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In Zulip, a conversation is a direct message thread (one-on-one or with a group), or a topic in a channel.

Inbox provides an overview of your conversations with unread messages. Conversations are shown in the same order as in the left sidebar in the web app, and you can collapse any channels you are not currently interested in.

Inbox is a convenient home view if you regularly clear all unread messages in your subscribed channels.

  1. Click on Inbox (or if the views section is collapsed) in the left sidebar, or use the Shift + I keyboard shortcut.

  2. Click on a conversation you're interested in to view it. You can return to Inbox when done to select the next conversation.

You can collapse or expand the list of topics in a channel by clicking the collapse () or expand () icon to the left of a channel name.

  1. Tap the Inbox (inbox) tab in the bottom left corner of the app.

  2. Tap on a conversation you're interested in to view it. You can return to Inbox when done to select the next conversation.

You can collapse or expand the list of topics in a channel by tapping the collapse (inbox) or expand (inbox) icon to the left of a channel name.

The arrow keys and vim navigation keys (J, K, L, H) can be used to move between elements.

Filter conversations

Filter by topic status

In the web app, you can control whether the Inbox includes all topics, just unmuted topics, or only topics you follow.

  1. Click on Inbox (or if the views section is collapsed) in the left sidebar, or use the Shift + I keyboard shortcut.

  2. Select All topics, Unmuted topics, or Followed topics from the dropdown in the upper left of the inbox view.

Filter by keyword

  1. Click on Inbox (or if the views section is collapsed) in the left sidebar, or use the Shift + I keyboard shortcut.

  2. Use the Filter box at the top to find a conversation. You can filter by channel, topic, or direct message participants.