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Welcome to zoug.fr!

My name is Yassine Zouggari, but you can call me zoug. This is my little corner of the Internet, look around!

About me

I’m passionate about free and open-source software and privacy. My code is published under the GNU GPL whenever possible. I try to explore as many facets of software development, DIY projects and basically using computers for fun as possible, but I’m particularly interested in cybersecurity. I currently work as a DevSecOps engineer.

I am from Morocco and currently live in France. Some of my blogposts are in French, others in English.

Come say hi on Mastodon, and check out my GitHub profile! You can also send me an email on contact@ (the domain you’re on), here is my my PGP key.

Thank you for visiting my website 🥰


I haven’t written anything here for a while, but I’ve recently made this new website, and have a couple ideas in progress. Check back soon and in the meantime, here’s what’s available:

7 posts in total

Votre vie privée dans le monde d'aujourd'hui

Découverte de Snips (fhacktory: RemixRobot)

INS'HACK 2018: CrimeMail (web, 100)

INS'HACK 2017: Hiding In Plain Sight (forensics, 100)

Introduction to the world of ricing

Secure VNC setup: full LXDE desktop on your VPS

Quick Jekyll and Lanyon intro