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CSS Color Module Level 4

W3C Working Draft,

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This specification describes CSS <color> values and properties for foreground color and group opacity.

CSS is a language for describing the rendering of structured documents (such as HTML and XML) on screen, on paper, etc.

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This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at https://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document was published by the CSS Working Group as a Working Draft. Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership.

This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

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This document is governed by the 15 September 2020 W3C Process Document.

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1. Introduction

This section is not normative.

This module describes CSS properties which allow authors to specify the foreground color and opacity of the text content of an element. This module also describes in detail the CSS <color> value type.

It not only defines the color-related properties and values that already exist in CSS1, CSS2, and CSS Color 3, but also defines new properties and values.

In particular, it allows specifying colors in other color spaces than sRGB; previously, the more saturated colors outside the sRGB gamut could not be used in CSS even if the display device supported them. In addition to the family of RGB color spaces, color spaces with other primaries such as CMYK or KCMYGOV are supported.

A draft implementation report is available.

1.1. Value Definitions

This specification follows the CSS property definition conventions from [CSS2] using the value definition syntax from [CSS-VALUES-3]. Value types not defined in this specification are defined in CSS Values & Units [CSS-VALUES-3]. Combination with other CSS modules may expand the definitions of these value types.

In addition to the property-specific values listed in their definitions, all properties defined in this specification also accept the CSS-wide keywords as their property value. For readability they have not been repeated explicitly.

2. Color terminology

A color is a definition (numeric or textual) of the human visual perception of a light or a physical object illuminated with light. The objective study of human color perception is termed colorimetry. If two objects have different spectra, but produce the same physical sensation, we say they have the same color.

For example a green leaf, a photograph of that leaf displayed on a computer screen, and a print of that photograph, are all producing a green sensation by different means. If the screen and the printer are calibrated, the green in the leaf, and the photo, and the print will look the same.

A color space is an organization of colors with respect to an underlying colorimetric model, such that there is a clear, objectively-measurable meaning for any color in that color space. This also means that the same color can be expressed in multiple color spaces, or transformed from one color space to another, while looking the same.

A leaf is measured with a spectrophotometer and found to have the color lch(51.2345% 21.2 130) which is lab(51.2345% -13.6271 16.2401).

This same color could be expressed in various color spaces:

 color(sRGB 0.41587 0.503670 0.36664);
 color(display-p3 0.43313 0.50108 0.37950);
 color(a98-rgb 0.44091 0.49971 0.37408);
 color(prophoto-rgb 0.36589 0.41717 0.31333);
 color(rec2020 0.42210 0.47580 0.35605);

An additive color space means that the coordinate system is linear in light intensity. The CIE XYZ color space is an additive color space (in addition, the Y component of XYZ is the luminance).

In an additive color space, calculations can be done to accurately predict color mixing. Most RGB spaces are not additive, because the components are gamma encoded. Undoing this gamma encoding produces linear-light values.

For example, if a light fixture contains two identical colored lights, and only one is switched on, and the color is measured to be color(xyz 0.13 0.12 0.04), then the color when both are switched on will be exactly twice that, color(xyz 0.26 0.24 0.08).

If we have two differently colored spotlights shining on a stage, and one has the measured value color(xyz 0.15 0.24 0.17) while the other is color(xyz 0.11 0.06 0.06) then we can accurately predict that if the colored beams are made to overlap, the color of the mixture will be the sum of the XYZ component values, or color(xyz 0.26 0.30 0.23).

A chromaticity is a color measurement where the lightness component has been factored out. From the identical lights example above, the u',v' chromaticity with one light is (0.2537, 0.5268) and the chromaticity is the same with both lights (they are the same color, it is just brighter).

Chromaticities are additive, so they accurately predict the chromaticity (but not the resulting lightness) of a mixture. Being two-dimensional, chromaticity is easily represented on a chromaticity diagram to predict the chromaticity of a color mixture. Any two colors can be mixed, and the resulting colors will lie on the line joining them on the diagram. Three colors form a plane, and the resulting colors will lie in the triangle they form on the diagram.

When the measured physical characteristics (such as the chromaticities of the primary colors it uses, or the colors produced in response to a given set of inputs) of a color space or a color-producing device are known, it is said to be characterized. This characterization information is stored in a profile. The most common type of color profile is defined by the International Color Consortium (ICC) [ICC].

If in addition adjustments have been made so that a device meets calibration targets such as white point, neutrality of greys, predictability and consistency of tone response, then it is said to be calibrated.

Real physical devices cannot yet produce every possible color that the human eye can see. The range of colors that a given device can produce is termed the gamut (not to be confused with gamma). Devices with a limited gamut cannot produce very saturated colors, like those found in a rainbow.

The gamuts of different color spaces may be compared by looking at the volume (in cubic Lab units) of colors that can be expressed. The following table examines the predefined color spaces available in CSS.

color space Volume (million Lab units)
sRGB 0.820
display-p3 1.233
a98-rgb 1.310
prophoto-rgb 2.896
rec2020 2.042

3. Foreground Color: the color property

Name: color
Value: <color>
Initial: CanvasText
Applies to: all elements and text
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Computed value: computed color, see resolving color values
Canonical order: per grammar
Animation type: by computed value type

This property describes the foreground fill color of an element’s text content. In addition, it provides the value that currentcolor resolves to.

There are several different ways to syntactically specify a given color.

For example, to specify the sRGB color lime green:
em { color:  lime; }   /* color keyword  */
em { color:  rgb(0 255 0); } /* RGB range 0-255   */
em { color:  rgb(0% 100% 0%); } /* RGB range 0%-100% */
em { color:  color(sRGB 0 1 0); } /* sRGB range 0.0-1.0 */
The <color> type is defined in a later section.

Note: In general, this property, including its alpha component, has no effect on "color glyphs", such as emoji in some fonts, which are colored by a built-in palette. Some colored fonts are able to refer to the foreground color, such as palette entry 0xFFFF in COLR table of OpenType, and context-fill value in SVG-in-OpenType. In that case, the foreground color is set by this property, identical to how currentcolor value works.

4. Representing Colors: the <color> type

CSS has several syntaxes for specifying color values. Some directly specify an sRGB color by its channels, such as the hex color notation or rgb() function. Others are more human-friendly to write and understand, such as the hsl() and lch() functions, or the long list of named colors.

