.

    The suit, filed in Cook County court on Monday, accuses Dale Hiller of smearing Sgt. Ignatius Goetz’s reputation by posting a video that identifies Goetz as the officer who making the vulgar gesture to protesters.

    The video goes on to detail Goetz’s history of civilian complaints. It has gotten more than 56,000 views since it was uploaded in early June.
Use their own "rules" against them. It's almost like the YouTuber doesn't know there could be people with the same last name on the Department. And turning the Invisible Institute's "work" as an exhibit for the defense of the sergeant is genius.

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An Award?

Someone said in the comments that we all got a "2019 Crime Reduction Award."

Anyone know how to access the Awards system?

Better get it now since no one is getting any awards this year. Does anyone know if we get a picture with Brownie and Groot?


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Holy Shit

An exempt just committed suicide.

This Department is broken, possibly beyond repair.

  • A newly appointed Chicago police deputy chief fatally shot himself Tuesday morning in the Homan Square police facility on the West Side.

    The death of Dion Boyd, 57, was announced at Chicago Police Department headquarters Tuesday afternoon by Supt. David Brown.
Rest in Peace

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Right On Schedule

  • There has been a reduction in homicides and shooting incidents in Chicago since the city’s police force launched two units aimed at combating gun violence and ensuring protests and other large events don’t devolve into chaos, police said Monday.

    Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown said “tenuous progress” has been made in the department’s efforts to stem gun violence. There were three homicides over the weekend compared to 12 and eight the previous two weekends and 17 over the July Fourth weekend, Brown said at a news conference.

    From 6 p.m. Friday until midnight Sunday, the department recorded 39 shootings. That compares to 41 the previous weekend, 50 the weekend before that and 87 during the long Independence Day weekend.

And not a single mention of the numerous Federal agencies here prosecuting the gun crimes that Crimesha refuses to do. Gun crimes that carry mandatory sentences and 80% or more of sentences served.

As for Brownie's "tenuous progress," we present to you HeyJackass.com:
  • Final Stupidity Tally: 4 killed, 59 wounded
    2019 weekend tally: 8 killed, 43 wounded
    2018 weekend tally: 7 killed, 39 wounded
    2017 weekend tally: 5 killed, 32 wounded
    2016 weekend tally: 7 killed, 48 wounded
    2015 weekend tally: 4 killed, 36 wounded
    2014 weekend tally: 5 killed, 25 wounded
So while the killings were down slightly, shootings were up significantly.

And total ventilations the highest in seven years.

But that's "progress" in Brownie's mind?

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10 Month Old Shot

  • A 10-month-old girl was critically wounded Monday morning, when she was shot while riding in the back seat of a car on the Bishop Ford Freeway in the Pullman neighborhood.

    Illinois State Police said a car was headed north on I-94 near 115th Street around 11:15 a.m., when the driver heard a gunshot. The driver checked on the infant in the back seat, and saw the baby had been injured.

    The driver took the baby to a local hospital, where the baby was listed in critical condition.
Thank goodness Groot can blame the State Police for this one.

And if you think the expressways are more dangerous this year, well....:
  • With this latest attack, there have been 65 shootings on Chicago area expressways so far this year, nearly double the number of shootings at the same time last year.
It seems more dangerous because it is more dangerous.



From one of our statisticians:
  • According to City of Chicago data, under the age of fifty, 238 people have died from Covid-19 to date.

    According to Hey Jackass, 438 homicides (shot, stabbed, strangled, other) this year to date in Chicago. 8 of those were self defense by civilians and/or police.

    And according to Hey Jackass, on average about 97% of all homicides victims are under the age of 55. Doing that math, and taking out the self defense homicides, we can say about 417 homicides victims were under the age of 55.

    417 - 238 = 179

    Stop and think about that for a min. In Chicago 179 MORE people died from homicide YTD than Covid-19. (Great city there Groot). That's right, we can be certain more people under the age of 55 are will die from homicides than Covid-19 in Chicago. This of course is something we will NEVER hear from Groot or the media.
End of year bet - how many more people (or folks) will have died in homicides than from COVID?

UPDATE: Also from our stats guy:
  • fourteen kids under 18 have died in Chicago shootings this year;
  • four of the dead were under age 10;
  • COVID deaths for those under 18? Two, as in one, two. That's it.
Get these kids back in school Groot.

(UDATE: math corrected)


Bye Felicia

  • A Democratic candidate for the DuPage County board withdrew from the race after apologizing for a tweet in which she said she laughed repeatedly at a video of a law enforcement officer getting hit in the face with a projectile.
And surprise surprise, guess where she went to school?
  • She worked previously in legislative offices, and recently graduated from DePaul University.
Let's see how long the memories of voters in DuPage county last.

And yes, we read this article over and over again and laughed harder, each and every single time.

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Monday, July 27, 2020

Associate Superintendent?

Anyone ever hear of this made-up rank?

You might later today.

CPD is getting overly top-heavy.

And you can blame it on Groot.

You already have a First Deputy. Is the Ass Super going to outrank him?

