- Boku ŭa Tomodaĉi ga Sukunaj (japane: 僕は友達が少ない [Boku ŭa Tomodaĉi ga sukunaj] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, laŭvorte: Malmulte Amikojn Mi Havas; plimallonge: はがない [haganaj] haganai) estas japana serio de mangailustritaj romanoj de Hirasaka Jomi (aŭtoro) kaj Buriki (ilustristo). Estas produktataj samnoma mangao kaj animeo bazataj sur la romanoj. (eo)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (jap. 僕は友達が少ない, dt. „Ich habe nicht viele Freunde“), auch bekannt unter der Abkürzung Haganai (はがない), ist eine von dem japanischen Autor geschriebene Light-Novel-Reihe, die den Genres Seinen, Komödie und Harem zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird seit August 2009 von Media Factory veröffentlicht. Die Geschichte begleitet den Schüler Kodaka Hasegawa, dem es aufgrund seines Aussehens schwerfällt, Freunde zu finden. Er ist damit jedoch nicht allein und findet sich bald in einem Schulclub wieder, dessen Mitglieder das Schließen von echten Freundschaften lernen wollen. Die Handlung der Romanreihe wurde durch zwei Mangareihen, eine Anime-Fernsehserie und ein Videospiel für die PlayStation Portable adaptiert. (de)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (『僕は友達が少ない』(ぼくはともだちがすくない) lit. No tengo muchos amigos?), abreviada como Haganai, es una serie de novelas ligeras japonesas escritas por Yomi Hirasaka e ilustradas por Buriki. La serie fue publicada por la editorial Media Factory en la revista MF Bunko J. Una adaptación a manga comenzó a realizarse en 2010, escrito por la misma autora, se publica en la revista Monthly Comic Alive, y una segunda adaptación al manga escrito por Misaka Haruwa e ilustrado por Shōichi Taguchi se publica en la revista Jump Square. Se ha confirmado una adaptación al anime, así como una OAD para el 22 de septiembre junto al séptimo volumen de la novela ligera. Se produjo la segunda temporada del anime, la cual terminó su emisión el 28 de marzo de 2013 con un total de 12 episodios. (es)
- Haganai (はがない), short for Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, loosely "I Don't Have Many Friends"), is a Japanese light novel series written by Yomi Hirasaka, illustrated by Buriki, and published by Media Factory. It has been given several manga adaptations; the first incarnation, its title and basic plot unchanged, began serialization in 2010; it was written and illustrated by Itachi and published in Monthly Comic Alive. A retelling of the series, written by Misaki Harukawa and illustrated by Shuichi Taguchi and called Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+ was published in Jump SQ.19. A 12-episode anime adaptation by AIC Build aired in Japan between October and December 2011. An original video animation episode was released in September 2012. A second anime season, Haganai NEXT, aired between January and March 2013. A live-action film adaptation was released in February 2014. (en)
- Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, litt. « Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'amis ») est une série de light novels écrite par Yomi Hirasaka et illustrée par Buruki. Elle est publiée entre août 2009 et août 2015 par Media Factory et comporte un total de onze tomes. La série a été adaptée en de nombreux autres médias. Un premier manga dessiné par Itachi est publié depuis mars 2010 dans le magazine Monthly Comic Alive, et un deuxième, écrit par Misaki Harukawa, dessiné par Shouichi Taguchi et intitulé Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+, a été publié entre novembre 2010 et juin 2012 dans le magazine Jump SQ.19. Deux épisodes OAVs sont également commercialisés au Japon, suivi chacun par une série télévisée d'animation de douze épisodes chacune. Un jeu vidéo et un film live sont également parus. (fr)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, lit. Aku tidak punya banyak teman), yang juga disebut Haganai (はがない), adalah Light Novel dari Jepang yang merupakan karya dan diilustrasikan oleh Buriki, kemudian diterbitkan oleh Media Factory. Karya ini diadaptasikan dalam bentuk anime oleh pada Oktober hingga Desember 2010. (in)