4.1. The <color> syntax

Colors are represented as a list of components, also sometimes called “channels”, representing axises in the color space. Each channel has a minimum and maximum value, and can take any value between those two. Additionally, every color is accompanied by an alpha component, indicating how transparent it is, and thus how much of the backdrop one can see behind the color.

Colors in CSS are represented by the <color> type:

<color> = <hex-color> | <named-color> | currentcolor | transparent |
    <rgb()> | <rgba()> | <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hwb()> |
    <lab()> | <lch()> |
    <color()> | <device-cmyk()> |

The color-functions are <rgb()>, <rgba()>, <hsl()>, <hsla()>, <hwb()>, <lab()>, <lch()>, and <color()>.

Of those, <hsl()>, <hsla()>, <hwb()> and <lch()> are cylindrical polar color representations, which specify color using a <hue> angle, a central axis representing lightness (black-to-white), and a radius representing saturation or chroma (how far the color is from a neutral grey). The other color spaces are rectangular orthogonal color representations, which specify color using three (or more, in the case of CMYK or CMYKOGV) orthogonal component axes.

For easy reference in other specifications, opaque black is defined as the color rgb(0 0 0 / 100%); transparent black is the same color, but fully transparent—i.e. rgb(0 0 0 / 0%).

4.2. The <hue> syntax

Hue is represented as an angle of the color circle (the rainbow, twisted around into a circle, and with purple added between violet and red).

<hue> = <number> | <angle>

Because this value is so often given in degrees, the argument can also be given as a number, which is interpreted as a number of degrees.

The angles and spacing corresponding to particular hues depend on the color space. For example, in HSL and HWB, which use the sRGB color space, sRGB green is 120 degrees. In LCH, sRGB green is 134.39 degrees, display-p3 green is 136.01 degrees, a98-rgb green is 145.97 degrees and prophoto-rgb green is 141.04 degrees (because these are all different shades of green).

For colors very close to the neutral axis, the hue angle becomes indeterminate (for example, in Lab, minute changes in near-zero a and b values give huge changes in LCH hue angle). Therefore, sometimes a hue angle of NaN (not a number) may be returned. This impacts, for example, hue interpolation.

4.3. Accessibility and Conveying Information By Color

Although colors can add significant information to documents and make them more readable, color by itself should not be the sole means to convey important information. Authors should consider the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines [WCAG21] when using color in their documents.

1.4.1 Use of Color: Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action, prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element

4.4. Color Space of Tagged Images

An tagged image is an image that is explicitly assigned a color profile, as defined by the image format. This is usually done by including an International Color Consortium (ICC) profile [ICC].

For example JPEG [JPEG], PNG [PNG] and TIFF [TIFF] all specify a means to embed an ICC profile.

Image formats may also use other, equivalent methods, often for brevity.

For example, PNG specifies a means (the sRGB chunk) to explicitly tag an image as being in the sRGB color space, without including the sRGB ICC profile.

Tagged RGB images, and tagged images using a transformation of RGB such as YCbCr, if the color profile or other identifying information is valid, must be treated as being in the specified color space.

If the color profile or other identifying information is invalid, the image is treated as untagged images

For example, when a browser running on a system with a Display P3 monitor displays an JPEG image tagged as being in the ITU Rec BT.2020 [Rec.2020] color space, it must convert the colors from ITU Rec BT.2020 to Display P3 so that they display correctly. It must not treat the ITU Rec BT.2020 values as if they were Display P3 values, which would produce incorrect colors.

4.5. Color Spaces of Untagged Colors

Colors specified in HTML, and untagged images must be treated as being in the sRGB color space ([SRGB]) unless otherwise specified.

An untagged image is an image that is not explicitly assigned a color profile, as defined by the image format.

Note that this rule does not apply to untagged videos, since untagged video should be presumed to be in an ITU-defined color space.

4.6. Resolving <color> Values

Unless otherwise specified for a particular property, specified colors are resolved to computed colors and then further to used colors as described below.

The resolved value of a <color> is its used value.

4.6.1. Resolving sRGB values

This applies to:


For example, the first form below is treated as identical to the second:

 HsL(39 100% 50%)
 hsl(39 100% 50%)

Similarly the first form below is treated as identical to the second:


The computed and used value is the corresponding sRGB color, paired with the specified alpha channel and defaulting to opaque if unspecified).

For example, the computed value of

 hsl(38.824 100% 50%)


 rgb(255, 165, 0)

4.6.2. Resolving Lab and LCH values

This applies to lab() and lch() values.

The computed and used value is the corresponding CIE Lab or LCH color paired with the specified alpha channel (as a <number>, not a <percentage>; and defaulting to opaque if unspecified).

For example, the computed value of

 lch(52.2345% 72.2 56.2 / 1)


 lch(52.2345% 72.2 56.2)

4.6.3. Resolving values of the color() function

The computed and used value is the color in the specified color space, paired with the specified alpha channel (as a <number>, not a <percentage>; and defaulting to opaque if unspecified).

For example, the computed value of

 color(display-p3 0.823 0.6554 0.2537 /1)


 color(display-p3 0.823 0.6554 0.2537)

4.6.4. Resolving device-cmyk values

The computed and used value is the specified device-specific CMYK color, (with components as <number>, not <percentage>) paired with the specified alpha channel (as a <number>, not a <percentage>; and defaulting to opaque if unspecified).

The actual value can vary based on the operation; for rendering to a CMYK-capable device, it may be rendered as a CMYK color; for blending with non-CMYK colors or rendering to a non-CMYK device, it must be converted as specified in § 11 Device-dependent CMYK Colors: the device-cmyk() function.

For example,
 device-cmyk(0% 70% 20% 0%)

has the specified and actual value

 device-cmyk(0 0.7 0.2 0)

and will, if the implementation understands ICC profiles and has an appropriate profile installed, have the used value

 lab(63.673% 51.577 5.811)

Note: As with all colors, the used value is not available to script.

4.6.5. Resolving other colors

This applies to system colors, deprecated-colors, transparent, and currentcolor.

Each <system-color> keyword computes to itself. Its used value is the corresponding color in its color space.

The computed and used value of transparent is transparent black.

The currentcolor keyword computes to itself.

In the color property, the used value of currentcolor is the inherited value. In any other property, its used value is the used value of the color property on the same element.

Note: This means that if the currentcolor value is inherited, it’s inherited as a keyword, not as the value of the color property, so descendants will use their own color property to resolve it.

4.7. Serializing <color> Values

This section updates and replaces that part of CSS Object Model, section Serializing CSS Values, which relates to serializing <color> values.

