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my post12. 24. 13


s-pieterse submitted: hello! i’m sorry if i’m bothering you but uh, i remember that you guys reblogged a ‘text movement’ tutorial some time ago

it’s exactly like this one: http://25.media.tumblr.com/7c71cea79dab6ed51703bcb681ac41d1/tumblr_mxozb7hceC1qdiwkco2_r1_500.gif

but i can’t find the post :( do you know if it was deleted or what tag it was in?

thank you!


You’re welcome. Here you go: /post/53151109314

my post08. 27. 13


nephilinn submitted: Hiya. Your blog is so helpful, and when I had a search earlier I couldn’t find anything like this (apologies in advance if you’ve already made a post on something like this and I just didn’t look hard enough!) but how would you go about making an edit like this: http://gryfflndor.tumblr.com/post/59384496887/shadowhunters-3-clary-fray-my-name-is-not

thank you in advance, and have a nice day! :)


Here you go. You have a nice day too!: post/36929410227

my post08. 19. 13


halowaysan submitted: Hi! Can you make a tutorial for this? http://immortalcareers.tumblr.com/post/58703600964/to-do-what-ive-always-done-maintain-balance I love your blog :) Thank you :)


Follow this tutorial:

You’re welcome!

my post08. 18. 13
my post08. 18. 13


ohtheherondales submitted: Hi there! Sorry to both you but I was wondering what texture(s) you used here. I love this grainy look, I’ve seen it on lots of stuff but I can’t seem to find textures that do the same thing..


I duplicated my screen cap, then I went to FilterTextureGrain.

my post08. 16. 13


rebernardes submitted: Guys, how do I do this style? http://boostilinski.tumblr.com/post/57664404594

Like, the monochromatic gifs, I tried but the effect is never like this :c 


When you are making these, the two colors you choose should not be too bright. I used blue and yellow, like the gif you linked me to. I chose a very dark shade of blue as well as the yellow (not too dark for the yellow though): 


Then I just added brightness and a lot of contrast like this picture above. And then you get something like this:


Hope this helped.