- Haganai - I Have Few Friends (僕は友達が少ない Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai?, lett. "Io ho pochi amici"), anche nota semplicemente come Haganai (はがない?), è una serie di light novel scritta da e illustrata da , pubblicata dalla Media Factory a partire dal 2009 e composta in totale da 11 volumi. In Italia i diritti sono stati acquistati da Edizioni BD per l'etichetta J-Pop. La serie è stata adattata in differenti serie manga: la prima versione, che mantiene lo stesso titolo delle light novel e la stessa trama, è iniziata nel 2010, è stata realizzata da Itachi e pubblicata sulla rivista Monthly Comic Alive. I diritti del manga sono stati acquistati sempre da J-Pop che ne ha iniziato la pubblicazione nell'ottobre 2012. La seconda versione, che narra una storia leggermente diversa, è scritta da Misaki Harukawa e illustrata da Shōichi Taguchi, è intitolata Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai + ed è pubblicata sulla rivista Jump Square. Un adattamento anime di dodici episodi, prodotto da AIC Build e diretto da , è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 7 ottobre e il 23 dicembre 2011 sui canali TBS e MBS. Un episodio OAV è stato pubblicato il 26 settembre 2012 e anticipa una seconda stagione anime, intitolata Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai NEXT, che è andata in onda fra l'11 gennaio e il 29 marzo 2013. (it)
- ( 음반에 대해서는 나는 친구가 적다 (음반) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 《나는 친구가 적다》(僕は友達が少ない (ぼくはともだちがすくない) 보쿠 와 도모다치 가 스쿠나이[*], Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)는 일본의 작가 히라사카 요미가 쓰고 브리키가 삽화를 담당한 라이트 노벨이다. 미디어 팩토리의 MF문고 J에서 발매되고 있으며, 대한민국에서는 학산문화사의 익스트림 노벨로 발매되었다. 공식 약칭은 《하가나이》(はがない)이다. (ko)
- 『僕は友達が少ない』(ぼくはともだちがすくない)は、平坂読による日本のライトノベルとそれを原作とした各種作品群。原作のイラストはブリキが担当している。MF文庫J(メディアファクトリー→KADOKAWA)より、2009年8月から2015年8月まで刊行された。公式略称は「はがない」。原作者いわく、タイトルの由来は「自分が見たら絶対に手に取りそうな青春小説のタイトル」とのこと。 1巻発売直後に出版された『このライトノベルがすごい!』2010年版にて作品部門ランキングの23位にランクイン。その後2011年版では2位となった。また、2011年に最も売れたライトノベルとなった。2015年8月時点でシリーズ累計発行部数は700万部を記録している。 (ja)
- Haganai (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai) is een Japanse -boekenserie uitgegeven door en geschreven door . De reeks begon als stripreeks op 27 maart 2010 en wordt sindsdien gepubliceerd door . De serie is later gesplitst in twee animatieseries door . Het dertien afleveringen tellende seizoen 1 liep van 7 oktober tot 23 december 2011 en seizoen 2 van 11 januari tot 29 maart 2013. (nl)
- Haganai – Nie mam wielu przyjaciół (jap. 僕は友達が少ない Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai) – powieść ilustrowana autorstwa z rysunkami Buriki, wydawana nakładem wydawnictwa Media Factory pod imprintem od 25 sierpnia 2009 do 25 sierpnia 2015. Seria doczekała się również seinen-mangi, trzech spin-offów, telewizyjnego serialu anime (składającego się z 2 sezonów i 2 odcinków OVA), filmu live action oraz powieści wizualnej. (pl)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (яп. 僕は友達が少ない Боку-ва томодати-га сукунай, У меня мало друзей) — серия лайт-новел , выходившая с 2008 по 2015 годы. Всего было выпущено 11 томов издательством Media Factory под лейблом MF Bunko J. На основе ранобэ были выпущены несколько манг и аниме адаптаций, игровой фильм, а также визуальная новелла. На русском языке манга издаётся под названием «У меня мало друзей» компанией XL Media. (ru)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai? literalmente "Eu Não Tenho Muitos Amigos"), por vezes abreviado como Haganai (はがない Haganai?), é uma série de light novels japonesa escrita por Yomi Hirasaka, ilustrada por e publicada pela Media Factory. Foram feitas várias adaptações em mangás; na primeira versão, seu título e trama básica inalterada começou a ser publicada em 2010, e escrita e ilustrada por Itachi e publicada pela Monthly Comic Alive. Uma história recontada da série, escrita por Misaki Harukawa, ilustrada por Shuichi Taguchi e intitulada Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+ foi publicada pela Jump SQ.19. Uma adaptação de anime em 12 episódios da AIC Build foi ao ar no Japão entre outubro e dezembro de 2011. Um episódio OVA foi lançado em 26 de setembro de 2012. Uma segunda temporada do anime, Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai NEXT, foi ao ar entre janeiro e março de 2013, e uma adaptação para filme em live-action foi lançada em 1º de fevereiro de 2014. (pt)
