Papers by Kehinde P Akinrotoye

BACKGROUND: Access to safe drinking water remains a critical challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa, dri... more BACKGROUND: Access to safe drinking water remains a critical challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa, driven by a complex mix of environmental, political, social, economic, and infrastructural factors. This scoping review aims to map the literature on water access in Sub-Saharan Africa over the past decade. METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive search of academic databases and grey literature from January 2013 to the present. We included peer-reviewed quantitative, qualitative, and mixedmethods research, as well as reviews and reports focusing on factors influencing water access and related interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Data were extracted on study characteristics, key determinants, proposed solutions, and outcomes. RESULTS: A total of 137 studies were included. Commonly reported determinants included droughts, climate change, conflict, governance, gender, wealth, education, poverty, and inadequate infrastructure. Identified potential interventions included infrastructure development, water quality monitoring, climate adaptation, governance reforms, decentralized management, targeted subsidies, and integrated water resources management. However, most studies described barriers rather than evaluating solutions. CONCLUSIONS: Persistent inequities in water access are driven by interconnected factors such as poverty, governance, gender, and infrastructure. Implementing integrated solutions is crucial, with a shift from problem identification to evaluating contextualized interventions across sectors. Dedicated implementation research is needed to translate knowledge into action, advancing water security and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 in the region.

Heavy metals, such as cadmium, arsenic and lead, are important environmental pollutants, particul... more Heavy metals, such as cadmium, arsenic and lead, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals enter the human body mainly through two routes namely: inhalation and ingestion, ingestion being the main route of exposure to these elements in human population. Heavy metals intake by human populations through food chain has been reported in many countries. This research work evaluated the level of heavy metals in plantain flour displayed in open containers for sale in ten locations alongside two packaged brands in Osun State. Heavy metals in the 12 samples were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).The average concentration for each heavy metal in all the samples ranged between 0-120.23 mg/kg for arsenic, 0.50-4.51 mg/kg for cadmium and lead was not detected in any of the samples. These findings indicate that foods displayed in open containers in markets or road sides are contaminated by the polluted environments. Excessive consumption can increase the level of heavy metal contamination in the body which may affect the health of the consumers.
The effect of fermented palm wine tapped from Raphia palm tree (Raphia hookeri) on the growth of ... more The effect of fermented palm wine tapped from Raphia palm tree (Raphia hookeri) on the growth of some common diarrhoeagenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysentariae and Esherichia coli 0157:H7 was carried out using agar diffusion method. The palm wine used had growth inhibitory effect on all the test organisms with diameter of zones of inhibition ranging from 2.20mm to 28.20mm. Palm wine subjected to fermentation for 168hours (7 days) exerted the highest growth inhibitory effect on all the test bacteria. The inhibition mediated by this palm wine was superior to that of some conventional antibiotics used such as tetracycline, ampiclox and ampicillin. It is conceivable therefore that palm wine subjected to natural fermentation or freshly tapped could be used to treat diarrhoea caused by these organisms.

American Journal of BioScience, 2020
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is known to show resistance to beta-lactam cla... more Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is known to show resistance to beta-lactam class of antibiotics. MRSA is among the highest superbugs posing dangerous threats to humans. This study aimed at determining the in-vitro synergistic evaluation of Moringa oleifera, Hunteria umbellate and Azadirachta indica extracts with existing antibiotics (Azithromycin, Clindamycin and Vancomycin) on isolated MRSA from fomites. MRSA was isolated using the BBL™ Oxacillin agar screen test (Müller Hinton Agar with 6 μg/mL Oxacillin and 4% NaCl). The Minimum Bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the MRSA were determined by Agar well diffusion using antibiotics in solitary, plant extracts in solitary, combination of these antibiotics with plant extracts at different concentrations. The agar diffusion assay showed that H. umbellate extract-Azithromycin combination had the least zones of inhibition ≥21.00±1.92 mm in 75% of all isolates testedwhile M. oleifera extract-Azithromycin combination had the highest zones of inhibition ≥22.20 ±2.27 mm. Comparison of bactericidal activities of all plant extracts and antibiotics synergy shows Azithromycin to have a significant value of P>0.05. The agar well diffusion method showed synergistic effects between combination of antibiotics and all extracts with significant increase in the zones of inhibition of the test antibiotics against environmental strains of MRSA. The synergistic interactions indicated that the inhibitory potentials of the plant extracts increased hence, combining natural products derived from phytochemicals and antibiotics could be another way to mitigate and fight against resistant infectious bacteria.