In this section, the strings used in the specification and the corresponding characters are as follows.

String Character
" " U+0020 SPACE
"," U+002C COMMA
"." U+002E FULL STOP
"/" U+002F SOLIDUS

The string "." shall be used as a decimal separator, regardless of locale, and there shall be no thousands separator.

4.7.1. Serializing alpha values

This applies to any <color> value which can take an optional alpha value.

If the alpha is exactly 1, it is omitted from the serialization; an implicit value of 1 (fully opaque) is the default.

If the alpha is any other value than 1, it is explicitly included in the serialization, as a <number>, not a <percentage>. The value is expressed in base ten, with the "." character as decimal separator. The leading zero must not be omitted. Trailing zeroes must be omitted.

For example, an alpha value of 70% will be serialized as the string "0.7" which has a leading zero before the decimal separator, "." as decimal separator (even if the current locale would use some other character, such as ","), and all digits after the "7" would be "0" and are omitted.

The precision with which alpha values are retained, and thus the number of decimal places in the serialized value, is not defined in this specification, but must at least be sufficient to round-trip integer percentage values. Thus, the serialized value must contain at least two decimal places (unless trailing zeroes have been removed). Values must be rounded towards +∞, not truncated.

For example, an alpha value of 12.3456789% could be serialized as the strings "0.12" or "0.123" or "0.1234" or "0.12346" (rounding the value of 5 towards +∞ because the following digit is 6) or any longer, rounded serialization of the same form.

4.7.2. Serializing sRGB values

The serialized form of the following sRGB values:

is derived from the computed value and thus, uses either the rgb() or rgba() form (depending on whether the alpha is exactly 1, or not), with lowercase letters for the function name.

For compatibility, the sRGB component values are serialized in <number> form, not <percentage>). Also for compatibility, the component values are serialized in base 10, with a range of [0-255], regardless of the bit depth with which they are stored.

As noted earlier, unitary alpha values are not explicitly serialized. Also, for compatibility, if the alpha is exactly 1, the rgb() form is used, with an implicit alpha; otherwise, the rgba() form is used, with an explicit alpha value.

For compatibility, the legacy form with comma separators is used; exactly one ASCII space follows each comma. This includes the comma (not slash) used to separate the blue component of rgba() from the alpha value.

For example, the serialized value of

 rgb(29 164 192 / 95%)

is the string "rgba(29, 164, 192, 0.95)"

Note: contrary to CSS Color 3, the parameters of the rgb() function are of type <number> not <integer>. Thus, any higher precision than eight bits is indicated with a fractional part.

Trailing fractional zeroes in any component values must be omitted; if the fractional part consists of all zeroes, the decimal point must also be omitted. This means that sRGB colors specified with integer component values will serialize with backwards-compatible integer values.

The precision with which sRGB component values are retained, and thus the number of significant figures in the serialized value, is not defined in this specification, but must at least be sufficient to round-trip eight bit values. Values must be rounded towards +∞, not truncated.

Note: authors of scripts which expect color values returned from getComputedStyle to have <integer> component values, are advised to update them to cope with <number>.

For example,

 rgb(146.064 107.457 131.223)

is now valid, and equal to

 rgb(57.28% 42.14% 51.46%)

A conformant serialized form for both, is the string "rgb(146.06, 107.46, 131.2)".

The serialized value of


is the string "rgb(218, 165, 32)" and not the string "rgb(218.000, 165.000, 32.000)"

4.7.3. Serializing Lab and LCH values

The serialized form of lch() and lab() values is derived from the computed value and uses the lab() or lch() forms, with lowercase letters for the function name.

The component values are serialized in base 10; the Lightness component is serialized as <percentage>, while the a and b component values are serialized as <number>. A single ASCII space character " " must be used as the separator between the component values.

Trailing fractional zeroes in any component values must be omitted; if the fractional part consists of all zeroes, the decimal point must also be omitted.

The serialized value of

 lab(56.200% 0.000 83.600)

is the string "lab(56.2% 0 83.6)"

The serialized value of

 lch(37% 105.0 305.00)

is the string "lch(37% 105 305)", not "lch(37% 105.0 305.00)".

The precision with which lab() component values are retained, and thus the number of significant figures in the serialized value, is not defined in this specification, but due to the wide gamut must be sufficient to round-trip L values between 0 and 100, and a and b values between ±127, with at least sixteen bit precision; this will result in at least three decimal places unless trailing zeroes have been omitted. (half float or float, is recommended for internal storage). Values must be rounded towards +∞, not truncated.

Note: a and b values outside ±127 are possible with ultrawide gamut spaces. For example, all of the prophoto-rgb primaries and secondaries exceed this range, but are within ±200.

As noted earlier, unitary alpha values are not explicitly serialized. Non-unitary alpha values must be explicitly serialized, and the string " / " (an ASCII space, then forward slash, then another space) must be used to separate the b component value from the alpha value.

The serialized value of

 lch(56.2% 83.6 357.4 /93%)

is the string "lch(56.2% 83.6 357.4 / 0.93)"

4.7.4. Serializing values of the color() function

The serialized form of color() values is derived from the computed value and uses the color() form, with lowercase letters for the function name and the color space name.

The component values are serialized in base 10, as <number>. A single ASCII space character " " must be used as the separator between the component values, and also between the color space name and the first color component.

Trailing fractional zeroes in any component values must be omitted; if the fractional part consists of all zeroes, the decimal point must also be omitted.

The serialized value of

 color(dIsPlAy-P3  0.964  0.763  0.787)

is the string "color(display-p3 0.96 0.76 0.79)", if two decimal places are retained. Notice that 0.787 has rounded up to 0.79, rather than being truncated to 0.78.

The serialized value of the color in

@color-profile --swop5c {src: url('https://example.org/SWOP2006_Coated5v2.icc');
.header {
background-color:    color(--swop5c  0% 70.0% 20.00% .0%);

is the string "color(--swop5c 0 0.7 0.2 0)"

If the color space is sRGB, the color space is still explicitly required in the serialized result.

The precision with which color() component values are retained, and thus the number of significant figures in the serialized value, is not defined in this specification, but for CMYK color spaces must at least be sufficient to round-trip values with eight bit precision; this will result in at least two decimal places unless trailing zeroes have been omitted.