- 《我的朋友很少》(日语:僕は友達が少ない)是日本輕小說作家平坂讀所撰寫的輕小說,簡稱《友少》(日语:はがない),插畫由馬口鐵(日语:ブリキ)負責,Media Factory之MF文庫J於2009年8月出版發行,並改編成電視動畫及真人版電影。 (zh)
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- 2009-08-31 (xsd:date)
- 2010-03-27 (xsd:date)
- 2010-11-19 (xsd:date)
- 2011-11-23 (xsd:date)
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- Cover of the first Japanese novel published by MF Bunko J featuring Kodaka Hasegawa and Yozora Mikazuki . (en)
- * 29. "Reunion"
* 30. "Pouf"
* 31. "Yaoi Game Club"
* Haganai Connect. "Time Keeps Moving Again" (en)
- * 16. ”The Story of Saint Aniki-san"
* 17. ”Romancing Saga Prefecture "
* 18. ”Romancing Saga Prefecture "
* 19. ”Karaoke"
* 20. ”The Unfortunate Club" (en)
- * 32. "The Sister"
* 33. "Fan Service Chapter! (en)
- * 6. "The State of Affairs in the Hasegawa Household"
* 7. "Soiled Sorrow"
* 8. "The Legend of Momotaro"
* 9. "The Pool "
* 10. "The Pool " (en)
- * 21. ”The Phone That Never Rings"
* Side Story I: Binding Magic Release!
* 22. ”A Day at the Pool"
* Side Story II: The Manifestation of the Demon Astaroth!!
* 23. ”A Visit to the Kashiwazaki Residence "
* 24. ”A Visit to the Kashiwazaki Residence " (en)
- * 36. "Amusement Park: The Invitation"
* 37. "Amusement Park: Black Dragon"
* 38. "Hot Springs"
* 39. "Haves and Have-Nots"
* 40. "Time Machine" (en)
- * 25. ”The Beach"
* 26. "Ghost Stories"
* 27. "Summer Festival "
* 28. "Summer Festival " (en)
- * 45. "Fortune-telling"
* 46. "The Third Meeting to Choose What to Do for the School Festival"
* 47. "Is This a Date? No, It's the First Sign of the Bloody Battlefield to Come"
* 48. "Natural-Born Princess"
* 49. "We've Known Each Other Since We Were Kids"
* 50. "The Second Time" (en)
- * 11. "LOL"
* 12. "Takayama Maria"
* 13. "Shiguma Rika"
* 14. "Fangirl"
* 15. "Little Sister" (en)
- * 41. "A Birthday"
* 42. "No Two Ways About It: It's a Date! "
* 43. "Birthday Party"
* 44. "The Truth Is, I'd Already Figured It Out" (en)
- * 51. How She Responded
* 52. Pegasus' Wild Fantasy
* 53. The Fall of Mikazuki Yozora
* 54. In the Science Room
* 55. Hasegawa Kobato (en)
- * 56. King Lear
* 57. Warm-Up Act
* 58. Turning His Back on the Light
* 59. The Crescent Moon
* 60. Seeing Red (en)
- Male (en)
- Seinen (en)
- Shōnen (en)
- Hisashi Saitō (en)
- Takurō Oikawa (en)
- Toru Kitahata (en)
- List of Haganai episodes#Haganai NEXT (en)
- List of Haganai episodes#Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends (en)
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- 2009-08-31 (xsd:date)
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- 2013-01-11 (xsd:date)
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- dbr:Buriki
- Buriki (en)
- Itachi (en)
- Shouichi Taguchi (en)
- Various illustrators (en)
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- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (en)
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- 2011-12-23 (xsd:date)
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- Kodaka and Yozora try the friends custom of comparing answers on their recent exams. Kodaka meets [[#Keito Takayama (en)
- Yozora presents a new script for the Neighbors Club film, and it looks promising that they start filming on it. When Sena's father asks Kodaka how their relationship is progressing, Kodaka discovers that he and Sena had pledged to be engaged when they were kids. The news shocks the other Neighbors Club members although they try to disclaim it. When Keito learns about the plot and says it is similar to an old film, Kodaka rents it and discovers that Yozora had plagiarized it. Sena pushes her own backup script, and the club has to film that one. Kodaka observes Rika editing the film, and admires her dedication as well as her collection of pictures of the club members. The Neighbors Club visits Kobato's middle school festival and are impressed by her film acting. Kobato's classmates tell Kodaka how they try to be friends with Kobato but that she withdraws from them. Yusa Aoi appears and is jealous of Kodaka and Sena. (en)
