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Input for Agenda Planning for the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

This is the view of actions grouped by issues ordered by due dates; see also the view of issues groups by products.

Action Items Pending Review

There are 6 pending review actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-10 (edit) pending review Draft a server-side technique based on http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-techs/2008Jul/0000.html Alex Li 2009-03-19
ACTION-11 (edit) pending review Revise SCR18 test procedure to focus on client-side validation Sofia Celic-Li 2009-03-19
ACTION-95 (edit) pending review Replace <noscript> in SCR19 with something else Ben Caldwell 2010-06-28
ACTION-269 (edit) pending review Create wiki page documenting all places for this edit Marc Johlic 2014-08-26 Ready to survey
ACTION-274 (edit) pending review Review description for g4 to ensure that keyboard interface support is included. Andrew Kirkpatrick 2014-09-30
ACTION-333 (edit) pending review Draft update to wcag 2.1 frontmatter Michael Cooper 2017-01-19

Overdue action items

There are 92 overdue actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-9 (edit) open Draft advisory technique, \"Opening new windows and tabs only when best from an accessibility perspective\" David MacDonald 2009-03-19
ACTION-50 (edit) open Harmonize description of H2 with Flash technique combining adjecent buttons Michael Cooper 2010-02-28
ACTION-67 (edit) open Create visual examples of G18... Michael Cooper 2010-02-28
ACTION-75 (edit) open Create failure technique for SC 2.2.4 about alerts to warn of impending timeout, a legitimate way to meet 2.2.1 at A but a failure of 2.2.4 at AAA Michael Cooper 2010-02-18
ACTION-83 (edit) open Re-write Understanding SC3.3.4 technique for Situation D (and perhaps E) to meet option 2 of success criteria. James Nurthen 2010-04-22
ACTION-89 (edit) open Coordinate with Shawn about fate of http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/sites/ Michael Cooper 2010-05-13
ACTION-92 (edit) open Create a failure technique for CSS animations Michael Cooper 2010-05-26
ACTION-96 (edit) open Create FAQ on contrast Gregg Vanderheiden 2010-06-28
ACTION-111 (edit) open Write up a new failure relating to popups, overlays, and viewports. Katie Haritos-Shea 2010-10-07
ACTION-114 (edit) open Write a general technique on quality link text drawing from Mary's notes, and H30 and other sources... David MacDonald 2010-11-11
ACTION-118 (edit) open Create technique on page numbering to deal with roman numerals, etc. Andrew Kirkpatrick 2014-09-20
ACTION-135 (edit) open Draft a "how to write a good WCAG technique" document Michael Cooper 2011-07-07
ACTION-136 (edit) open Revise f9 http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20-TECHS/F9.html for future discussion David MacDonald 2011-08-04
ACTION-137 (edit) open Draft an advisory technique of how to create hidden text and what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. James Nurthen 2011-08-11
ACTION-139 (edit) open Write a note for 1.1.1 understanding in order to clarify that buttons need not have all of their context as part of their label - they need only make sense within their context. James Nurthen 2011-08-11
ACTION-143 (edit) open Get added to WCAG FAQ that we can't guarantee all UA info current Michael Cooper 2011-09-08
ACTION-160 (edit) open Propose an example/technique for 2.4.6 for a label for a non-interactive control Adam Solomon 2011-12-15
ACTION-162 (edit) open Provide detailed proposed edits related to comment LC-2513 and run past WG on list for objections, otherwise presumed consent Adam Solomon 2011-10-27
ACTION-164 (edit) open Add another example to F69 for the DIV overflow case James Nurthen 2011-11-03
ACTION-166 (edit) open Write new technique for 1.4.4 failure for CSS related to failure related to zoom. James Nurthen 2011-11-17
ACTION-169 (edit) open Re-explore specificifity of the "join" options for TFs under WGs Judy Brewer 2012-04-19
ACTION-172 (edit) open Bailey and David to provide recommended edits to the group on “Techniques for providing useful text alternatives.” Bruce Bailey 2012-05-10
ACTION-176 (edit) open Create a Note for the WAI-ARIA techniques so that examples which seem to contradict the "use semantic elements" statement in the aria spec can refer to James Nurthen 2012-09-16 HTML & ARIA Techniques TF