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Dunphy's Crystal Ball

  • On Friday, another “mostly peaceful protest” was held in Chicago, this one resulting in injuries to 49 police officers. Chicago police Superintendent David Brown and some of his senior staff held a press conference on Monday, displaying video of the event that began with a march through Grant Park before devolving into a melee as a brave band of Chicago police officers protected the statue of Christopher Columbus from a mob bent on toppling it.

    Perhaps “devolving” isn’t the proper verb here as it implies spontaneity. As was made clear in the video, there was nothing spontaneous about the assault on the police officers defending the statue. It was planned in advance and coordinated as it occurred, with some members of the mob supplying the projectiles that were thrown and others moving so as to conceal the people throwing them. Large signs carried during the march had been attached with lengths of PVC pipe, the ends of which had been sharpened to use as weapons when the signs were later detached from one another at the fountain. Some people initially presented themselves as peaceful protesters before changing into the head-to-toe black garb that identifies the wearer as an antifa goon.
And then he makes a salient point that is escaping many people:
  • As of this writing, there have been no deaths among the protesters in Portland, though with the escalation of violence in that city and others, one fears it’s only a matter of time before we see a deadly incident such as occurred at Kent State University fifty years ago when National Guard troops opened fire on protesters opposing the Vietnam War. I suspect there are those on the left who would welcome such an incident if it serves to weaken the resolve of the police and bring about the president’s defeat in November. After all, there must always be martyrs to the cause, comrades.
As we noted in an email exchange with Mr. Dunphy, the only thing this "movement" doesn't have yet is a martyr. For claiming to be "unarmed," there is a sudden upsurge in gun play among these morons:
We certainly believe that they will provoke a confrontation with police to get that "martyr" before the elections.


Warning for O'Hare Personnel

This scumbag is a dangerous attention whore:

Paramedic at O'Hare we're told.

Watch you're backs out there Officers.

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DuPage Readers

This is running for office out by you (click for larger version):

Hadiya Afzal is running for the DuPage County Board and the video she's "laughing at" while it's on repeat is officers (Seattle? Portland?) being attacked.

Spread the word among friends and neighbors.

Unless you're eager for more of this shit.

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Poor Reporting Again

  • Police are investigating after a 13-year-old girl was shot Saturday afternoon in the Illinois Medical District.

    Just before 2:15 p.m., police responded to the 2000 block of West Harrison Street on the report of a shooting. Police said a 13-year-old girl was shot while she was in an alley. The girl was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital in good condition.

    Area Four Detectives are investigating.
If it's Area 4, it certainly isn't the Medical District.

A quick search of the 24-Hour Report shows that the shooting took place in the 3000 block - not 2000 block - of Harrison, which would put it directly east of the District Murder Capital of Chicago. And boy did we get e-mails about this one:
  • SCC, shooting in 011 yesterday while we were having Roll Call outside on the patio between the building and the parking garage. Bunch of shots go off at the end of the block making the lieutenant pause. In the silence - ziiiiiiiiing - as a ricochet or two go overhead. Needless to say, Roll Call ended pretty quick.
Another child under the age of 15 will be walking with a limp in Groot's Chicago.


Groot is Out of her Depth

  • Rising temperatures mean more boats are flocking to the Playpen in Lake Michigan, even though Mayor Lori Lightfoot said two months ago the popular party spot for boaters off Ohio Street Beach would not open this summer.

    Saturday was supposed to be one of the biggest parties on the Playpen, the crowd smaller than past years. A birds-eye view of the party area on Lake Michigan near Ohio Street beach showed dozens of boats lined up. Most were spread out, but that’s not always the case.

    [...] The reality is, the activity is allowed on the federally regulated waters. Two months ago, Lightfoot said the area would be closed throughout the summer, but the city can’t enforce that.

    [...] The U.S. Coast Guard said city and state health regulations do not affect the Playpen, local leaders have no authority to close it.
Seems like the boaters (and the Coasties) are saying something to Groot - it starts with an F and ends with a YOU.


Sunday, July 26, 2020

What the F#$% is Going On?

So days off were cancelled this weekend for the teams (Tact, what's left of Gangs, the remnants of Saturation, Summer Strike Force, whatever.) the cancellation occurred with under 24 hours, necessitating a scramble for baby sitters, restructuring family plans, all manner of disruption.

And then this came out late Saturday:

This was sent to all the exempts, who then had to get the word out to all of their supervisors and officers that the cancellation was cancelled - again, with less than 24 hours notice.

If this doesn't tell you exactly how little the exempt structure cares about you - not to mention the Groot clown - then we don't know how else to get the message across. Carter is obviously a dumbass and whomever is helping him "plan" shit is twice the moron.

The FOP and the PBPA ought to be working on getting the city to pay some sort of penalty for such shitty planning that disrupts lives like this and then attempts to un-disrupt them by ruining alternate plans.

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Thank You

  • A Defend the Police rally Saturday in Grant Park that drew counter protesters featured heated rhetoric between the two sides, but remained largely peaceful.

    Rally organizers said they wanted to show support for police officers and push back against protests that have followed the May 24 police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

    “Not only do [police officers] have to deal with the protesters who have absolutely no respect for them whatsoever, but then they have to deal with the elected officials that throw them under the bus,” organizer Tina McGrath said.

