Topic on User talk:Peter James

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Vicarage (talkcontribs)

Hi Peter. I'm trying to keep the distinction between hillfort (Q744099), castrum (Q88205) and fort (Q1785071) the latter defended by artillery. It can be easy when importing from Cadw or Heritage England to pick up their use of the term "fort" and assign it to the wrong WD box. I fix the ones I see

Peter James (talkcontribs)

There's also artillery fort (Q39535649), which doesn't link to a Wikipedia article or any external source and only has a vague description; is that the "defended by artillery" definition? Historic England recognises "fort" and "hillfort" (and others) as monument types, and there's nothing at to support changing P31 of Hallgarth (Q24661375) to hillfort (compare with It is described as a possible burh (Q88034) in the text but not in the monument types (although it is recognised as a type:

Vicarage (talkcontribs)
Reply to "forts vs hillforts vs roman forts"