- While brainstorming what to do for the school festival, Yozora tricks Sena into thinking the former is a fortune teller by using the Forer effect. After Kobato reveals that her middle school class is doing a film for their festival, the Neighbors Club decide to make one of their own. Yozora takes Kodaka to research a theater film, but their random pick of a foreign romance movie ends up being an adult film. Afterwards, they visit a cat cafe where Kodaka realizes Yozora is fond of cats. When student council treasurer Yusa Aoi expresses her jealousy of her academic rival Sena and her cool boyfriend, Kodaka thinks more highly of himself, until Sena says she not even know her. Yozora produces a compelling script about friendship, but the club has conflicts in the casting. Following a popular vote that recasts everyone, Yozora rewrites the script, leading to a heated argument between her and Sena over whether Yozora is using her childhood friendship with Kodaka to bias the script. Yozora asks Kodaka which is more important: their memories from ten years ago or what they have now. (en)
- The Neighbors Club take turns writing a round-robin story. They don virtual-reality glasses and play a prototype role-playing video game called Romancing Saga Prefecture. They try to do karaoke as a group, but Yozora and Sena rent individual booths. They reflect on their inability to make friends, during which Sena invites Kodaka to her house. (en)
- The Neighbors Club decides to organize activities by communicating with cell phones; Sena scrambles to get one. To beat the heat, Kobato is inspired to strip/dress down from her gothic lolita outfit. When the club goes to the pool, Kodaka is embarrassed by Yukimura’s bikini outfit. When the club meets in swimming gear, Yozora sports a horse head with her outfit. Sena invites Kodaka and Kobato to her house, where they meet Sena’s father, [[#Pegasus Kashiwazaki (en)
- The Neighbors Club discuss how comedy could improve their social stature, and try out some wigs. Kodaka tries to tell some funny stories but falls flat. Kodaka discovers a ten-year-old girl in a nun’s habit, who turns out to be the club’s advisor Maria Takayama. Science girl Rika Shiguma joins the club after Kodaka rescues her from a lab accident. She shares her interest of robot manga with underlying sexual innuendos. When Kodaka offers to make lunches for Maria, Kobato becomes jealous and becomes the club's latest member. (en)
- Sena invites Kobato to the Yokoshima Wonderland amusement park but it soon escalates to bringing the entire Neighbors Club. Kodaka's dad wonders if Kodaka and Sena are engaged but Kodaka denies it. At the park, the club tries the Black Dragon roller coaster but they get really sick. Kodaka, Sena, and Kobato attend the Iron Necromancer show where Sena gets mistaken for Kobato's mother. Yozora and Sena challenge each other to ride the Black Dragon again, while the others do milder rides. Yozora and Sena are so dizzy, they throw up on Kodaka. But in the men's bath, Kodaka discovers Yukimura is actually a girl after all, even to the latter's surprise. Later on, Kodaka remarks how Rika has changed her hairstyle. By Kodaka's request, Rika invents a time machine, where Kodaka experiences his last interaction with Yozora when he was a kid ten years ago. But the machine is actually a hypnosis gimmick and Kodaka was dreaming, but the club hears Kodaka mentioning Yozora's name. Yozora then admits that Kodaka and she used to be childhood friends. (en)