Journal of Microbiology & Experimentation, 2018
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) calls for a reduction of child mortality by two third bet... more The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) calls for a reduction of child mortality by two third between 1990 and 2015, the reality is that although progress is been made, much more remains to be done. The prevalence rate of diarrhoea in Nigeria is 18.8% and is a menace in sub-Sahara Africa; and in this part of West African it accounts for an estimated 150,000 deaths yearly amongst children under five due to poor hygienic and sanitary practices. Diarrhoea's status as the second leading killer of children under five is an alarming reminder of the vulnerability of children in Nigeria, saving the lives of millions of children at risk of death from diarrhoea is possible with a comprehensive strategy that ensures all children in need receive critical prevention and treatment measures. This report is written with the intent to let our government re-focus her attention on the prevention and management of diarrhoeal diseases as central to improving child survival in the country and justify the need to embrace Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) set by WHO to achieve universal access to clean water and basic sanitation, which is the primary preventive measures to reduce the burden of diarrhea in the country.

International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019
Shigellosis is a worldwide health concern especially in developing countries with poor sanitation... more Shigellosis is a worldwide health concern especially in developing countries with poor sanitation, lack of personal hygiene and use of contaminated water supplies especially for young children. The emergence of multidrug-resistant Shigella strains incidence imply that shigellosis is an unsolved global health problem causing diarrhoea. This study therefore was carried out to determine the resistant plasmids of multidrug resistant serotypes of Shigella species isolated from stool samples of school children among selected communities in Odeda Local government with their biodata. A total of 10 Shigella spp isolates were obtained from stool samples collected from school children. Antibiotics susceptibility was performed and multidrug resistant isolates were selected for plasmid profiling. Plasmid profiling of multi-drug resistant Shigella isolates was done by alkaline lysis method. Molecular characterization for identification of the bacterial isolates was carried out using 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. Data obtained were analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Somatic serotyping characterized the isolates to be Shigella flexneri (2.02%), Shigella boydii (1.2%) and Shigella sonnei (0.81%). Plasmid profile analysis showed detectable plasmids with estimated sizes between 100bp to 1200bp. Genomic characterization revealed the isolates belonging to Shigella sonnei strain M-X2D, Shigella flexneri strain MHW4.1 and Shigella boydii strain 3052-94. This study confirmed the emergence of multidrug resistant R-plasmids among Shigella spp causing diarrhoea amongst school children in Abeokuta environs, Nigeria.