For the predefined color spaces, the minimum precision for round-tripping is as follows:

color space Minimum bits
srgb 10
display-p3 10
a98-rgb 10
prophoto-rgb 12
rec2020 12
xyz 16

(16bit, half-float, or float per component is recommended for internal storage). Values must be rounded towards +∞, not truncated.

Note: compared to the legacy forms such as rgb(), hsl() and so on, color(srgb) has a higher minimum precision requirement. Stylesheet authors who prefer higher precision are thus encouraged to use the color(srgb) form.

As noted earlier, unitary alpha values are not explicitly serialized. Non-unitary alpha values must be explicitly serialized, and the string " / " (an ASCII space, then forward slash, then another space) must be used to separate the final color component value from the alpha value.

The serialized value of

 color(prophoto-rgb 0.2804 0.40283 0.42259/85%)

is the string "color(prophoto-rgb 0.28 0.403 0.423 / 0.85)", if three decimal places are retained.

4.7.5. Serializing device-cmyk values

The serialized form of device-cmyk() values is derived from the computed value and uses the device-cmyk() form, with lowercase letters for the function name.

The component values are serialized in base 10, as <number>. A single ASCII space character " " must be used as the separator between the component values.

Trailing fractional zeroes in any component values must be omitted; if the fractional part consists of all zeroes, the decimal point must also be omitted.

The serialized value of the color

  device-cmyk(0 81% 81% 30%)

is the string "device-cmyk(0 0.81 0.81 0.3)"

The precision with which device-cmyk() component values are retained, and thus the number of significant figures in the serialized value, is not defined in this specification, but must at least be sufficient to round-trip values with eight bit precision; this will result in at least two decimal places unless trailing zeroes have been omitted. Values must be rounded towards +∞, not truncated.

As noted earlier, unitary alpha values are not explicitly serialized. Non-unitary alpha values must be explicitly serialized, and the string " / " (an ASCII space, then forward slash, then another space) must be used to separate the black ("k") color component value from the alpha value.

4.7.6. Serializing other colors

This applies to system colors, deprecated-colors, transparent, and currentcolor.

The serialized form of these values is derived from the computed value and uses lowercase letters for the color name.

The serialized form of the color


is the string "visitedtext"

The serialized form of the color


is the string "threedface"

The serialized form of transparent is the string "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)".

The serialized form of currentColor is the string "currentcolor".

5. sRGB Colors

CSS colors in the sRGB color space are represented by a triplet of values—red, green, and blue—identifying a point in the sRGB color space [SRGB]. This is an internationally-recognized, device-independent color space, and so is useful for specifying colors that will be displayed on a computer screen, but is also useful for specifying colors on other types of devices, like printers.

CSS also allows the use of non-sRGB color spaces, as described in § 10.2 Predefined color spaces: srgb, display-p3, a98-rgb, prophoto-rgb, rec2020, and xyz..

CSS provides several methods of directly specifying an sRGB color: hex colors, rgb()/rgba() color-functions, hsl()/hsla() color-functions, hwb() color-function, named colors, and the transparent keyword.

5.1. The RGB functions: rgb() and rgba()

The rgb() function defines an sRGB color by specifying the red, green, and blue channels directly. Its syntax is:

rgb() = rgb( <percentage>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? ) |
  rgb( <number>{3} [ / <alpha-value> ]? )
<alpha-value> = <number> | <percentage>

The first three arguments specify the red, green, and blue channels of the color, respectively. 0% represents the minimum value for that color channel in the sRGB gamut, and 100% represents the maximum value. A <number> is equivalent to a <percentage>, but with a different range: 0 again represents the minimum value for the color channel, but 255 represents the maximum. These values come from the fact that many graphics engines store the color channels internally as a single byte, which can hold integers between 0 and 255. Implementations should honor the precision of the channel as authored or calculated wherever possible. If this is not possible, the channel should be rounded towards +∞.

The final argument, the <alpha-value>, specifies the alpha of the color. If given as a <number>, the useful range of the value is 0 (representing a fully transparent color) to 1 (representing a fully opaque color). If given as a <percentage>, 0% represents a fully transparent color, while 100% represents a fully opaque color. If omitted, it defaults to 100%.

Values outside these ranges are not invalid, but are clamped to the ranges defined here at computed-value time.

For legacy reasons, rgb() also supports an alternate syntax that separates all of its arguments with commas:

rgb() = rgb( <percentage>#{3} , <alpha-value>? ) |
  rgb( <number>#{3} , <alpha-value>? )

Also for legacy reasons, an rgba() function also exists, with an identical grammar and behavior to rgb().


5.2. The RGB hexadecimal notations: #RRGGBB

The CSS hex color notation allows an sRGB color to be specified by giving the channels as hexadecimal numbers, which is similar to how colors are often written directly in computer code. It’s also shorter than writing the same color out in rgb() notation.

The syntax of a <hex-color> is a <hash-token> token whose value consists of 3, 4, 6, or 8 hexadecimal digits. In other words, a hex color is written as a hash character, "#", followed by some number of digits 0-9 or letters a-f (the case of the letters doesn’t matter - #00ff00 is identical to #00FF00).

The number of hex digits given determines how to decode the hex notation into an RGB color:

6 digits
The first pair of digits, interpreted as a hexadecimal number, specifies the red channel of the color, where 00 represents the minimum value and ff (255 in decimal) represents the maximum. The next pair of digits, interpreted in the same way, specifies the green channel, and the last pair specifies the blue. The alpha channel of the color is fully opaque.
In other words, #00ff00 represents the same color as rgb(0 255 0) (a lime green).
8 digits
The first 6 digits are interpreted identically to the 6-digit notation. The last pair of digits, interpreted as a hexadecimal number, specifies the alpha channel of the color, where 00 represents a fully transparent color and ff represent a fully opaque color.
In other words, #0000ffcc represents the same color as rgb(0 0 100% / 80%) (a slightly-transparent blue).
3 digits
This is a shorter variant of the 6-digit notation. The first digit, interpreted as a hexadecimal number, specifies the red channel of the color, where 0 represents the minimum value and f represents the maximum. The next two digits represent the green and blue channels, respectively, in the same way. The alpha channel of the color is fully opaque.
This syntax is often explained by saying that it’s identical to a 6-digit notation obtained by "duplicating" all of the digits. For example, the notation #123 specifies the same color as the notation #112233. This method of specifying a color has lower "resolution" than the 6-digit notation; there are only 4096 possible colors expressible in the 3-digit hex syntax, as opposed to approximately 17 million in 6-digit hex syntax.
4 digits
This is a shorter variant of the 8-digit notation, "expanded" in the same way as the 3-digit notation is. The first digit, interpreted as a hexadecimal number, specifies the red channel of the color, where 0 represents the minimum value and f represents the maximum. The next three digits represent the green, blue, and alpha channels, respectively.

