- Pacar cina, disebut juga mutiara sagu atau sagu mutiara, adalah sejenis penganan yang terbuat dari tapioka. Makanan yang umumnya berbentuk butiran kecil-kecil setengah transparan ini dikenal di banyak negara, terutama di Asia Timur, Tenggara, dan Selatan. Kudapan yang acap dijadikan campuran dalam kue-kue, bubur, ataupun minuman, dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan sebutan tapioca pearls. (in)
- Tapioca pearls, also known as tapioca balls, are edible translucent spheres produced from tapioca, a starch made from the cassava root. They originated as a cheaper alternative to sago in Southeast Asian cuisine. When used as an ingredient in bubble tea, they are most commonly referred to as pearls or boba. The starch pearls are typically five to ten millimeters (0.2 to 0.4 inches) in diameter. By adding different ingredients, like water, sugar, or some other type of sweetener like honey, tapioca pearls can be made to vary in color and in texture. Various forms of tapioca pearls include black, flavored, popping, mini, and clear. Tapioca pearls are commonly soaked in sugar syrup to make them sweet and chewy. In teas, they are often added for their texture, with the flavor being provided by the drink itself. (en)
- 타피오카 펄(영어: tapioca pearl)은 때로 "타피오카"로도 불리는 카사바 녹말로 만든 반투명하고 둥근 쫄깃쫄깃한 식품이다. 호화시킨 카사바 녹말을 용기에 넣고 회전시키면서 구형으로 가공·건조해 만들며, 사용할 때는 물에 불린 다음 삶아 쓴다. 주로 버블티 등에 쓰인다. (ko)
- Le perle di tapioca sono un prodotto derivato dalla tapioca, un amido che è a sua volta estratto dalla radice di manioca. Le perle hanno un diametro che varia dai 5 ai 10 mm, consistenti di amido di manioca, polvere di patata o di patata dolce, o gelatina.L'aggiunta di altri ingredienti consente di variare consistenza e colore delle perle di tapioca. Le perle hanno un sapore tipicamente neutro, e sono quindi spesso usate come agenti addensanti in alimenti come i budini. (it)
- 粉圓,在珍珠奶茶中也稱波霸或珍珠,是一種台式冰甜品(粉圓冰),主要成份為澱粉,主成分通常由太白粉,及木薯(樹薯,Cassava)及竹芋澱粉、馬鈴薯澱粉、蓮藕粉及果膠等凝結成分混合所製成的直徑 5~10 毫米的澱粉球,並添上水、糖及香料,其顏色、口感依成分不同而不同。 生粉圓早期的顏色是白色,現今較常見的黑色一般稱為珍珠粉圓,是廠商將焦糖加入了粉圓之中,並以此增加黑糖的甜味並且受到大家的喜愛。在其他國家則流行彩色粉圓。 (zh)
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- Left: Bilo-bilo, a Filipino warm dessert soup of tapioca pearls in coconut milk; (en)
- Middle: Es campur, an Indonesian shaved ice dessert with various fruits and jellies; (en)
- Right: Sagu de vinho with crème anglaise, a southern Brazilian dessert of tapioca pearls in wine. (en)
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- Es Campur.jpg (en)
- Ginataang Bilu-Bilo 001.jpg (en)
- Sagu-restaurante-sobremesa.jpg (en)
- need a specific range of dates , with sources to back them up (en)
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- Pacar cina, disebut juga mutiara sagu atau sagu mutiara, adalah sejenis penganan yang terbuat dari tapioka. Makanan yang umumnya berbentuk butiran kecil-kecil setengah transparan ini dikenal di banyak negara, terutama di Asia Timur, Tenggara, dan Selatan. Kudapan yang acap dijadikan campuran dalam kue-kue, bubur, ataupun minuman, dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan sebutan tapioca pearls. (in)
- 타피오카 펄(영어: tapioca pearl)은 때로 "타피오카"로도 불리는 카사바 녹말로 만든 반투명하고 둥근 쫄깃쫄깃한 식품이다. 호화시킨 카사바 녹말을 용기에 넣고 회전시키면서 구형으로 가공·건조해 만들며, 사용할 때는 물에 불린 다음 삶아 쓴다. 주로 버블티 등에 쓰인다. (ko)
- Le perle di tapioca sono un prodotto derivato dalla tapioca, un amido che è a sua volta estratto dalla radice di manioca. Le perle hanno un diametro che varia dai 5 ai 10 mm, consistenti di amido di manioca, polvere di patata o di patata dolce, o gelatina.L'aggiunta di altri ingredienti consente di variare consistenza e colore delle perle di tapioca. Le perle hanno un sapore tipicamente neutro, e sono quindi spesso usate come agenti addensanti in alimenti come i budini. (it)
- 粉圓,在珍珠奶茶中也稱波霸或珍珠,是一種台式冰甜品(粉圓冰),主要成份為澱粉,主成分通常由太白粉,及木薯(樹薯,Cassava)及竹芋澱粉、馬鈴薯澱粉、蓮藕粉及果膠等凝結成分混合所製成的直徑 5~10 毫米的澱粉球,並添上水、糖及香料,其顏色、口感依成分不同而不同。 生粉圓早期的顏色是白色,現今較常見的黑色一般稱為珍珠粉圓,是廠商將焦糖加入了粉圓之中,並以此增加黑糖的甜味並且受到大家的喜愛。在其他國家則流行彩色粉圓。 (zh)
- Tapioca pearls, also known as tapioca balls, are edible translucent spheres produced from tapioca, a starch made from the cassava root. They originated as a cheaper alternative to sago in Southeast Asian cuisine. When used as an ingredient in bubble tea, they are most commonly referred to as pearls or boba. The starch pearls are typically five to ten millimeters (0.2 to 0.4 inches) in diameter. By adding different ingredients, like water, sugar, or some other type of sweetener like honey, tapioca pearls can be made to vary in color and in texture. Various forms of tapioca pearls include black, flavored, popping, mini, and clear. Tapioca pearls are commonly soaked in sugar syrup to make them sweet and chewy. In teas, they are often added for their texture, with the flavor being provided by (en)
- Pacar cina (makanan) (in)
- Perle di tapioca (it)
- 타피오카 펄 (ko)
- Tapioca pearls (en)
- 粉圓 (zh)
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