International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2013
Diarrheogenic Escherichia coli (DEC) strains are an important cause of intestinal syndromes in th... more Diarrheogenic Escherichia coli (DEC) strains are an important cause of intestinal syndromes in the developing world mainly affecting children. DEC strains often infect tourists from developed countries traveling to Mexico, causing so-called "traveler diarrhea". DEC strains are typically transmitted by contaminated food and water; however, the prevalence of these strains in food items that are produced, consumed and sometimes exported in northwestern Mexico has not been evaluated. In this study, we conducted a large microbiological survey of DEC strains in 5162 food items and beverages consumed throughout Sinaloa state during 2008 and 2009. We developed a panel of eight sequential PCR reactions that detected the presence of all DEC categories, including typical or atypical variants. Thermotolerant coliforms (also known as fecal coliforms) and E. coli were detected by conventional bacteriology in 13.4% (692/5162) and 7.92% (409/5162) of food items, respectively. Among 409 E. coli isolates, 13.6% (56/409) belonged to DEC strains. Dairy products (2.8%) were the most contaminated with DEC, while DEC strains were not detected in beverages and ice samples. The pathogenic type that was most commonly isolated was EPEC (78.5%), followed by EAEC (10.7%), STEC (8.9%) and ETEC (1.7%). EHEC, DAEC and EIEC strains were not detected. Approximately 80% of EPEC and EAEC strains were classified as atypical variants; they did not adhere to a culture of HEp-2 cell. Of the isolated DEC strains, 66% showed resistance to at least one commonly prescribed antibiotic. In conclusion, the presence of DEC strains in food items and beverages available in northwestern Mexico is low and may not represent a threat for the general population or those traveling to tourist areas.

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is known to show resistance to beta-lactam cla... more Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is known to show resistance to beta-lactam class of antibiotics. MRSA is among the highest superbugs posing dangerous threats to humans. This study aimed at determining the in-vitro synergistic evaluation of Moringa oleifera, Hunteria umbellate and Azadirachta indica extracts with existing antibiotics (Azithromycin, Clindamycin and Vancomycin) on isolated MRSA from fomites. MRSA was isolated using the BBL™ Oxacillin agar screen test (Müller Hinton Agar with 6 μg/mL Oxacillin and 4% NaCl). The Minimum Bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the MRSA were determined by Agar well diffusion using antibiotics in solitary, plant extracts in solitary, combination of these antibiotics with plant extracts at different concentrations. The agar diffusion assay showed that H. umbellate extract-Azithromycin combination had the least zones of inhibition ≥21.00±1.92 mm in 75% of all isolates testedwhile M. oleifera extract-Azithromycin combination had the highest zones of inhibition ≥22.20 ±2.27 mm. Comparison of bactericidal activities of all plant extracts and antibiotics synergy shows Azithromycin to have a significant value of P>0.05. The agar well diffusion method showed synergistic effects between combination of antibiotics and all extracts with significant increase in the zones of inhibition of the test antibiotics against environmental strains of MRSA. The synergistic interactions indicated that the inhibitory potentials of the plant extracts increased hence, combining natural products derived from phytochemicals and antibiotics could be another way to mitigate and fight against resistant infectious bacteria.

Bioscience Method, 2019
MRSA is known to show resistance to β-lactam class of antibiotics and is among the highest superb... more MRSA is known to show resistance to β-lactam class of antibiotics and is among the highest superbugs posing dangerous threats to humans which cause serious infectious diseases, with extended resistance to other antibiotics making treatment ineffective. An additional challenging feature of MRSA bacteria is its rapid dissemination to human and animal through different fomites. This study aimed at determining the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of MRSA isolated from toilets, offices and classroom door handles in community schools within Abeokuta; which might serve as a reservoir for dissemination to the general population of students and staffs within the school community. Fifteen community schools in Abeokuta environs were picked for
sampling, in which 300 sample swabs were taken from the toilet; office and classroom door handles using sterile swabs stick moistened with buffered peptone water. Growth and Isolation of S. aureus were carried out using Mannitol salt agar, while
antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed on the isolates to determine resistance profile to available antibiotics used while Multiple Antibiotic Resistance index (MARI) of MRSA was determined in addition to their haemolytic pattern on blood agar. The occurrence rate of Staphylococcus spp isolated from fomites is 50.60 %, while the prevalence rate of MRSA is 2.99 % as determined by antimicrobial susceptibility test. High Multiple Antibiotics Resistance index greater than 0.4 was observed in all MRSA isolates while 3 out of nine isolates showed partial α-haemolytic reaction representing 40 % and the remaining 6 representing 60 % showed γ- haemolytic reaction. The detection of MRSA in this study emphasizes the need to set up surveillance programs to monitor the spread of MRSA and formulate preventive measures to prevent the spread of MRSA amongst students and staffs hence curbing its dissemination.