6. Color Keywords

In addition to the various numeric syntaxes for <color>s, CSS defines several sets of color keywords that can be used instead—each with their own advantages or use cases.

6.1. Named Colors

CSS defines a large set of named colors, so that common colors can be written and read more easily. A <named-color> is written as an <ident>, accepted anywhere a <color> is. As usual for CSS-defined <ident>s, all of these keywords are ASCII case-insensitive.

The names resolve to colors in sRGB.

16 of CSS’s named colors come from the VGA palette originally, and were then adopted into HTML: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. Most of the rest come from one version of the X11 color system, used in Unix-derived systems to specify colors for the console, and were then adopted into SVG.

Note: these color names are standardized here, not because they are good, but because their use and implementation has been widespread for decades and the standard needs to reflect reality. Indeed, it is often hard to imagine what each name will look like (hence the list below); the names are not evenly distributed throughout the sRGB color volume, the names are not even internally consistent ( darkgray is lighter than gray, while lightpink is darker than pink), and some names (such as indianred, which was originally named after a red pigment from India), have been found to be offensive. Thus, their use is not encouraged.

(Two special color values, transparent and currentcolor, are specially defined in their own sections.)

The following table defines all of the opaque named colors, by giving equivalent numeric specifications in the other color syntaxes.

Named Numeric Color name Hex rgb Decimal
aliceblue #f0f8ff 240 248 255
antiquewhite #faebd7 250 235 215
aqua #00ffff 0 255 255
aquamarine #7fffd4 127 255 212
azure #f0ffff 240 255 255
beige #f5f5dc 245 245 220
bisque #ffe4c4 255 228 196
black #000000 0 0 0
blanchedalmond #ffebcd 255 235 205
blue #0000ff 0 0 255
blueviolet #8a2be2 138 43 226
brown #a52a2a 165 42 42
burlywood #deb887 222 184 135
cadetblue #5f9ea0 95 158 160
chartreuse #7fff00 127 255 0
chocolate #d2691e 210 105 30
coral #ff7f50 255 127 80
cornflowerblue #6495ed 100 149 237
cornsilk #fff8dc 255 248 220
crimson #dc143c 220 20 60
cyan #00ffff 0 255 255
darkblue #00008b 0 0 139
darkcyan #008b8b 0 139 139
darkgoldenrod #b8860b 184 134 11
darkgray #a9a9a9 169 169 169
darkgreen #006400 0 100 0
darkgrey #a9a9a9 169 169 169
darkkhaki #bdb76b 189 183 107
darkmagenta #8b008b 139 0 139
darkolivegreen #556b2f 85 107 47
darkorange #ff8c00 255 140 0
darkorchid #9932cc 153 50 204
darkred #8b0000 139 0 0
darksalmon #e9967a 233 150 122
darkseagreen #8fbc8f 143 188 143
darkslateblue #483d8b 72 61 139
darkslategray #2f4f4f 47 79 79
darkslategrey #2f4f4f 47 79 79
darkturquoise #00ced1 0 206 209
darkviolet #9400d3 148 0 211
deeppink #ff1493 255 20 147
deepskyblue #00bfff 0 191 255
dimgray #696969 105 105 105
dimgrey #696969 105 105 105
dodgerblue #1e90ff 30 144 255
firebrick #b22222 178 34 34
floralwhite #fffaf0 255 250 240
forestgreen #228b22 34 139 34
fuchsia #ff00ff 255 0 255
gainsboro #dcdcdc 220 220 220
ghostwhite #f8f8ff 248 248 255
gold #ffd700 255 215 0
goldenrod #daa520 218 165 32
gray #808080 128 128 128
green #008000 0 128 0
greenyellow #adff2f 173 255 47
grey #808080 128 128 128
honeydew #f0fff0 240 255 240
hotpink #ff69b4 255 105 180
indianred #cd5c5c 205 92 92
indigo #4b0082 75 0 130
ivory #fffff0 255 255 240
khaki #f0e68c 240 230 140
lavender #e6e6fa 230 230 250
lavenderblush #fff0f5 255 240 245
lawngreen #7cfc00 124 252 0
lemonchiffon #fffacd 255 250 205
lightblue #add8e6 173 216 230
lightcoral #f08080 240 128 128
lightcyan #e0ffff 224 255 255
lightgoldenrodyellow #fafad2 250 250 210
lightgray #d3d3d3 211 211 211
lightgreen #90ee90 144 238 144
lightgrey #d3d3d3 211 211 211
lightpink #ffb6c1 255 182 193
lightsalmon #ffa07a 255 160 122
lightseagreen #20b2aa 32 178 170
lightskyblue #87cefa 135 206 250
lightslategray #778899 119 136 153
lightslategrey #778899 119 136 153
lightsteelblue #b0c4de 176 196 222
lightyellow #ffffe0 255 255 224
lime #00ff00 0 255 0
limegreen #32cd32 50 205 50
linen #faf0e6 250 240 230
magenta #ff00ff 255 0 255
maroon #800000 128 0 0
mediumaquamarine #66cdaa 102 205 170
mediumblue #0000cd 0 0 205
mediumorchid #ba55d3 186 85 211
mediumpurple #9370db 147 112 219
mediumseagreen #3cb371 60 179 113
mediumslateblue #7b68ee 123 104 238
mediumspringgreen #00fa9a 0 250 154
mediumturquoise #48d1cc 72 209 204
mediumvioletred #c71585 199 21 133
midnightblue #191970 25 25 112
mintcream #f5fffa 245 255 250
mistyrose #ffe4e1 255 228 225
moccasin #ffe4b5 255 228 181
navajowhite #ffdead 255 222 173
navy #000080 0 0 128
oldlace #fdf5e6 253 245 230
olive #808000 128 128 0
olivedrab #6b8e23 107 142 35
orange #ffa500 255 165 0
orangered #ff4500 255 69 0
orchid #da70d6 218 112 214
palegoldenrod #eee8aa 238 232 170
palegreen #98fb98 152 251 152
paleturquoise #afeeee 175 238 238
palevioletred #db7093 219 112 147
papayawhip #ffefd5 255 239 213
peachpuff #ffdab9 255 218 185
peru #cd853f 205 133 63
pink #ffc0cb 255 192 203
plum #dda0dd 221 160 221
powderblue #b0e0e6 176 224 230
purple #800080 128 0 128
rebeccapurple #663399 102 51 153
red #ff0000 255 0 0
rosybrown #bc8f8f 188 143 143
royalblue #4169e1 65 105 225
saddlebrown #8b4513 139 69 19
salmon #fa8072 250 128 114
sandybrown #f4a460 244 164 96
seagreen #2e8b57 46 139 87
seashell #fff5ee 255 245 238
sienna #a0522d 160 82 45
silver #c0c0c0 192 192 192
skyblue #87ceeb 135 206 235
slateblue #6a5acd 106 90 205
slategray #708090 112 128 144
slategrey #708090 112 128 144
snow #fffafa 255 250 250
springgreen #00ff7f 0 255 127
steelblue #4682b4 70 130 180
tan #d2b48c 210 180 140
teal #008080 0 128 128
thistle #d8bfd8 216 191 216
tomato #ff6347 255 99 71
turquoise #40e0d0 64 224 208
violet #ee82ee 238 130 238
wheat #f5deb3 245 222 179
white #ffffff 255 255 255
whitesmoke #f5f5f5 245 245 245
yellow #ffff00 255 255 0
yellowgreen #9acd32 154 205 50