    The 200-person demonstration began about 2 p.m. near the site of a Christopher Columbus statue that was removed by the city Friday. The group waved American flags and held signs that read, “God bless our police” and “Lightfoot is a communist.”
We would have said a "communist clown."

We appreciate the sentiment though.


Federal Charges

  • Three men charged with illegally possessing guns and ammunition are the first in Chicago prosecuted under Operation Legend, officials announced Friday.

    Darryl Collins, 30, of Dolton, is charged with one count of illegal possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. Romeo Holloway, 21, is charged with illegal possession of a firearm by felon. And Darryl Phillips 22, is charged with illegal possession of a machine gun, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Illinois.

    Operation Legend is intended to help state and local officials fight violent crime, but the program also prompted backlash in Portland; activists there said agents in unmarked vehicles were abducting protesters off the street without cause.

    President Donald Trump said Wednesday more federal agents would be sent to Chicago as the program expanded. Mayor Lori Lightfoot insisted those agents would not operate “Portland-style.”
We imagine Groot doesn't have any say in how a Republican administration decides to operate concerning Federal charges.

But that doesn't mean she (and her minions) won't try to take the credit for any drop in shooting totals (from the comments):
  • Let me look into my crystal ball here as I’m already hearing the strategy from a friend in news affairs. The feds are here and they are already advertising they are prosecuting the first gun cases of the weekend. The neighborhoods so far are quieter already because they know the feds are here. The weekend numbers are going to be low. Groot and the supt will be having a very early morning presser Monday morning taking the credit and crediting the low shootings and murders to the newly formed citywide units that went into effect on Thursday. This is not a guess, this is from news affairs people. They are trying to get ahead of any feds or politicians trying to take credit for a downturn so they also want the gun numbers and how many arrests, guns, contacts and also any guns the new unit recovered that was referred to the feds for federal prosecution.
Seems like the beginnings of an Exile Project right here in Chicago. The word on the street is exactly this - the feds are here and they're handing out years like Halloween candy.

Let's see what Monday brings.



For someone who claims to be a stickler for Law, Groot is not only a petty liar, but a typical tyrant when it comes to being a Karen:
  • The veteran Chicago police commander in charge of the district where Mayor Lori Lightfoot lives was unceremoniously reassigned Friday. Cmdr. Melvin Roman has been transferred to the department’s Crime Prevention and Information Center effective immediately, said CPD spokesperson Maggie Huynh. The move was made “in anticipation of upcoming retirements,” she said.

    But multiple department sources have told CWBChicago that Roman was spiked over the handling of recent protests that closed down intersections and caused disturbances near Lightfoot’s home in Logan Square. One source pointed to an incident this week in which an unmarked Chicago police vehicle— with lights and siren activated—appeared to strike protesters who ran in front of it as it moved slowly down a sidewalk. The source said supervisors failed to notify department higher-ups about the incident promptly.

    A second source said there was general displeasure among “higher-ups” with the overall handling of the recent protests near Lightfoot’s home. “Obviously Lightfoot didn’t like the handling of the protesters last night.”
"Handling" is code for "refusing to make un-Constitutional arrests as defined by the law." We saw the same thing earlier in her term when she launched the Sergeant at City Hall who had been there for three different mayors, handled his job professionally at all times and pretty much knew exactly what the law entitled protestors to do and exactly where protestors were allowed.

Not good enough for Karen Groot though. The common folk cannot ever be allowed to protest her.


Tear Down This Bridge!

The truly old will remember this movie:

"He hates these cans!"

  • A man is in serious condition after being shot while sitting in a car near the Wabash Bridge on Saturday morning. The shooting unfolded less than a block from where a man was killed and a woman injured during an argument on the bridge last Sunday.

    Officers responded to calls of shots fired near Wacker and Wabash around 5 a.m. today. Cops located eight shell casings and blood at 232 North Wabash, near the Seventeenth Church of Christ Scientist, according to officers on the scene.

    Witnesses told police they saw the occupants of a black BMW get into an argument with a man who was standing on the street. The man pulled out a handgun and began firing into the car, according to police.
It's becoming painfully obvious that significant landmarks are driving the violence across Chicago, and Groot's only hope - in fact, ALL OF OUR VERY LIVES - depends on tearing down each and every landmark, building, statue and boulevard as soon as it becomes obvious that IT is what is attracting the violence that is robbing society of the flower of our youth.

The following are slated for immediate demolition:
  • 63rd and 79th Street
  • the Red Line
  • Madison Street...starting at about 2400 West
  • Most of Cicero Avenue
  • The Mag Mile and Grant Park
  • Groot's house along with .... wait a minute
This is going to take a lot longer than we thought.


No Work? Free Money

So someone at the DMV might have been exposed to COVID:

We imagine those few dozen employees are all getting paid for the two weeks, while Groot is attempting to make CPD use their own time banks to quarantine so as not to infect hundreds of co-workers and thereby, thousands of citizens.


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Weekend Predictions

We're going to go out on a limb here:
  • Zero dead; zero injured
After all, the Columbus statues are down. There's no more reason to protest, march or shoot guns. It's a new America and we can't wait to be a part of it.

