LiLa LDK 2021 Tutorial
This tutorial falls within the area of Linguistic Linked Open Data (LLOD). By applying Linked Data and FAIR principles, the LiLa: Linking Latin project makes linguistic resources (e.g. textual corpora, lexica, dictionaries) for Latin interact on the web via a lexical basis made of a collection of lemmas known as the LiLa lemma bank.
DBpedia Tutorial at LDK 2021
Over the last year, the DBpedia core team has consolidated a great amount of technology around DBpedia. This tutorial is targeted for developers (in particular of DBpedia Chapters) that wish to learn how to replicate local infrastructure such as loading and hosting an own SPARQL endpoint. A core focus will also be the new DBpedia Stack, which contains several dockerized applications that are automatically loading data from the databus.
1st Workshop on Sentiment Analysis & Linguistic Linked Data
The first workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Linguistic Linked Data (SALLD-1) will explore principles, methodologies, resources, tools and applications combining SA and LLD. This half-day workshop, comprising oral papers, a demo session, and a concluding panel, is initiated in the context of the NexusLinguarum COST Action – European network for Web-centred linguistic data science (CA 18209).
4th shared task for Translation Inference Across Dictionaries (TIAD 2021)
TIAD 2021 is aimed at exploring methods and techniques for automatically generating new bilingual (and multilingual) dictionaries from existing ones in the context of a coherent experiment framework that enables reliable validation of results and solid comparison of the processes used. This initiative also aims to enhance further research on the topic of inferring translations across languages.
2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Historical Image and Visual Cultural Artefacts Enrichment (AI4HI-2021)
AI4HI-2021 aims to bring together for the second-time participants from various disciplines to present, discuss, disseminate and share insights on the exploitation of AI techniques, semantic web technologies and language resources for the semantic enrichment, search and retrieval of cultural images.
Multisensory Data & Knowledge Workshop
Our senses are the gateways to our memories and emotions. However, they are under-represented in language technology and semantic web research. In this workshop, two recently awarded H2020 projects, Odeuropa and Polifonia, are teaming up to advance our understanding of how smells and music are represented in texts and structured data. This workshop aims at creating a reference venue where new ideas and results can be shared and lead the way towards a technological and cultural shift in how we understand and experience our cultural heritage.