Note: this list of colors and their definitions is a superset of the list of named colors defined by SVG 1.1.

For historical reasons, this is also referred to as the X11 color set.

Note: The history of the X11 color system is interesting, and was excellently summarized by Alex Sexton in his talk “Peachpuffs and Lemonchiffons”.


6.2. System Colors

In general, the <system-color> keywords reflect default color choices made by the user, the browser, or the OS. They are typically used in the browser default stylesheet, for this reason.

To maintain legibility, the <system-color> keywords also respond to light mode or dark mode changes.

However, in forced colors mode, most colors on the page are forced into a restricted, user-chosen palette. The <system-color> keywords expose these user-chosen colors so that the rest of the page can integrate with this restricted palette.

When the forced-colors media feature is active, authors should use the <system-color> keywords as color values in properties other than those listed in CSS Color Adjust §3.1 Properties Affected by Forced Colors Mode, to ensure legibility and consistency across the page and avoid an uncoordinated mishmash of user-forced and page-chosen colors.

When the values of <system-color> keywords come from the browser, (as opposed to being OS defaults or user choices) the browser should ensure that matching foreground/background pairs have a minimum of WCAG AA contrast. However, user preferences (for higher or lower contrast), whether set as a browser preference, a user stylesheet, or by altering the OS defaults, must take precedence over this requirement.

Authors may also use these keywords at any time, but should be careful to use the colors in matching background-foreground pairs to ensure appropriate contrast, as any particular contrast relationship across non-matching pairs (e.g. Canvas and ButtonText) is not guaranteed.

The <system-color> keywords are defined as follows:

 Background of application content or documents.
 Text in application content or documents.
 Text in non-active, non-visited links. For light backgrounds, traditionally blue.
 Text in visited links. For light backgrounds, traditionally purple.
 Text in active links. For light backgrounds, traditionally red.
 The face background color for push buttons.
 Text on push buttons.
 The base border color for push buttons.
 Background of input fields.
 Text in input fields.
 Background of selected items/text.
 Text of selected items/text.
 Background of text that has been specially marked (such as by the HTML mark element).
 Text that has been specially marked (such as by the HTML mark element).
 Disabled text. (Often, but not necessarily, gray.)

Note: As with all other keywords, these names are ASCII case-insensitive. They are shown here with mixed capitalization for legibility.

For systems that do not have a particular system UI concept, the specified value should be mapped to the most closely related system color value that exists. The following system color pairings are expected to form legible background-foreground colors:

Additionally, GrayText is expected to be readable, though possibly at a lower contrast rating, over any of the backgrounds.

For example, the system color combinations in the browser you are currently using:

Canvas with CanvasText CanvasText

Canvas with LinkText LinkText

Canvas with VisitedText VisitedText

Canvas with ActiveText ActiveText

Canvas with GrayText GrayText

Canvas with ButtonBorder and adjacent Canvas CanvasTextAdjacent

ButtonFace with ButtonText ButtonText

ButtonFace with ButtonText and ButtonBorder ButtonText

ButtonFace with GrayText GrayText

Field with FieldText FieldText

Field with GrayText GrayText

Mark with MarkText FieldText

Mark with GrayText GrayText

Highlight with HighlightText HighlightText

Highlight with GrayText GrayText

Earlier versions of CSS defined additional <system-color>s, which have since been deprecated. These are documented in Appendix A: Deprecated CSS System Colors.

Note: The <system-color>s incur some privacy and security risk, as detailed in § 17 Security and Privacy Considerations.

6.3. The transparent keyword

The keyword transparent specifies a transparent black. It is a type of <named-color>.

6.4. The currentcolor keyword

The keyword currentcolor represents value of the color property on the same element. Unlike <named-color>s, it is not restricted to sRGB; the value can be any <color>. Its used values is determined by resolving color values.

Here’s a simple example showing how to use the currentcolor keyword:
.foo {
  color:  red;
  background-color:  currentcolor;

This is equivalent to writing:

.foo {
  color:  red;
  background-color:  red;
For example, the text-emphasis-color property [CSS3-TEXT-DECOR], whose initial value is currentcolor, by default matches the text color even as the color property changes across elements.
<p><em>Some <strong>really</strong> emphasized text.</em>
p { color: black; }
em { text-emphasis: dot; }
strong { color: red; }

rendered emphasized text with the word 'really' in red with red emphasis dots

In the above example, the emphasis marks are black over the text "Some" and "emphasized text", but red over the text "really".

Note: Multi-word keywords in CSS usually separate their component words with hyphens. currentcolor doesn’t, because (deep breath) it was originally introduced in SVG as a property value, "current-color" with the usual CSS spelling. It (along with all other properties and their values) then became presentation attributes and attribute values, as well as properties, to make generation with XSLT easier. Then all of the presentation attributes were changed from hyphenated to camelCase, because the DOM had an issue with hyphen meaning "minus". But then, they didn’t follow CSS conventions anymore so all the properties and property values that were already part of CSS were changed back to hyphenated! currentcolor was not a part of CSS at that time, so remained camelCased. Only later did CSS pick it up, at which point the capitalization stopped mattering, as CSS keywords are ASCII case-insensitive.

