SDO (and MDI) data are available locally at the MPS through the German Data Center for SDO (GDC-SDO). The main data series include HMI, AIA and MDI products. If you have an MPS account and would like to access this data at the GDC-SDO, please click here for instructions.
The GDC-SDO has all meta-data (e.g. keyword names and values commonly found in FITS headers) for some HMI products plus a selection of segments (e.g. FITS images/arrays) as indicated in the table below. If you are interested in segments that are not online, please send a request to zhichao [at]
Series Name |
Description |
Cadence |
Segments? |
hmi.b_720s | 720s |
[2010.05.01_00:00:00_TAI-2014.12.31_23:48:00_TAI] |
hmi.b_synoptic | All |
hmi.bharp_720s | 720s |
None |
hmi.ic_45s | Continuum | 45s |
All |
hmi.ic_720s | Continuum | 720s |
All |
hmi.lw_45s | Line Width | 45s |
None |
hmi.ld_45s | Line Depth | 45s |
[2010.06.07_00:00:00_TAI/12h] [2010.06.10_00:00:00_TAI-2010.07.12_23:53:15_TAI] [2010.08.22_00:00:00_TAI-2010.08.26_23:30:00_TAI] |
hmi.m_45s | los Magnetogram | 45s |
All |
hmi.m_720s | los Magnetogram | 720s |
All |
hmi.me_720s_fd10 | 720s |
[2010.05.01_00:00:00_TAI-2014.12.31_23:48:00_TAI] |
hmi.mharp_720s | mharp | 720s |
None |
hmi.rdMAI_fd05 | None |
hmi.rdMAI_fd15 | None |
hmi.rdMAI_fd30 | None |
hmi.rdVfitsc_fd05 | All |
hmi.rdVfitsc_fd15 | None |
hmi.rdVfitsc_fd30 | None |
hmi.rdVfitsf_fd15 | All |
hmi.rdVfitsf_fd30 | All |
hmi.rdVflows_fd15_frame | All |
hmi.rdVflows_fd30_frame | All |
hmi.rdVpspec_fd05 | None |
hmi.rdVpspec_fd15 | None |
hmi.rdVpspec_fd30 | None |
hmi.rdVtrack_fd05 | None |
hmi.rdVtrack_fd15 | [2200][][][][] |
hmi.rdVtrack_fd30 | None |
hmi.sharp_720s | sharp | 720s |
None |
hmi.v_45s | Dopplergram | 45s |
All |
hmi.v_720s | Dopplergram | 720s |
All |
hmi.v_avg120 | All |
hmi.vw_v_45s | All |
hmi.lookup_chebycoef_bnoise | All |
The GDC-SDO has all meta-data (e.g. keyword names and values commonly found in FITS headers) for some MDI products plus a selection of segments (e.g. FITS images/arrays) as indicated in the table below. If you are interested in segments that are not online, please send a request to zhichao [at]
Series Name |
Description |
Cadence |
Segments? |
mdi.fd_ic | All |
mdi.fd_ic_06h | 6h |
All (simply links to mdi.fd_ic) |
mdi.fd_m_96m_lev182 | 96m |
All |
mdi.fd_m_lev182 | 60s |
None |
mdi.fd_v | 60s |
All |
mdi.fdv_avg120 | All |
mdi.vw_v | All |
The GDC-SDO has all meta-data (e.g. keyword names and values commonly found in FITS headers) for some AIA products plus a selection of segments (e.g. FITS images/arrays) as indicated in the table below. If you are interested in segments that are not online, please send a request to zhichao [at]
Series Name[?wavelength query?] |
Wavelength |
Cadence |
Segements? |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=94?] | 94 |
12s |
None |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=131?] | 131 |
12s |
None |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=171?] | 171 |
12s |
aia.lev1_euv_12s[2010-10-10T00:00:00Z-2020-10-10T00:00:00Z@4h][171] |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=193?] | 193 |
12s |
aia.lev1_euv_12s[2010-10-10T00:00:00Z-2020-10-10T00:00:00Z@4h][193] |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=211?] | 211 |
12s |
None |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=304?] | 304 |
12s |
[2012-04-06T00:00:00Z-2012-04-17T00:00:00Z] |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=335?] | 335 |
12s |
None |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=1600?] | 1600 |
24s |
None |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=1700?] | 1700 |
24s |
None |
aia.lev1[?WAVELNTH=4500?] | 4500 |
3600s |
None |