In fact, Chicago stands at 93 homicides for the month of July so far. We're going to bet that's where it remains for the duration of the entire year.

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This one also made us laugh:

Fun times with the clown.


Where's Groot?

Can anyone confirm that Groot isn't even living at the 014 District address the past week or so?

We know she's fleeing the city each weekend (it's good to be the Groot), but supposedly, she isn't even in the home that protestors are "partying" outside of.

Again, the CPD is criticized and lambasted for protecting property. An empty house is just that - property. And taxpayer funds are going to protect it to the detriment of the populace that are sporting numerous extra holes in their bodies as resources are stretched thin.


015 Squad Burned?

Anyone hear about this one? (click for larger version):

Supposedly a 015 District unmarked, parked in the lot (the side of the building without a security camera), mysteriously burned last week. No one hurt and no one in custody or claiming responsibility. It's the west side, so who knows what happened.


Seattle Police Stand Down

  • In an email to her officers, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said not to risk their personal safety during protests because the Seattle City Council has taken away the traditional tools of crowd control.

    It’s a statement that goes beyond just her officers. It’s a signal to what might happen during schedule protests beginning on Saturday. The protests are in solidarity with the demonstrators who are battling with federal agents on the streets of Portland.

    But unlike Portland, Seattle is currently under a court order by U.S. District Judge Richard Jones that prevents the use of chemical and kinetic crowd control methods such as tear gas, flash bangs and rubber bullets until Sept. 30.

    [...] Because of the ban and the court order, the Chief told her officers, “..we are significantly adjusting our deployment plans for all upcoming major events, including this weekend.”

    She writes the department “will continue to address life safety incidents and calls for service”. But she also told her officers, “ I want to be clear that I will never ask you to risk your personal safety to protect property without the tools to do so in a safe way.”
Coming soon to a city near you.

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Friday, July 24, 2020

Who is the Clown?

Groot called the head of the FOP a clown. A clown is defined as:
  • a comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup
And if we recall our trips to Barnum and Bailey's Circus years ago, a clown plays funny music:

A clown dances to entertain the crowd:

Clowns wear funny hats:

So in all seriousness, who is the actual clown here?

Who is Watching 014?

So this was Thursday afternoon by Groot's house:

So pretty much all of 014 was watching Groot's house.

Three cars on previous assignments and one car for all of 014.

Sounds like a great use of limited manpower.

Protecting property.


Sarcasm? Or Not?

Who can tell?
  • Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot just owned Trump with a powerful, epic clapback as the two politicians fire insults back and forth. She commissioned several local gangs to spell out the message, "TRUMP IS BAD" in bullet holes.

    "This powerful message of love and harmony shows that Chicago is united against Trump's brand of hate and violence," Lightfoot said at the unveiling of the mural. "We will not tolerate any of Trump's hate in our city."

    At that very moment, Lightfoot suddenly bent backward and dodged several bullets fired by rival gangs as though she were Neo in The Matrix. "As you can see, our city is one of peace and love and tolerance."

    All the gang members who shot the mural into existence are now dead from gang violence, but their message will live on as a powerful reminder that Chicago will not stoop to Trump's rhetoric.

    Not to be outdone, Trump has instructed the military to spell out "CHICAGO IS STUPID" with bombs dropped on Chicago.
Fun times.


Unit 715

So some order came out (we aren't posting it - 7 pages) creating this new Critical Response Unit 715 out of assorted Gang Teams and Saturation Teams and the Bikes.

As of 1700 hours yesterday, nearly 30 Officers had dropped To-Froms requesting cancellation of the detail. More are expected.

That's a pretty hefty vote of "no confidence" in the so-called leadership we are saddled with right now.

Prepare for reverse seniority being used to fill the gaps.


This is Downtown

CWB blog, one of the only actual places that report news, has the video footage of the Wabash bridge murder from a few days ago:

This is every night. groups of assholes, bottles of alcohol, more guns than you can possibly imagine. And the amount of footage out there from cameras is thousands of hours.


Snitches Flee Town

The Toothless Wonder's sperm donor has quite the history himself:
  • Twyman N Boyd aka Nate Boyd aka Boyd Twyman, etc. etc. etc., lives (hides) in New Mexico. He might not be visiting Chicago, seeing that he put two of his buddies away for 180 years and 52 years respectively after the 2005 kidnapping and murder of 19 year old David Steeves Jr. in Kane County. Looks like Twyman cut himself a nice little snitchers special deal.

    (27 Oct 2006) - Twyman Boyd, 27, of Chicago testified that on the night of April 8, 2005, Armin Henderson nodded his assent and said, "yeah," when asked in the living room of an Elgin apartment if he planned to rob David Steeves Jr. Steeves was in the apartment to sell marijuana.

    Prosecutors allege that Henderson and Robert Guyton, 24, of Rockford, later robbed Steeves, shot him in the leg and stuffed him into the trunk of his mother's car. He was killed after making a desperate 911 call. His body was found in the car about a week later outside a Rockford apartment complex.