7. HSL Colors: hsl() and hsla() functions

The RGB system for specifying colors, while convenient for machines and graphic libraries, is often regarded as very difficult for humans to gain an intuitive grasp on. It’s not easy to tell, for example, how to alter an RGB color to produce a lighter variant of the same hue.

There are several other color schemes possible. One such is the HSL color scheme, which is much more intuitive to use, but still maps easily back to RGB colors.

HSL colors are specified as a triplet of hue, saturation, and lightness. The syntax of the hsl() function is:

hsl() = hsl( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? )

The first argument specifies the hue angle.

In HSL (and HWB) the angle 0deg represents sRGB primary red (as does 360deg, 720deg, etc.), and the rest of the hues are spread around the circle, so 120deg represents sRGB primary green, 240deg represents sRGB primary blue, etc.

The next two arguments are the saturation and lightness, respectively. For saturation, 100% is a fully-saturated, bright color, and 0% is a fully-unsaturated gray. For lightness, 50% represents the "normal" color, while 100% is white and 0% is black. If the saturation or lightness are less than 0% or greater than 100%, they are clamped to those values at computed value time, before being converted to an sRGB color.

The final argument specifies the alpha channel of the color. It’s interpreted identically to the fourth argument of the rgb() function. If omitted, it defaults to 100%.

HSL colors resolve to sRGB.

For example, an ordinary red, the same color you would see from the keyword  red or the hex notation  #f00, is represented in HSL as  hsl(0deg 100% 50%).

An advantage of HSL over RGB is that it is more intuitive: people can guess at the colors they want, and then tweak.

For example, the following colors can all be generated off of the basic "green" hue, just by varying the other two arguments:
hsl(120deg 100% 50%) lime green
hsl(120deg 100% 25%) dark green
hsl(120deg 100% 75%) light green
hsl(120deg 75% 85%)  pastel green

An advantage of HSL over LCH is that, regardless of manipulation, the result always lies inside the sRGB gamut. A disadvantage of HSL over LCH is that hue manipulation changes the visual lightness, and that hues are not evenly spaced apart.

It is thus easier in HSL to create sets of matching colors (by keeping the hue the same and varying the saturation and lightness), compared to manipulating the sRGB component values; however, because the lightness is simply the mean of the gamma-corrected red, green and blue components it does not correspond to the visual perception of lightness across hues.

For example,  blue is represented in HSL as  hsl(240deg 100% 50%) while  yellow is  hsl(60deg 100% 50%). Both have an HSL Lightness of 50%, but clearly the yellow looks much lighter than the blue.

In LCH, sRGB blue is  lch(29.6% 131.2 301.3) while sRGB yellow is  lch(97.6% 94.7 99.6). The LCH Lightnesses of 29.6% and 97.6% clearly reflect the visual lightnesses of the two colors.

The hue angle in HSL is not perceptually uniform; colors appear bunched up in some areas and widely spaced in others.

For example, the pair of hues  hsl(220deg 100% 50%) and  hsl(250deg 100% 50%) have an HSL hue difference of 250-220 = 30deg and look fairly similar, while another pair of colors  hsl(50deg 100% 50%) and  hsl(80deg 100% 50%), which also have a hue difference of 80-50 = 30deg, look very different.

In LCH, the same pair of colors  lch(42.1% 97.4 290.6) and  lch(30.8% 129.7 302.1) have a hue difference of 302.1-290.6 = 11.5deg while the second pair  lch(86.8% 86.2 87.3) and  lch(92.0% 98.8 119.1) have a hue difference of 119.1-87.3 = 31.8deg, correctly reflecting the visual separation of hues.

For legacy reasons, hsl() also supports an alternate syntax that separates all of its arguments with commas:

hsl() = hsl( <hue>, <percentage>, <percentage>, <alpha-value>? )

Also for legacy reasons, an hsla() function also exists, with an identical grammar and behavior to hsl().


7.1. Converting HSL colors to sRGB colors

Converting an HSL color to sRGB is straightforward mathematically. Here’s a simple implementation of the conversion algorithm in JavaScript. For simplicity, this algorithm assumes that the hue has been normalized to a number in the half-open range [0, 6), and the saturation and lightness have been normalized to the range [0, 1]. It returns an array of three numbers representing the red, green, and blue channels of the colors, normalized to the range [0, 1].

function hslToRgb(hue, sat, light) {
  if( light <= .5 ) {
    var t2 = light * (sat + 1);
  } else {
    var t2 = light + sat - (light * sat);
  var t1 = light * 2 - t2;
  var r = hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue + 2);
  var g = hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue);
  var b = hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue - 2);
  return [r,g,b];

function hueToRgb(t1, t2, hue) {
  if(hue < 0) hue += 6;
  if(hue >= 6) hue -= 6;

  if(hue < 1) return (t2 - t1) * hue + t1;
  else if(hue < 3) return t2;
  else if(hue < 4) return (t2 - t1) * (4 - hue) + t1;
  else return t1;

7.2. Examples of HSL colors

The tables below illustrate a wide range of possible HSL colors. Each table represents one hue, selected at 30° intervals, to illustrate the common "core" hues: red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta, and the six intermediary colors between these.

In each table, the X axis represents the saturation while the Y axis represents the lightness.

w3c/csswg-drafts/3088[css-color-3] HSL examples show incorrect RGB values
The conversions in the table below are known to contain errors. They are copied from CSS Color 3, which also had the same errors. Those colors were supposedly computed by a program in ABC. A future spec will correctly compute those colors. Meanwhile, please note that these conversions are non-normative examples.
0° Reds
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
30° Red-Yellows (=Oranges)
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
60° Yellows
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
90° Yellow-Greens
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
120° Greens
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
150° Green-Cyans
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
180° Cyans
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
210° Cyan-Blues
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
240° Blues
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
270° Blue-Magentas
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
300° Magentas
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
330° Magenta-Reds
100% 75% 50% 25% 0%

8. HWB Colors: hwb() function

HWB (short for Hue-Whiteness-Blackness) is another method of specifying colors, similar to HSL, but often even easier for humans to work with. It describes colors with a starting hue, then a degree of whiteness and blackness to mix into that base hue.

Many color-pickers are based on the HWB color system, due to its intuitiveness.

HWB colors resolve to sRGB.