ACTION-180 (edit) open Make suggested editorial changes to 3.4.2 regarding Sufficient Techs Gregg Vanderheiden 2012-09-13
ACTION-181 (edit) open Work with alex to rewrite proposal on real-time event addition Gregg Vanderheiden 2012-10-11
ACTION-185 (edit) open Add a banner to old WCAG documents pointing to latest versions Michael Cooper 2012-10-18
ACTION-187 (edit) open Propose a restructuring of Understanding 1.1.1 David MacDonald 2013-01-17
ACTION-203 (edit) open Revisit removing the tabindex check from test procedure step 3 in F59 Adam Solomon 2013-06-13
ACTION-204 (edit) open Look at fixing changing LC-2632: SCR37: Creating Custom Dialogs in a Device Independent Way David MacDonald 2013-06-25
ACTION-213 (edit) open Work on adding his additional knowledge about uses of level to this technique. David MacDonald 2013-09-03
ACTION-216 (edit) open Draft possible failure for using role=heading without aria-level to represent a hierarchy of headings. Bruce Bailey 2013-09-17
ACTION-227 (edit) open Work with david on creating clear list of edits for http://lists.w3.org/archives/public/public-wcag2-techs/2013may/0001.html Bruce Bailey 2013-11-05
ACTION-228 (edit) open Work with david on creating clear list of edits for http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wcag2-techs/2012Jan/0001.html Bruce Bailey 2013-11-05
ACTION-236 (edit) open Provide live example for example 2 of http://www.w3.org/wai/gl/wiki/using_grouping_roles_to_identify_related_form_controls Alastair Campbell 2013-12-24
ACTION-241 (edit) open Update wg techs wiki with general how to info. Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-18
ACTION-242 (edit) open Get working group to clarify the importance of the sc over techniques, the use of failures, how to use the quick ref doc for evaluators. Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-243 (edit) open Get wcag wg to clarify a11y support Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-244 (edit) open Clarify how conformance requirements relate with sc and evalution methods. Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-246 (edit) open Work on codifying the logic used for technique test procedures Joshue O'Connor 2014-03-25
ACTION-247 (edit) open Work with kathy on increasing wg knowledge of how AT and IT work together. Joshue O'Connor 2014-04-01
ACTION-252 (edit) open Investigate accessibility support for h53 Wilco Fiers 2014-04-15
ACTION-267 (edit) open Draft new text for clarification on placeholder text a la 1.4.3 David MacDonald 2014-08-12
ACTION-270 (edit) open Edit https://www.w3.org/wai/gl/wiki/techniques/general/caption_updates to improve procedure based on august 26, 2014 call Bruce Bailey 2014-09-02
ACTION-271 (edit) open Work on failures logic reboot Joshue O'Connor 2014-09-10
ACTION-272 (edit) open Ping shadi about the evalwg tool Joshue O'Connor 2014-09-23
ACTION-279 (edit) open Review whether aria1 and aria2 should be made sufficient (currently advisory) Joshue O'Connor 2014-11-01
ACTION-281 (edit) open Draft proposed rewrites of wcag understanding and techniques abstracts and introductions Michael Cooper 2014-11-15
ACTION-282 (edit) open Raise issue of css technique for generated content fallbacks https://www.w3.org/wai/pf/group/track/issues/542 Michael Cooper 2014-10-13
ACTION-284 (edit) open File issue on g202 regarding language distinguishing functionality from control and clarify necessity of keyboard accessibilty David MacDonald 2014-10-21
ACTION-285 (edit) open Work with eric on providing example with css providing sufficient contrast for placeholder text Katie Haritos-Shea 2014-10-21
ACTION-286 (edit) open Work on technique for issue 542 David MacDonald 2014-10-21
ACTION-295 (edit) open Follow up with kathy and kim on touch techs being advisory a la g90 Joshue O'Connor 2014-11-11
ACTION-296 (edit) open Ping the cog a11y tf for feedback on https://www.w3.org/wai/gl/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/g162 Joshue O'Connor 2014-11-11
ACTION-297 (edit) open Do initial proposal for multi-dimensional categorization of techniques Michael Cooper 2014-11-12
ACTION-299 (edit) open Revise pricing technique into example for f2 Andrew Kirkpatrick 2014-11-25
ACTION-306 (edit) open (and joshue) to think about proposals to increase technique submissions, including the need for code standards. Andrew Kirkpatrick 2015-04-21