    Armin Henderson and Robert Guyton, 24, were convicted of robbing Steeves of $300 in April 2005, forcing him into the trunk of his mother's car and killing him after he made a frantic 911 call to police.
Someone hiding that far away really ought to keep their mouths shut and be social media silent.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Columbus Coming Down?

Unconfirmed report and e-mail that says Groot is taking down the Columbus statue in Grant Park tonight.  Anyone have reports from the scene?  Send pictures to our e-mail address at the upper right of the site.

UPDATE: Proving once again, she's a gutless panderer, two statues came down.

The Tribune is bragging about their "first" coverage, which appeared an hour after our posting.

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Saturday Days Off Canceled?

If you haven't heard, there's going to be a "Support the Police" rally at Grant Park, and Groot is expecting assaults, mayhem, beatings, massive property damage and general rioting.

Because everyone knows that Free Speech = violence.

At least it does in Chicago (and Portland, Seattle, New York, LA, and any place democrats gather) where a massive counter-protest is expected to take place. Those are the assholes bringing sharpened PVC pipe, frozen bottles of all sorts of liquids, caustic substances, "splash proof" goggles, and every broken-down second-hand bicycle they can find to throw at (or block) police lines.

It;'s shaping up to be a complete disaster with all of the wrong people in charge, starting at the top.

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Huge Economic Hit

  • Chicagoans have watched for months as “For Sale” and “For Rent” signs popped up in the windows of their favorite coffee joints and neighborhood bars, and they’ve wondered whether treasured restaurants ever will reopen.

    A tally is in: The coronavirus pandemic has forced an estimated 4,400 businesses in the Chicago area to close, including 2,400 that say they won’t reopen.

    The data, released Wednesday, comes from crowd-sourced business review platform Yelp.
That is a huge loss of jobs....and tax base.

And exactly the reason Chicago is turning into Detroit before our very eyes.


Prickwrinkle Profit

So after sixty shots were fired at that funeral, we realized there's a silver lining to this event:
  • sixty shots multiplied by Prickwrinkle's .05 cent bullet tax, means the county made $3.00 from the shooting at the current rate of ammo replacement
Cook County is saved!



  • Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday defended sending several insulting text messages to Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara, saying she doesn’t “take back one word that I said.”

    In a heated text exchange, obtained by WGN, Lightfoot called Catanzara a “cartoon character,” “clown” and “total fraud” after the recently appointed FOP president sent a letter to President Donald Trump on Saturday, pleading for federal help in combating the city’s gun violence.

    Lightfoot said she believes her characterization of Catanzara is “100% accurate.” She also accused Catanzara of sending the letters in a “craven political move.”
What Chicago political office does Catanzara hold again? Oh yeah, none.

Then Groot starts with the lies:
  • “In the middle of everything that’s going on in a craven political move, this man waved his hand to President Trump and invited him to bring federal troops into our city, federal troops into our city, a la Portland,” Lightfoot said during a news conference. “How is that responsible? How does that make sense? What he should be doing is focusing on the things that [are] actually important to his members.”

    In the letter, Catanzara didn’t specifically ask for “troops” or mention Portland, but he did call Lightfoot a “complete failure” who is unable to maintain law and order.
Amazingly, the Slum Times points out that Catanzara didn't say what Groot claims he said - essentially calling her a liar. Which makes us wonder what other forces are at play here, seeing as how most of the Slum Times front page "reporters" have carried Groot's bullshit for over a year now.


Silence of the Pfleger

Fifteen shot under 1,000 feet from Sabina's front door.

And then the Supernintendo says this:
  • At a news conference with the mayor Wednesday, Brown said Chicago has 117,000 gang members divided into 55 major gangs and 747 factions with 2,500 “subsets of those factions.”

    Any day of the week, any hour of the day, Chicago has “several hundred gang conflicts,” he said, and the cycle repeats: someone is shot and someone else “picks up a gun and retaliates.”
Which is exactly why he got rid of the Gang Unit, right?


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Social Distancing Please!

We thought Groot and FatAss had decreed that only ten persons at a time were allowed at funeral parlors?
  • At least 14 people were injured in a shooting Tuesday outside of a funeral home in Gresham on the South Side.

    The shooting happened about 6:30 p.m. as a group of people left a funeral in the 1000 block of West 79th Street, First Deputy Supt. Eric Carter said. Rhodes Funeral Services is located on that block.

    People in a black vehicle opened fire on the group as they left the funeral, Carter said, before some funeral attendees started shooting back. At least 60 shell casings were found at the scene.

    Police are questioning a person of interest, Carter said.
Defund the police faster!


$1 Million for This?

So evidently, no one in the Groot administration ever heard about seiche waves, winter storms or erosion. This was the bike path off Lake Shore Drive the other day:

A cool million dollars for this.

Seven months ago it looked like this:

While we're all for repair work, something a bit sturdier than asphalt should probably be used to prevent long term damage. After all, taxpayer dollars are getting damn scarce around these parts.