- Ten years ago, Kodaka plans to tell his one-and-only friend that he has to move, but his friend does not show up. Back at present time, the Neighbors Club go to the beach and stay the night at Sena’s summer beach house, during which Yozora tells a ghost story about betraying friends that have many of the girls wanting Kodaka to escort them to the bathroom. Inspired to eat takoyaki, the club goes to the summer festival where everyone except Yozora wear yukatas. After eating and playing games, they set off fireworks. Afterwards, Yozora’s hair accidentally catches fire and has to be doused. A week later, she shows up to school with her hair cut, but Kodaka recognizes she is his childhood friend. (en)
- On the sports day of the festival, Kodaka sees Yozora with a sour attitude, bitter at student council president Hidaka Hinata for being popular and normal. He meets with Rika who asks him about what he thinks of Sena and about a situation of a struggling lonely person. However, Kodaka brushes off those ideas and thinks she means Kobato instead of Rika. Rika then tells Kodaka "Aren't we all already friends?" but Kodaka doesn't hear the last part because of the fireworks. Later, Kodaka and the gang share a meal but Rika is not present. Kodaka discovers that Rika has collapsed in exhaustion in editing the film, and rushes her to the infirmary. They cancel the screenings of their club film and end up watching it in private afterwards. Yusa Aoi of the student council interrupts the club and questions their purpose. Although Yozora and Sena defend the club, Yusa Aoi comes up with a problem: Maria is not a real nun and thus cannot be qualified to be the advisor; she had merely been hanging out with Keito who thought it was cute that she dressed up and played along. However, Sena gets her father to make Maria a staff member, frustrating Yusa who vows revenge. Sena tells Kodaka in front of the gang that they should get married. (en)
- At home, Kodaka attends to his younger sister Kobato, who thinks she is a vampire. Kodaka and Yozora stumble upon Sena as she plays a hentai game. When Sena tries to defend it as art, Yozora challenges her to read some of the dialogue out loud. The Neighbors Club practices their acting skills in role-playing a version of Momotarō. Sena invites Kodaka to a water park so she can learn how to swim. When Sena is confronted by some guys, Kodaka defends her. He thinks about his childhood best friend and his words about how having a real friend is more valuable than having a hundred friends, but when he mumbles it while resting, he startles Yozora. In the bonus chapter, Sena and Yozora engage in some non-verbal sparring as they wait in front of the school for Kodaka. (en)
- Sena wants to have a birthday party for Kobato; and Kodaka agrees as it is good social practice. The girls join Kodaka in shopping for presents; on the way they discuss what everyone is wearing, which prompts some of them to change their attire. Sena asks Kodaka whether he wants a girlfriend. The party goes well. Afterwards, Maria and her sister Keito stay over. Kodaka has the club participate in the school festival. They ponder doing a maid cafe with the girls taking turns trying to serve Kodaka. (en)
- Kodaka learns that Yozora had known they were childhood friends all this time, and that she did not show up on the last day because she was too embarrassed to reveal that she was a girl. They agree to keep their childhood friendship a secret from the other club members and treat each other as they always have. Yozora and Rika style up Sena’s hair into an elaborate pouf. When Rika changes her own hairstyle and goes without glasses, Kodaka is attracted to her. The club screens an anime ‘’Yaoi Game Club’’, which Rika insists is not adult, and find it rather interesting until the last scene where the guys kiss, which raises some emotions and discussion regarding kissing among the members. In the Haganai Connect chapter, Yozora tells her side of the story of her seeing Kodaka for the first time in ten years, and the formation of the Neighbors Club. (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Add On Disc (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai CONNECT (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Portable (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Universe (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+ (en)
