Ehab Kamel
Senior Lecturer in Architecture
Director of Teaching and Learning
Director of Teaching and Learning
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Books by Ehab Kamel
Papers by Ehab Kamel
Historic Cairo is the case used here for reflecting upon these questions. Containing no less than 600 classified monuments, Cairo was listed as a World Heritage Site in 1979 for meeting three, out of six, of the selection criteria for inscription. Representing World Heritage highlights the significance of choosing, conserving, interpreting, and displaying our cultural heritage.
The efforts being undertaken in the process of conserving Historic Cairo and their influences on the site’s visitors and inhabitants are questioned throughout the paper. Whether such efforts are sufficient for revitalizing Cairo’s old spirit raises questions such as: Why was Cairo, Al-Qahira (meaning the victorious), seen as the ‘Mother of the World’? - Do people still consider it so? – And, what do people admire in the existing Historic Cairo? Thus, the connection between Historic Cairo’s tangible remains and its intangible spirit of place can be perceived. The paper uses the results of a field visit, an on-site and online questionnaire, and a personal observation study.