Another Assault Pitchfork

Anyone else amazed that the Red Line raiders are traveling downtown with farm and gardening implements?
  • “I can’t believe we survived” – those are the words of an Uber driver, telling his story about how a large group of teenagers attacked his car in the Loop on a Saturday night earlier this month. A group of teenager were getting ushered by police from Millennium Park on July 4th weekend, when some then decided to target an Uber driver's car at Wabash and Washington

    "I said, ‘Oh f***', they came and jumped on the car, start dancing around on top of the hood," the driver said.

    [...] "And then they broke in the driver window, and that’s where I knew we were in big trouble, because they were trying to grab me, and I heard the back rear window shatter as well,” he said.

    The driver told CBS 2 the group of teens actually had a pitchfork, which came within inches of his two terrified passengers. “Who knows what would have happened if they were able to pull us out of the vehicle? It seem like they wanted blood,” he said. “It’s terrifying just to think that there’s just basically a school a piranhas just roaming the streets of Chicago, and we don’t know where they’re going to show up.”
Piranhas? More like hyenas.


This is Going to End Badly

  • Alyssa Blanchard was so traumatized after being carjacked at gunpoint last week outside her Calumet Heights home that she's now scared to go outside.

    Chicago police say a group of children, ages 10 to 17, carjacked Blanchard and at least 15 other people since late June — wreaking havoc on Blanchard’s generally peaceful South Side neighborhood.

    Police said shots were fired by the suspects in two of the carjackings, but no one was hit.
The teacher is aghast:
  • Blanchard said she was dismayed to see such young children involved in this type of crime.

    “I teach this age group and I can’t believe they would do this,” she said.
With no consequences, why would anyone be surprised? They did six carjackings on Saturday alone, fourteen over the past few weeks.

They seem to be targeting women, believing that they're less likely to have a gun. But at some point, the odds will even out.


Another "No Arrest" Order

Little wonder that protests and riots are increasing in frequency:
  • Last night Groot ordered the Commander and Deputy Chief not to arrest any of the protesters that had their sit in that disrupted traffic for more than four hours at Roosevelt and Columbus. At on point while sitting in that intersection the group ordered pizzas. The mayor of this city is allowing all of this shit to happen and the media is silent. A fucking four hour pizza party at a very busy intersection and the police have to babysit and allow it to go on. No wonder these protests never end with the mayor enabling this type of behavior.
Dallas arrested hundreds when they marched on the highways and refused to disperse. But that would be too much to expect with the mental midgets running Chicago into the ground.

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The Coming Business Exodus

Some of our readers looking at the Big Picture:
  • There is already talk among the insurance industry of dramatic increases in premiums for certain 'progressive' cities across all categories of insurance. Business Owners Policies (which cover vandalism/theft etc of property) will almost certainly see premium increases of between 100% - 500% over the current rates for Chicago.

    A couple insurance companies are planning on pulling out of the Chicago market all together because of the constant wilding's and the constant payouts for damages cutting into profits. Any company that remains is going to change their policies to make it incredibly harder for business owners to get reimbursed for damages caused by criminals.

    It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
It certainly is.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Weekend Numbers

Another banner weekend for Groot and another set of ugly statistics the President can use to show the dereliction of blue lib-tarded angry dwarf mayors:
  • Final Stupidity Tally: 13 killed, 65 wounded
That's a 400+% increase in murders of the same weekend last year.

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Word Getting Out

Somehow, someway, the media embargo on showing exactly what rioters have been up to, has been breached. Alternative media is getting the word out, forcing "reporters" to ask questions that would never have been asked even a month ago.

It is now public knowledge that nearly fifty officers were injured (with eighteen requiring some form of hospitalization) after the ambush the other night. One sergeant may have lost an eye to a mortar shell - something the media continues to try to pass off as "fire crackers" or something innocuous.

The drone footage of umbrellas being used as cover for anarchists to dress and distribute weaponry is exposed for everyone to see along with the sharpened PVC pipes being concealed among banners - can you imagine this being used against police horses? We've already told everyone about the rape threats against police officer children being met with cheers - you think these subhumans would cheer the stabbing of police horses? You're damn right they would.

If you haven't already done so, start following the alternative media and spread the word about what is actually happening out there. The tide hasn't turned by any means, but any cracks in the wall of silence that Groot has thrown up around the media is a good thing.


Hey Reporters

Another social justice warrior in the Slum Times opens his litany of lies with this whopper:
  • Miracle Boyd, the woman seen in a social media video being punched in the face by a Chicago police officer during a protest, says she wants the officer “relieved of his duties.”

    Boyd, 18, who lost at least one tooth during the incident in Grant Park, said Monday during a rally on the South Side that she is “disgusted” at being a “victim to the biggest gang in America,” referring to the police.
There's a picture included:

Due diligence researching this goof would have revealed this picture from last year:

That tooth has been MIA for a while, but hey, anything to advance the narrative. Miracle is reading from a script, no doubt written by her white handlers - and she can barely do that:
  • Boyd referred to the Italian explorer Monday as a “rapist, murderer, thief and colonizer who laid the groundwork for indigenous genocide and the trans-Atlantic slave trade of Africans.”

    “Yet, the police is protecting a statue of a man who died more than 500 years ago,” she said.