- Haganai NEXT (en)
- Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends (en)
- TV series (en)
- live film (en)
- manga (en)
- ova (en)
- light novel (en)
- #Manga (en)
- #Light novels (en)
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- Tatsuhiko Urahata (en)
- Yomi Hirasaka (en)
- Takurō Oikawa (en)
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- Boku ŭa Tomodaĉi ga Sukunaj (japane: 僕は友達が少ない [Boku ŭa Tomodaĉi ga sukunaj] Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, laŭvorte: Malmulte Amikojn Mi Havas; plimallonge: はがない [haganaj] haganai) estas japana serio de mangailustritaj romanoj de Hirasaka Jomi (aŭtoro) kaj Buriki (ilustristo). Estas produktataj samnoma mangao kaj animeo bazataj sur la romanoj. (eo)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (『僕は友達が少ない』(ぼくはともだちがすくない) lit. No tengo muchos amigos?), abreviada como Haganai, es una serie de novelas ligeras japonesas escritas por Yomi Hirasaka e ilustradas por Buriki. La serie fue publicada por la editorial Media Factory en la revista MF Bunko J. Una adaptación a manga comenzó a realizarse en 2010, escrito por la misma autora, se publica en la revista Monthly Comic Alive, y una segunda adaptación al manga escrito por Misaka Haruwa e ilustrado por Shōichi Taguchi se publica en la revista Jump Square. Se ha confirmado una adaptación al anime, así como una OAD para el 22 de septiembre junto al séptimo volumen de la novela ligera. Se produjo la segunda temporada del anime, la cual terminó su emisión el 28 de marzo de 2013 con un total de 12 episodios. (es)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, lit. Aku tidak punya banyak teman), yang juga disebut Haganai (はがない), adalah Light Novel dari Jepang yang merupakan karya dan diilustrasikan oleh Buriki, kemudian diterbitkan oleh Media Factory. Karya ini diadaptasikan dalam bentuk anime oleh pada Oktober hingga Desember 2010. (in)
- ( 음반에 대해서는 나는 친구가 적다 (음반) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 《나는 친구가 적다》(僕は友達が少ない (ぼくはともだちがすくない) 보쿠 와 도모다치 가 스쿠나이[*], Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai)는 일본의 작가 히라사카 요미가 쓰고 브리키가 삽화를 담당한 라이트 노벨이다. 미디어 팩토리의 MF문고 J에서 발매되고 있으며, 대한민국에서는 학산문화사의 익스트림 노벨로 발매되었다. 공식 약칭은 《하가나이》(はがない)이다. (ko)
- 『僕は友達が少ない』(ぼくはともだちがすくない)は、平坂読による日本のライトノベルとそれを原作とした各種作品群。原作のイラストはブリキが担当している。MF文庫J(メディアファクトリー→KADOKAWA)より、2009年8月から2015年8月まで刊行された。公式略称は「はがない」。原作者いわく、タイトルの由来は「自分が見たら絶対に手に取りそうな青春小説のタイトル」とのこと。 1巻発売直後に出版された『このライトノベルがすごい!』2010年版にて作品部門ランキングの23位にランクイン。その後2011年版では2位となった。また、2011年に最も売れたライトノベルとなった。2015年8月時点でシリーズ累計発行部数は700万部を記録している。 (ja)
- Haganai (Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukanai) is een Japanse -boekenserie uitgegeven door en geschreven door . De reeks begon als stripreeks op 27 maart 2010 en wordt sindsdien gepubliceerd door . De serie is later gesplitst in twee animatieseries door . Het dertien afleveringen tellende seizoen 1 liep van 7 oktober tot 23 december 2011 en seizoen 2 van 11 januari tot 29 maart 2013. (nl)
- Haganai – Nie mam wielu przyjaciół (jap. 僕は友達が少ない Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai) – powieść ilustrowana autorstwa z rysunkami Buriki, wydawana nakładem wydawnictwa Media Factory pod imprintem od 25 sierpnia 2009 do 25 sierpnia 2015. Seria doczekała się również seinen-mangi, trzech spin-offów, telewizyjnego serialu anime (składającego się z 2 sezonów i 2 odcinków OVA), filmu live action oraz powieści wizualnej. (pl)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (яп. 僕は友達が少ない Боку-ва томодати-га сукунай, У меня мало друзей) — серия лайт-новел , выходившая с 2008 по 2015 годы. Всего было выпущено 11 томов издательством Media Factory под лейблом MF Bunko J. На основе ранобэ были выпущены несколько манг и аниме адаптаций, игровой фильм, а также визуальная новелла. На русском языке манга издаётся под названием «У меня мало друзей» компанией XL Media. (ru)