ACTION-307 (edit) open (and joshue) to think about proposals to increase technique submissions, including the need for code standards. Andrew Kirkpatrick 2015-04-21
ACTION-308 (edit) open Will take on a response for issue #89 Loretta Guarino Reid 2015-05-05
ACTION-309 (edit) open Work with jon on user agent notes related to issue 86 David MacDonald 2015-05-19
ACTION-310 (edit) open Add requirements to the data format page Wilco Fiers 2015-06-08
ACTION-312 (edit) open Create xslt that will generate interim json file Michael Cooper 2015-06-08
ACTION-313 (edit) open Look into timeline for sources transition and get back to us Michael Cooper 2015-06-08
ACTION-314 (edit) open Re-emphasize urgency to judy Shadi Abou-Zahra 2015-06-08
ACTION-315 (edit) open Look into https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/71 to help guide decision Wayne Dick 2015-09-01
ACTION-316 (edit) open Send a quick pointer to aria to take a look at this https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/113 Michael Cooper 2015-12-08
ACTION-317 (edit) open Send note to list on 102 https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/102 for comments and see if this can just be closed Michael Elledge 2015-12-08
ACTION-318 (edit) open Horton to look at new technique for disappearing background images. Sarah Horton 2016-01-19
ACTION-321 (edit) open Propose project plan for wcag Michael Cooper 2016-04-21
ACTION-323 (edit) open And andrew to propose overall timeline to drive date planning Joshue O'Connor 2016-06-02
ACTION-324 (edit) open Create wcag wiki page for tf issues Andrew Kirkpatrick 2016-06-02
ACTION-327 (edit) open Ping lisa and update her on outcome of the tf facilitator meeting Joshue O'Connor 2016-07-07
ACTION-328 (edit) open Discuss need for definition changes in wcag at editors meet. Joshue O'Connor 2016-07-12
ACTION-329 (edit) open And awk to work out a way to deal with definition changes. Joshue O'Connor 2016-07-12
ACTION-331 (edit) open volunteer to draft a proposal for an entry into the errata document, for review next week Andrew Kirkpatrick 2016-10-25
ACTION-332 (edit) open Look at meaningful sequence may need an update Joshue O'Connor 2016-11-15
ACTION-334 (edit) open Ping sc managers on progress and ask them to attend call Joshue O'Connor 2017-01-19
ACTION-335 (edit) open See if auto diff generation possible with git Michael Cooper 2017-01-19
ACTION-336 (edit) open Do the respec extensions for publication Michael Cooper 2017-01-19
ACTION-337 (edit) open Work on a definition of the a/aa/aaa levels Bruce Bailey 2017-03-28
ACTION-338 (edit) open Put together a draft template of structure of supplemental guidance Michael Cooper 2017-07-06
ACTION-339 (edit) open Add issue that we need to update metadata section Lisa Seeman-Horwitz 2017-08-24
ACTION-340 (edit) open Set up mailing list to archive gh comment activity Michael Cooper 2017-10-19
ACTION-342 (edit) open Take it on reflow failure if it a working example is not needed. Detlev Fischer 2018-12-11
ACTION-344 (edit) open Create poll for times, including same day different time. Alastair Campbell 2020-02-12
ACTION-345 (edit) open Will send out agenda and the schedule for the deep dive Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-08-05
ACTION-347 (edit) open Will look for answer and then schedule time on the ag meeting to talk Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2020-12-09
ACTION-348 (edit) open Explore updates to the understanding and bring back to group Gundula Niemann 2021-01-26
ACTION-349 (edit) open Send email to taskforce facilitators Jeanne F Spellman 2021-02-10
ACTION-350 (edit) open Work on disambiguation of page break and the css properties John Foliot 2021-02-16
ACTION-351 (edit) open Add topic to agenda Rachael Bradley Montgomery 2021-05-12
ACTION-352 (edit) open Set up a blank google doc Jeanne F Spellman 2021-05-21
ACTION-353 (edit) open File github issues on 1.4.1 & 1.4.11 John Foliot 2021-10-26

Action items due next week

There are 0 upcoming actions.

Issues discussed over the last week

There are 0 recently discussed issues listed in the system.

Alastair Campbell <acampbell@nomensa.com>, Rachael Bradley Montgomery <rmontgomery@loc.gov>, Charles Adams <charles.adams@oracle.com>, Chairs, Michael Cooper <cooper@w3.org>, Ruoxi Ran <ran@w3.org>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <w3t-sys@w3.org>.
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