    Boyd refused to answer reporters’ questions, referring them to her lawyer, Sheila Bedi, who called the police officer’s action against her client “racist” and “lawless” and a “lethal use of force.”
We'll refer everyone to yesterday's post with Mommy's little angel chasing, interfering with, and using all manner of racist, lawless and derogatory language toward officers. She is a professional agitator and loudmouthed ghetto hood rat.

And then we get the truly amusing part of the article:
  • A little later, a TV reporter asked a question about videos he said showed Boyd “bragging about certain violent acts.” The reporter, NBC-5’s Charlie Wojciechowski, was booed, and the reporters covering the event were warned not to ask similar questions that put any blame on Boyd.

    Mensa approached Wojciechowski and told the reporter at one point, “I’ll take your [expletive] mic and you won’t even have a [expletive] mic.”
Pardon us for a moment:
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
That independent reporter who actually stuck up for the police yesterday? Miracle's sperm donor - who lives in Arizona - is threatening him on Facebook:

Hey Charlie? How does it feel, being told if you actually try to be a "journalist," you'll have a microphone stuck up your ass? In fact, how do all reporters feel about this? You created this hatred toward the police for years, painting the entire Department as "out-of control" and racist and using words like "victim" instead of "assailant" for people who were actually attacking the police before being shot (legally and justifiably.) You think you can control this monster?

Curious Timing

  • Chicago police are looking for two people who threw bricks through the window of 15th ward Alderman Ray Lopez's office Sunday in Brighton Park on the Southwest Side. According to police, the suspects were seen around 11:45 p.m.throwing bricks at the office in the 2700-block of W. 47th Street. The suspects ran away and no one is in custody, police said.

    "Windows will be replaced, but I will not let the fear and intimidation tactics stop me," Lopez said. "I have no doubt this is a continuation of gangs still trying to send a message to intimidate me to keep me from pursuing them in their illegal activities in our neighborhood."
He says gangs, but earlier Sunday, he posted this after the Friday night riots:

Chicago has a long and storied history of gangs being recruited to political ends. We're not saying....we're just implying....and noting the curious timing of it all.


Here's Another Dumb Idea

You want Chicago to break 800 homicides this year? Here's how you do it:
  • Chicago’s top federal prosecutor made a rare plea to a judge Thursday, hoping to persuade him against a new sentence for Gangster Disciples co-founder Larry Hoover — a move most believe could return Hoover to the state prison system where he once led his gang.

    U.S. Attorney John Lausch spoke at the end of a 40-minute telephonic hearing marred with technical difficulties. Though it was sometimes hard for U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber and the attorneys to hear each other, Lausch was clear: It would be a “miscarriage of justice to reduce (Hoover’s) sentence in any way, shape or form.”

    “It simply makes no sense now to give him a chance to run the Gangster Disciples,” Lausch told Leinenweber.

    Leinenweber ended Thursday’s hearing without making a decision, but at no point did he reject the idea of a ruling in Hoover’s favor.

    Instead, the judge repeatedly asked a prosecutor and Hoover’s defense attorney to help him understand whether the Illinois Department of Corrections had improved since the days of Hoover. In short, the judge asked, “can the state handle Hoover?”
Short answer - "No." Longer answer - "Hell no."

It seems IDOC is taking the smart route and has recommended not returning Hoover to the Illinois system. But with this political structure in place? He'll be running the gang in one form or another via intermediaries just like he did years ago.

Hoover should die in Federal SuperMax. Twice if possible.


One Thousand Cuts

Killing every revenue stream possible - we just heard about this one from March:
  • Mayor Toadstool is intentionally bankrupting Chicago by eliminating all revenue.


    Please contact 312-745-4140 for any all issues.

    Thank you for your ongoing participation in the City of Chicago Online Surplus Program.

    The Salvage Yard at 10101 S. Stony Island will close indefinitely for pick-ups, deliveries and all other operations on March 18, 2020 at 2:30 PM due to a government mandated suspension of City of Chicago operations.
Even a tiny trickle of money might help alleviate some of the pain taxpayers are going to be expected to swallow shortly must be killed by Groot.

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Monday, July 20, 2020

Groot Supports This?

In seems democratic politicians across Chicago support racism and violence against women. Alder-assholes like Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th), Jeanette Taylor (20th), Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33rd), Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th). They called these protests peaceful, necessary and just.

This is from an officer who was at Groot's Logan Square home Saturday night:
  • So my team was used to rotate out other officers on the front line of the protest. Why? To protect the mental health of the front line officers. The original group I personally observed the group of Black Lives Matter protesters hurl vile insults at the officers. One of the officers was a black man, he took the worst of the insults since, in the eyes of the protesters, he was a “sell out”, “uncle tom”, “coon”, etc, etc, etc. So my team rotated in to take the verbal abuse. In time I noted an officer, not from my team start to engage the insults by responding. I personally pulled this officer off the line and took his spot.