International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2012
piperacillin/tazobactam and ciprofloxacin. Ninety percent of tested isolates were resistant to am... more piperacillin/tazobactam and ciprofloxacin. Ninety percent of tested isolates were resistant to amikacin, gentamicin, netilmicin and tobramycin, but 80% were still susceptible to colistin. The MIC ranges for colistin and rifampicin were 1-4 g/ml and 8-16 g/ml, respectively. MIC50 and MIC90 of colistin were 1, 2 g/ml, respectively and MIC50 and MIC90 of rifampicin were 8 g/ml. The synergy study showed the partial synergy effect of colistin when combined with rifampicin in 26.7% of the isolates. Bactericidal activity of the combination was observed at all incubation times by time-kill study. The more damaging effect of the bacterial cell lysis was clearly observed when the bacteria were grown in the combined antimicrobials as compared with the growth in each antimicrobial agent. Conclusion: The in vitro bactericidal activity of the combination between colistin and rifampicin was superior to the single agent. The combination could be a promising alternative for the treatment of infections due to carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii.

Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) has been a menace that has eaten so deep into the bone marrow o... more Shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) has been a menace that has eaten so deep into the bone marrow of children's health majorly in developing countries worldwide. The symptom ranges from mild diarrhoea to severe dysentery. The infection is of general health concern which is common in communities with inadequate and proper hygiene, lacking portable water. This study therefore addressed the preponderance and antibiotic resistance profiles of different serotypes of Shigella species gotten from stool samples of 248 school children among selected communities in Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. The stool samples were cultured in Glucose nutrient broth and later sub-cultured for Shigella species using MacConkey, Desoxycholate citrate agar, Salmonella-Shigella agar. The obtained bacterial isolates were phenotypically characterized using morphological and biochemical methods. Antibiotic susceptibleness of isolates was performed by Kirby-Bauer's disc diffusion method while their Multiple Antibiotic Resistance index (MARI) was determined in addition to their hemolytic pattern on blood agar. Data obtained were methodically examined and analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). From the 248 stool samples cultured, 275 bacteria of different categories were isolated of which Shigella spp was isolated in 10 samples representing 4.03 % prevalence. The Shigella isolates revealed susceptibleness of 80 % to Pefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin and 100 % resistance to Augmentin, Nitrofurantoin and Amoxycillin. High Multiple Antibiotic Revealed was High Multiple Antibiotics Resistance index greater than 0.2 in all the Shigella isolates while 4 out of ten isolates showed partial α-hemolytic reaction representing 40 % and the remaining 6 representing 60 % showed γ-hemolytic reaction. The low prevalence of Shigella isolates was not significant with sex, age group, social stratification, religion and educational level of the primary school learners (P>0.05). The need for urgent preventive measures, regulation of antibiotic usage and enforcement of safety hygiene is advocated.

International Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019
Shigellosis is a worldwide health concern especially in developing countries with poor sanitation... more Shigellosis is a worldwide health concern especially in developing countries with poor sanitation, lack of personal hygiene and use of contaminated water supplies especially for young children. The emergence of multidrug-resistant Shigella strains incidence imply that shigellosis is an unsolved global health problem causing diarrhoea. This study therefore was carried out to determine the resistant plasmids of multidrug resistant serotypes of Shigella species isolated from stool samples of school children among selected communities in Odeda Local government with their biodata. A total of 10 Shigella spp isolates were obtained from stool samples collected from school children. Antibiotics susceptibility was performed and multi-drug resistant isolates were selected for plasmid profiling. Plasmid profiling of multi-drug resistant Shigella isolates was done by alkaline lysis method. Molecular characterization for identification of the bacterial isolates was carried out using 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. Data obtained were analyzed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Somatic serotyping characterized the isolates to be Shigella flexneri (2.02%), Shigella boydii (1.2%) and Shigella sonnei (0.81%). Plasmid profile analysis showed detectable plasmids with estimated sizes between 100bp to 1200bp. Genomic characterization revealed the isolates belonging to Shigella sonnei strain M-X2D, Shigella flexneri strain MHW4.1 and Shigella boydii strain 3052-94. This study confirmed the emergence of multidrug resistant R-plasmids among Shigella spp causing diarrhoea amongst school children in Abeokuta environs, Nigeria.