- 《我的朋友很少》(日语:僕は友達が少ない)是日本輕小說作家平坂讀所撰寫的輕小說,簡稱《友少》(日语:はがない),插畫由馬口鐵(日语:ブリキ)負責,Media Factory之MF文庫J於2009年8月出版發行,並改編成電視動畫及真人版電影。 (zh)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (jap. 僕は友達が少ない, dt. „Ich habe nicht viele Freunde“), auch bekannt unter der Abkürzung Haganai (はがない), ist eine von dem japanischen Autor geschriebene Light-Novel-Reihe, die den Genres Seinen, Komödie und Harem zuzuordnen ist. Sie wird seit August 2009 von Media Factory veröffentlicht. Die Geschichte begleitet den Schüler Kodaka Hasegawa, dem es aufgrund seines Aussehens schwerfällt, Freunde zu finden. Er ist damit jedoch nicht allein und findet sich bald in einem Schulclub wieder, dessen Mitglieder das Schließen von echten Freundschaften lernen wollen. (de)
- Haganai (はがない), short for Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, loosely "I Don't Have Many Friends"), is a Japanese light novel series written by Yomi Hirasaka, illustrated by Buriki, and published by Media Factory. It has been given several manga adaptations; the first incarnation, its title and basic plot unchanged, began serialization in 2010; it was written and illustrated by Itachi and published in Monthly Comic Alive. A retelling of the series, written by Misaki Harukawa and illustrated by Shuichi Taguchi and called Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+ was published in Jump SQ.19. A 12-episode anime adaptation by AIC Build aired in Japan between October and December 2011. An original video animation episode was released in September 2012. A second anime season, Haganai NEXT, aired between (en)
- Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, litt. « Je n'ai pas beaucoup d'amis ») est une série de light novels écrite par Yomi Hirasaka et illustrée par Buruki. Elle est publiée entre août 2009 et août 2015 par Media Factory et comporte un total de onze tomes. (fr)
- Haganai - I Have Few Friends (僕は友達が少ない Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai?, lett. "Io ho pochi amici"), anche nota semplicemente come Haganai (はがない?), è una serie di light novel scritta da e illustrata da , pubblicata dalla Media Factory a partire dal 2009 e composta in totale da 11 volumi. In Italia i diritti sono stati acquistati da Edizioni BD per l'etichetta J-Pop. (it)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai? literalmente "Eu Não Tenho Muitos Amigos"), por vezes abreviado como Haganai (はがない Haganai?), é uma série de light novels japonesa escrita por Yomi Hirasaka, ilustrada por e publicada pela Media Factory. Foram feitas várias adaptações em mangás; na primeira versão, seu título e trama básica inalterada começou a ser publicada em 2010, e escrita e ilustrada por Itachi e publicada pela Monthly Comic Alive. Uma história recontada da série, escrita por Misaki Harukawa, ilustrada por Shuichi Taguchi e intitulada Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+ foi publicada pela Jump SQ.19. Uma adaptação de anime em 12 episódios da AIC Build foi ao ar no Japão entre outubro e dezembro de 2011. Um episódio OVA foi lançado em 26 de setembro de 201 (pt)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (de)
- Boku ŭa Tomodaĉi ga Sukunaj (eo)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (es)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (in)
- Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai (fr)
- Haganai (en)
- Haganai - I Have Few Friends (it)
- 僕は友達が少ない (ja)
- 나는 친구가 적다 (ko)
- Haganai (nl)
- Haganai – Nie mam wielu przyjaciół (pl)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (pt)
- У меня мало друзей (ru)
- 我的朋友很少 (zh)
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- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai CONNECT (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Universe (en)
- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai+ (en)
- Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends (en)
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