The health situation analysis shows that we live in a syndemic, linked health problems involving several afflictions and their determinants interacting synergistically. Among these determinants, violence, wars, and environmental issues related to the climate crisis are prominent, as they jeopardize the continuity of life on the planet and increase social and health inequities. These factors endanger life’s continuity on Earth and contribute to social and health disparities.
To tackle these complex challenges, the World Federation of Public Health Associations has developed a new strategic plan for 2023 – 2027 with a renewed mission: “Protecting people and the planet, preventing diseases, and promoting health, peace, and wellbeing,” and renewed goals. Aligned with this mission, the WFPHA’s goals center around advocating for peace, promoting sustainable health equity, and developing global policies aimed at enhancing the health of populations and the planet.
2023 – 2027

Advocate for peace, sustainable health equity, and global policies to improve the health of populations and the planet

Contribute to promoting system change and decolonizing public health

Contribute to strengthening and democratizing global health governance

Develop and advance public health knowledge, education, practice, and research

Grow new and strengthen existing partnerships with groups or individuals who share our values

Support and strengthen member associations

Build an effective, efficient, responsive, and sustainable WFPHA