Bacteria of medical importance abound all around us and are transmitted through different contact... more Bacteria of medical importance abound all around us and are transmitted through different contacts within our community i.e. schools. To determine the possible role of fomites in dissemination of medically important pathogenic microorganisms, a study was carried out in public community schools within Abeokuta environs. The prevalence of bacteria was investigated from 300 fomites (door handles), in fifteen randomly selected secondary schools across Abeokuta South, Abeokuta North and Odeda Local Government Areas. Isolation of different bacteria species was done using standard microbiological methods through the use of Nutrient agar, MacConkey and blood agar after swabbing the fomites using sterile swabs. Bacteriological examinations revealed that almost all the fomites had at least one of the following bacteria in each community school; Bacillus subtilis (17.66 %), Bacillus mycoides (16 %), Bacillus megaterium (12.33 %), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (18 %), Pseudomonas fluorescens (18 %), Enterobacter sp (16 %), Escherichia coli (19.67 %), Citrobacter freudii (10.33 %), Klebsiella oxytoca (16 %), Staphylococcus aureus (14 %), and Staphylococcus saprophyticus (7 %) from each Local Government area. The data from this study emphasize the importance of fomites as potential source of transferring medically important microorganisms such as pathogenic bacteria in school environments, which may hamper the learning process of the students due to infections/diseases which may arise from frequent contact with these pathogenic bacteria.

Heavy metals, such as cadmium, arsenic and lead, are important environmental pollutants, particul... more Heavy metals, such as cadmium, arsenic and lead, are important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure. Their presence in the atmosphere, soil and water, even in traces can cause serious problems to all organisms, and heavy metal bioaccumulation in the food chain especially can be highly dangerous to human health. Heavy metals enter the human body mainly through two routes namely: inhalation and ingestion, ingestion being the main route of exposure to these elements in human population. Heavy metals intake by human populations through food chain has been reported in many countries. This research work evaluated the level of heavy metals in plantain flour displayed in open containers for sale in ten locations alongside two packaged brands in Osun State. Heavy metals in the 12 samples were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).The average concentration for each heavy metal in all the samples ranged between 0 – 120.23 mg/kg for arsenic, 0.50 – 4.51 mg/kg for cadmium and lead was not detected in any of the samples. These findings indicate that foods displayed in open containers in markets or road sides are contaminated by the polluted environments. Excessive consumption can increase the level of heavy metal contamination in the body which may affect the health of the consumers.

Despite the continued endemicity of oral cancer diseases in many parts of the world,there has bee... more Despite the continued endemicity of oral cancer diseases in many parts of the world,there has been no meaningful large-scale control program against the disease in Nigeria. This paper present the epidemiological status of oral cancer in Nigeria, evaluate various risks factor for oropharyngeal cancer,justify the need to embrace W.H.O white paper on oral cancer prevention. It is shown that, based on available literature, Oropharyngeal cancer has been a relatively uncommon cancer, traditionally associated with heavy tobacco smoking and heavy alcohol consumption. But over the past few decades its occurrence has increased dramatically in many parts of the world due to the growing number of infections with HPV and to changing sexual practices, such as an increase in oral sex, However it is inhumane and deceptive to neglect the World Health Assembly (W.H.A) resolution on oral health,if truly the country desires health for all.
The effect of fermented palm wine tapped from Raphia palm tree (Raphia hookeri) on the growth of ... more The effect of fermented palm wine tapped from Raphia palm tree (Raphia hookeri) on the growth of some common diarrhoeagenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysentariae and Esherichia coli 0157:H7 was carried out using agar diffusion method. The palm wine used had growth inhibitory effect on all the test organisms with diameter of zones of inhibition ranging from 2.20mm to 28.20mm. Palm wine subjected to fermentation for 168hours (7 days) exerted the highest growth inhibitory effect on all the test bacteria. The inhibition mediated by this palm wine was superior to that of some conventional antibiotics used such as tetracycline, ampiclox and ampicillin. It is conceivable therefore that palm wine subjected to natural fermentation or freshly tapped could be used to treat diarrhoea caused by these organisms.
Book Reviews by Kehinde P Akinrotoye

