I have 100+ followers now, so here’s an introductory post!
Hi, I’m Rem! My pronouns are they/she, I’m sapphic-ace, I love purple, and I’m your new mom (if you want me to be)
All current asks are under the tag #ask and ye shall recieve
All original posts under #rem rambles
Friendly reminder that any and all people following me, I advise you to exercise basic internet safety. There is no need to give out your age, especially if you’re a minor. Avoid giving any indication of your location, like your school’s name, any location markers, your town/city’s name if you can help it. Real names are a no, give out a nickname or pseudonym. Be safe on the internet kiddos
Shoot From The Hip Longforms reviewed by how accurate the title is
Oh My God, Is this A Joke? - 4/10. There are quite a lot of jokes, actually.
The Meringue Haberdashery - 5/10. A lot of haberdashery, no meringue.
Lost in Your Eyes - 3/10. Someone is certainly lost, but it’s actually at sea.
The Dark Moons of Slough - 2/10. It’s set in Slough but there aren’t any moons relevant to the plot, dark or otherwise.
Long Johns - STRIKE! - 7/10. I mean, there is a strike at the long johns factory so that’s decently descriptive I guess?
Too Big To Be A Jockey - 10/10. That man is absolutely too big to be a jockey.
I think it would be so fucking funny if Bruce and Jason constantly treated Gotham (city) like a real person, and spoke about it in a strange, codependent way. Like, hearing this without a context definitely feels like they are talking about their girlfriends or something. And the rest of the family is, like, concerned.
Dick, just adopted: So, when I was in circus, we constantly travelled around! That’s, like, so cool! Will we travel a lot, too?
Bruce, sighing: I used to, but she keeps calling for me. I can’t really leave her alone.
Dick, confused: Your girlfriend?..
Bruce: What?
Bruce: Gotham.
Dick: whoa, WHAT
Bruce, sitting with a half-smile and little cake on the table: Good morning
Tim, who only used to see Bruce depressed during the whole year: Woah, it is someone’s birthday?
Bruce: Of course. It is her day
Tim: Uh-h… Catwoman’s?
Bruce: What? No, no, Gotham’s?
Tim: …What the hell. Sure.
Then Jason comes back, assured that he and Gotham are locked like that. They are besties. Gotham loves him — she brought him back. The rest of the family genuinely starts to think that both of them are specifically fucked up in the head on the level others aren’t.
Jason: My life was rough, but she was here when I needed her the most. Her hands cradled me in life — then death. I am so grateful.
Damian, confused: Are you speaking of my mother, Todd?
Jason: Talia is great, but I meant Gotham.
Damian: Gotham?..
Bruce, passing by: Isn’t she the best?
Jason: Hate to agree with old man, but, yeah.
Damian: *_*
Roy, staring at Jason, who is complaining on Bruce again after a patrol: Remind me again, why can’t you work in another city? Even country. You love France. Move out!
Jason, frowning: There is no way I am leaving her.
Kori, confused: Her? You got a girlfriend?
Jason: ???
Kori: …
Roy: Crowbar crowbar-ed a little close to the sun?
The Batfamily: (Voting to which city/country they want to have their family trip)
Dick, counting down anonymous voices: Alright, two votes for China. Three for Italy. One vote for Spain. And…
Dick, with his eye twitching: Two votes for Gotham. Really?
Everyone: (turn to Bruce and Jason)
Bruce and Jason, synchronically: Okay, hear me out—
Tim, holding something behind his back: don’t be mad.
Bruce, already getting mad: I won’t get mad, you can always talk to me. What’s going on?
Tim, revealing a swaddled baby: I messed up when cloning Kon and accidently spilt my DNA into it and now I have a clone baby with my dead situationship.
Bruce, flabbergasted: ..???
Bruce: why were you cloning- when did you start datin- I’m a grandpa?! No, go back, how did you ‘accidently’ spill DNA aren’t you paranoid too????
Tim, who may or may not have been crying over one of the clones and accidently cut his lip trying not to sob and got blood into a test chamber: that’s not important.
Bruce, hyperventilating: why is it so small????
Tim: cause she’s only two months old.
Bruce; I understand that, but even an average two month old should be-…
Bruce: two.
Bruce: you said two months.
Tim: you said you wouldn’t get mad.
Bruce: you hid a baby for TWO MONTHS?!
Tim: WELL! I don’t know I’m seventeen, what did you expect?
Bruce, actively loosing brain cells: if you can clone your dead boyfriend-
Tim: we never actually started dating-
Bruce: -then you can tell your father you had a baby.
Tim: …
Tim: I’m not exactly sure what stage of being an adult I am, I started a little young I think.
Tim: but I am a mother now so don’t you dare yell at me.
Bruce: …
Tim: …
Bruce: …
Bruce: … can I hold her?
Tim, grinning in victory: wash your hands first and then you can.
Bruce: why is she a girl if you and Kon are both male?
Tim: are you questioning my baby’s gender??? That’s so homophobic, gay men can raise girls.
Bruce: you know damn well I didn’t mean-
Dick: *into a mic* is the target in sight?
Cass: negative
Tim: I’ve got him.
Dick: okay. Move in.
Tim: Roger that. *starts speed-walking towards jason*
Jason: what the fu—
Cass: *grabs him from behind*
Jason: what—
dick: *shoved Jason into a chair while Cass ties him to it* we have to talk, Jay.
Jason: about fucking WHAT???
Tim: this is an intervention.
Cass: *nods seriously*
dick: *dramatic pause* we think you need glasses.
Jason: all this for THAT
dick: it wasn’t like you’d listen if we just told you!
Tim: *meekly* then why don’t you wear contacts? The other day we saw you reading a report while it was like, two inches from your face—
my most toxic trait is i fucking love work gossip. i play neutral not to be the bigger person or take the high road but to hear slander and hearsay from every side. two coworkers complained about each other to me in the same afternoon and i nearly blacked out from the rush
They should make a stats class that is easier
sound on, his voice is something else.
this feels like if all of humanity were to reset and humans had forgotten how everything worked and had to teach each other what things were. this is the Wall turorial
not very new hyperfixation rediscovered write a poem abt it
At the risk of sounding anti-intellectual, I think that college should be free and also not a requirement for employment outside of highly specialized career fields
At the risk of sounding like an effete intellectual, I do actually think you should be allowed to just take college courses indefinitely
technically you can, if you don’t care about degrees.
Free Harvard courses.
Free Courses from Stanford.
Free Courses from MIT.
Free courses from Yale.
Free courses from Princeton.Free Courses on EDx
Free Courses on AlisonFor paid, there’s The Great Courses+/Wonderium. 20$ a month for unlimited courses.
When searching, the phrases you’re looking for are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), or you can do a general search of say, “free online college courses.”
Oh, and so you don’t get surprised like I did, have an avoid: Hillsdale College is a conservative Christian site and not a valid MOOC place. Sign up with them and you will get things like THIS IS WHY THE LEFT IS TURNING YOUR KIDS TRANS AND GAY in your inbox.Harvard alone has these free online classes:
Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media
U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy
U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign PoliciesWe the People: Civic Engagement in a Constitutional Democracy
…in case anyone wants to brush up on how these things (are meant to) function.