Workplace Acceptable Use Policy
Please note that Workplace is a different service to Meta’s Facebook product, and Workplace is intended solely for use by organisations. This means that if you are using Workplace on a device or account issued to you by your employer or another organisation (your "Organisation"), that Organisation likely has its own policies regarding your use of Workplace. Your use of Workplace should comply with the policies noted in this Workplace Acceptable Use Policy (this “Acceptable Use Policy”) and your Organisation's own policies. Please contact your Organisation if you have any questions regarding its policies. For information about Workplace's privacy practices, please see the Workplace Privacy Policy. Access to, and use of, the Workplace APIs is governed by the Workplace Platform Terms.

Using Workplace responsibly
In addition to your Organisation's policies, the following rules help ensure responsible use of Workplace.
When using Workplace, you must not:
  • Hide your identity, impersonate anyone else or misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity.
  • Engage in any activity that exploits, harms or threatens to harm children.
  • Create or display content that is illegal, discriminatory, harmful, fraudulent, deceptive or defamatory, or that promotes or encourages violence, violation of laws, self-mutilation, eating disorders or drug abuse.
  • Breach laws or infringe the rights of Meta or any third party.
  • Interfere with the normal functioning of Workplace or anyone else's use of Workplace.
  • Access Workplace or related content or information through means that are not authorised by Meta (including through scraping or crawling); circumvent access controls; or otherwise attempt to gain unauthorised access to Workplace or related systems, passwords or accounts.
  • Share admin access tokens with or grant similar app access permissions to any third party that is not expressly approved by Meta. When you decide to grant such admin access, either via token or app permission, to an approved third party, you may allow the third party access to your data or content only to the extent necessary for the purpose approved by Meta and consistent with your instructions. We reserve the right to limit such third-party access (e.g. by resetting the access token or removing the app permission) at any time if we believe that such access has been or will be misused.
  • Upload viruses, malware or other malicious code, or do anything that could damage, disable, overburden or impair Workplace or related systems (such as a denial-of-service attack or interference with page rendering or other Workplace functionality).
Please also note that Workplace is not intended to be used by children aged less than 13, so if you are less than 13 years of age, you are not permitted to access or use Workplace.

This Acceptable Use Policy forms part of the Workplace Terms of Service or such other agreement that you may have entered into with Meta governing your use of Workplace (that references this Acceptable Use Policy) (together the “Terms and Policies”).

Content Moderation by System Admins
Workplace primarily employs a system admin centric approach to content moderation, whereby content is reportable by Users to their Organisation’s system admin for their assessment and enforcement against the Organisation's own policies and standards, as well as the Terms and Policies. You can find more information about our reporting mechanisms applicable to Workplace at the following links:

Content Moderation by Meta
If we determine content goes against this Acceptable Use Policy, we may also take action on it.

How do we apply our policies?
  • Automated Technology
    • Technology, including machine learning, is part of the Workplace content review process. Our technology may automate decisions for certain areas where content is highly likely to be violating and can take action on a new piece of content if it matches, or comes very close to, another piece of violating content.
  • Human Review
    • When a piece of content requires further review, a human may take a closer look to determine next steps with regard to such content.
Meta may remove or limit your (or your Organisation’s) access to Workplace, certain features, and/or any of your data or content if we believe such data or content violates the Terms and Policies or applicable laws or regulations. Meta will provide your Organisation with notice of such action, unless prohibited by law.
We welcome all feedback about Workplace, but please note that we may use your comments or suggestions without any obligation or compensation to you.

Effective Date: 1 March 2024