    Here’s what came my way in brief, I was called a “white shirt” (supervisor), this is factually correct. They then verbally attacked the officer next to me, who was Latino, about how could he obey a “cracker ass cop”, they questioned that officers manhood. They then (and it was obvious to me these were professional agitators) turned to me. I was called “old”, “killer”, “fat ass” (the gent who threw that my way had me by a good 50 lbs), finally the one agitator made this statement to his people “you know what this world needs? I do. I’m going to go to this white shirts house and rape his daughter! I’m going to darken up his bloodline!”
Were the "protestors" shocked?
  • There were cheers from the crowd at this statement... that someone wanted to commit a rape...
The rape of a child - cheered by democrats. And as bad as that is, it got worse:
  • They then started grabbing officers names and badge numbers and using the internet to grab personal information about the officers, disciplinary history, time on job, salary, and other personal information. They then used their bull horns to broadcast our personal info to the crowd.

    So... when you (non police friends) hear about the “peaceful protesters” who are picked on... this is one group from Black Lives Matter.
To even more cheers from scumbags.

Cops who were ordered to protect a mayor (who hates their guts) and required to identify themselves (by law) had to listen to scumbags threaten to rape their daughters, and via the magic of the internet, hear their home addresses broadcast to more scumbags (who know you aren't able to defend your homes and families because you're on the clock in Groot-ville.)

And what do we hear from the politicians? That this is peaceful? That police are racist? That all that a civilized people hold dear is in danger simply because these miserable fuckers can't get their way by anything but violence?


My Teef! (UPDATES)

Here's the video of the toothless wonder interfering with the lawful arrest of a protestor - loudly, incessantly, illegally:

Here's a capture or two from her Facebook page - she likes to brag of crimes committed:

If you can't read it, here's the text:
  • ‘Yunv MiAngel’ is her Facebook name

    “Yes I was down there breaking windows. Fuck you talking about. On camera with poles and shit. Yes I was. Fuck you talking about. Breaking Fifth Third Bank’s glass windows. Breaking Kay Jewelers windows. Yes I was. I don’t give no fuck who mad. Yes I was.”

    “I’m telling you I’m dead ass, in police officers face, spitting on they ass, throwing water at they ass, throwing food at they ass, I did not give no fuck”
Sounds like confessions to crimes - will Crimesha prosecute?

And here's a miracle - an actual reporter saw what happened and is taking a stand:

Remember, this is what Groot is supporting. And Prickwrinkle. And at least four alder-assholes.

UPDATE: Supposedly, her GoFundMe page - which had raised over $80 grand - has been suspended after more video surfaced of her bragging, "The cops ain't done nuthin but make me rich!" which would make all of her posturing a fraud. Which would make anyone intelligent wonder if there are any "before/after" pictures of her missing some chompers.

Expect a lock down of her social media accounts shortly by her liars lawyers.

UPDATE: Unconfirmed report - she never went to the hospital? That would imply old damage. Does anyone know?


Groot's Gates

So Groot, hearing that 200-to-300 "peaceful protestors" were headed toward her home, stripped the manpower from all of Area 3 and Area 5 to protect her house. Iron stanchions were delivered and an entire city block fortified. Remember, this is over property - an "overreaction" as defined by numerous alder-assholes:

Almost 300 cops taken from across the city to secure property from "peaceful protestors" and dancers (as one media outlet described them). Meanwhile, nearly seventy people have been ventilated across the city - actual victims of violent acts.....and not "peaceful protestors."

Unless Groot and the media have been lying to us again?

If rumors are to be believed, the entire manpower protecting some districts numbers in the single digits. We're told (unconfirmed) that 016 had six cars patrolling the entire District, 017 had six, and 020 had four. These might be slight exaggerations, but undoubtedly a safety issue.

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This is Peaceful?

Fuck Groot. Fuck Prickwrinkle. Fuck the alderassholes:
Outrageous that this is described as anything but a riot.

The incompetency of the CPD exempt structure is on full display here.

There's no reason these assholes shouldn't have been gassed a lot quicker than they were.


FOP Appeals to President

With rumors of an impending onslaught of Federal authorities headed to Chicago, the media is actually covering this story - probably so they can blame the FOP:
  • The president of Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police has drafted a letter to President Trump requesting federal help in combating the city's gun violence problem.

    In the letter posted to Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7's Facebook page Saturday evening, FOP President John Catanzara said "Mayor Lightfoot has proved to be a complete failure who is either unwilling or unable to maintain law and order here."

    "I would be willing to sit down anytime and discuss ideas about how we can bring civility back to the streets of Chicago," Catanzara went on to say. "These politicians are failing the good men and women of this city and the police department."
Here's the capture of the letter on the FOP's social media site (click for larger version):

Let's see if the Feds show up this week.

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Nice Downtown Groot....Again

  • A man is dead and a woman injured after a shooting on the Wabash Bridge early Sunday, police said. No one is in custody.

    For two hours before the shooting, police responded to a series of disturbances and complaints about large groups of people who were congregating and partying near Trump Tower and along Wacker Drive between Michigan Avenue and State Street.

    At 2:35 a.m., two shooting victims waved down police near 45 East Wacker after being shot while riding in a black Honda Accord on the Wabash Bridge, according to a CPD statement and a witness.
Wait a minute. Isn't that MAGA country? A quick search of shows it's around 2,500 feet from the infamous 300 block of East Lower North Water Street where Crimesha's bestest buddy Juicy Smellit staged the best comedy bit we've ever had the pleasure of watching.


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