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) calls for a reduction of child mortality by two third bet... more The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) calls for a reduction of child mortality by two third between 1990 and 2015, the reality is that although progress is been made, much more remains to be done. The prevalence rate of diarrhoea in Nigeria is 18.8 % and is a menace in sub-Sahara Africa; and in this part of West African it accounts for an estimated 150,000 deaths yearly amongst children under five due to poor hygienic and sanitary practices. Diarrhoea’s status as the second leading killer of children under five is an alarming reminder of the vulnerability of children in Nigeria, saving the lives of millions of children at risk of death from diarrhoea is possible with a comprehensive strategy that ensures all children in need receive critical prevention and treatment measures. This report is written with the intent to let our government re-focus her attention on the prevention and management of diarrhoeal diseases as central to improving child survival in the country and justify the need to embrace Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) set by W.H.O. to achieve universal access to clean water and basic sanitation, which is the primary preventive measures to reduce the burden of diarrhea in the country.
Papers by Kehinde P Akinrotoye
sampling, in which 300 sample swabs were taken from the toilet; office and classroom door handles using sterile swabs stick moistened with buffered peptone water. Growth and Isolation of S. aureus were carried out using Mannitol salt agar, while
antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed on the isolates to determine resistance profile to available antibiotics used while Multiple Antibiotic Resistance index (MARI) of MRSA was determined in addition to their haemolytic pattern on blood agar. The occurrence rate of Staphylococcus spp isolated from fomites is 50.60 %, while the prevalence rate of MRSA is 2.99 % as determined by antimicrobial susceptibility test. High Multiple Antibiotics Resistance index greater than 0.4 was observed in all MRSA isolates while 3 out of nine isolates showed partial α-haemolytic reaction representing 40 % and the remaining 6 representing 60 % showed γ- haemolytic reaction. The detection of MRSA in this study emphasizes the need to set up surveillance programs to monitor the spread of MRSA and formulate preventive measures to prevent the spread of MRSA amongst students and staffs hence curbing its dissemination.
Book Reviews by Kehinde P Akinrotoye
sampling, in which 300 sample swabs were taken from the toilet; office and classroom door handles using sterile swabs stick moistened with buffered peptone water. Growth and Isolation of S. aureus were carried out using Mannitol salt agar, while
antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed on the isolates to determine resistance profile to available antibiotics used while Multiple Antibiotic Resistance index (MARI) of MRSA was determined in addition to their haemolytic pattern on blood agar. The occurrence rate of Staphylococcus spp isolated from fomites is 50.60 %, while the prevalence rate of MRSA is 2.99 % as determined by antimicrobial susceptibility test. High Multiple Antibiotics Resistance index greater than 0.4 was observed in all MRSA isolates while 3 out of nine isolates showed partial α-haemolytic reaction representing 40 % and the remaining 6 representing 60 % showed γ- haemolytic reaction. The detection of MRSA in this study emphasizes the need to set up surveillance programs to monitor the spread of MRSA and formulate preventive measures to prevent the spread of MRSA amongst students and staffs hence curbing its dissemination.