This is a screenshot of Chrome’s color picker, shown when a user activates an <input type="color">. The outer wheel is used to select the hue, then the relative amounts of white and black are selected by clicking on the inner triangle.

The syntax of the hwb() function is:

hwb() = hwb( <hue> <percentage> <percentage> [ / <alpha-value> ]? )

The first argument specifies the hue, and is interpreted identically to hsl().

The second argument specifies the amount of white to mix in, as a percentage from 0% (no whiteness) to 100% (full whiteness). Similarly, the third argument specifies the amount of black to mix in, also from 0% (no blackness) to 100% (full blackness). Values outside of these ranges are not invalid, but are clamped to the ranges defined here at computed-value time. If the sum of these two arguments is greater than 100%, then at computed-value time they are further normalized to add up to 100%, with the same relative ratio.

The fourth argument specifies the alpha channel of the color. It’s interpreted identically to the fourth argument of the rgb() function. If omitted, it defaults to 100%.

The resulting color can be thought of conceptually as a mixture of paint in the chosen hue, white paint, and black paint, with the relative amounts of each determined by the percentages. If white+black is equal to 100% (after normalization), it defines an achromatic color, i.e. some shade of gray, without any hint of the chosen hue.


8.1. Converting HWB colors to sRGB colors

Converting an HWB color to sRGB is straightforward, and related to how one converts HSL to RGB. The following Javascript implementation of the algorithm first normalizes the white and black components, so their sum is no larger than 100%.

white /= 100;
black /= 100;
if (white + black >= 1) {
  var gray = white / (white + black);
  return [gray, gray, gray];
function hwbToRgb(hue, white, black) {
  var rgb = hslToRgb(hue, 1, .5);
  for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    rgb[i] *= (1 - white - black);
    rgb[i] += white;
  return rgb;

8.2. Converting sRGB colors to HWB colors

Conversion in the reverse direction proceeds similarly.

function rgbToHwb(red, green, blue) {
  var hsl = rgbToHsl(rgb);
  var white = Math.min(...rgb);
  var black = 1 - Math.max(...rgb);
  return([hsl[0], white*100, black*100]);

8.3. Examples of HWB Colors

0° Reds
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
30° Red-Yellows (Oranges)
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
60° Yellows
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
90° Yellow-Greens
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
120° Greens
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
150° Green-Cyans
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
180° Cyans
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
210° Cyan-Blues
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
240° Blues
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
270° Blue-Magentas
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
300° Magentas
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
330° Magenta-Reds
W\B 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

9. Device-independent Colors: Lab and LCH

Physical measurements of a color are typically expressed in the CIE L*a*b* [CIELAB] color space, created in 1976 by the CIE and commonly referred to simply as Lab. Color conversions from one device to another also use Lab as an intermediate step. Derived from human vision experiments, Lab represents the entire range of color that humans can see.

Lab is a rectangular coordinate system with a central Lightness axis. This value is usually written as a unitless number; for compatibility with the rest of CSS, it is written as a percentage. 100% means an L value of 100, not 1.0. L=0% is deep black (no light at all) while L=100% is a diffuse white

Values of L greater than 100 would correspond to specular highlights, but their precise color is undefined in this specification. Usefully, L=50% is mid gray, by design, and equal increments in L are evenly spaced visually: the Lab color space is intended to be perceptually uniform.

This figure shows the Lightness axis of the CIE Lab color space. Twenty neutral swatches are shown (L=0%, L=5%, to L=100%). The steps are equally spaced, visually.

The a and b axes convey hue; positive values along the a axis are a purplish red while negative values are the complementary color, a green. Similarly, positive values along the b axis are yellow and negative are the complementary blue/violet. Desaturated colors have small values of a and b and are close to the L axis; saturated colors lie far from the L axis.

The illuminant is D50 white, a standardized daylight spectrum with a color temperature of 5000K, as reflected by a perfect diffuse reflector; it approximates the color of sunlight on a sunny day. D50 is also the whitepoint used for the profile connection space in ICC color interconversion, the whitepoint used in image editors which offer Lab editing, and the value used by physical measurement devices such as spectrometers, when they report measured colors in Lab.

Conversion from colors specified using other white points is called a chromatic adaptation transform, which models the changes in the human visual system as we adapt to a new lighting condition. The Bradford algorithm [Bradford-CAT] is the industry standard chromatic adaptation transform, and is easy to calculate as it is a simple matrix multiplication.

LCH has the same L axis as Lab, but uses polar coordinates C (chroma) and H (hue), making it a polar, cylindrical coordinate system. C is the geometric distance from the L axis and H is the angle from the positive a axis, towards the positive b axis.

This figure shows the L=50 plane of the CIE Lab color space. 20 degree increments in CIE LCH are displayed as circles at three levels of Chroma: 20, 40 and 60. All the 20 Chroma colors fit inside sRGB gamut, some of 40 and 60 Chroma are outside. These out of gamut colors are visualized as grey, with a red warning outer stroke.

Note: The Lightness axis in Lab and LCH is not to be confused with the L axis in HSL. For example, in HSL, the sRGB colors blue (#00F) and yellow (#FF0) have the same value of L (50%) even though visually, blue is much darker. This is much clearer in Lab: sRGB blue is lab(29.567% 68.298 -112.0294) while sRGB yellow is lab(97.607% -15.753 93.388). In Lab and LCH, if two colors have the same measured L value, they have identical visual lightness. HSL and related polar RGB models were developed in an attempt to give similar usability benefits for RGB that LCH gave to Lab, but are significantly less accurate.

9.1. Specifying Lab and LCH: the lab() and lch() functional notations

CSS allows colors to be directly expressed in Lab and LCH.

lab() = lab( <percentage> <number> <number> [ / <alpha-value> ]? )

The first argument specifies the CIE Lightness. This is typically a number between 0% (representing black) and 100% (representing white), However, CIE Lightness can exceed this range on some systems, with extra-bright whites using a lightness up to 400. Values less than 0% must be clamped to 0% at computed-value time; values greater than 100% are permitted (for forwards compatibility with High Dynamic Range (HDR), and must not be clamped.

The second and third arguments are the distances along the "a" and "b" axes in the Lab color space, as described in the previous section. These values are signed (allow both positive and negative values) and theoretically unbounded (but in practice do not exceed ±160).

There is an optional fourth alpha value, separated by a slash, and interpreted identically to the <alpha-value> in rgb().

 lab(29.2345% 39.3825 20.0664);
 lab(52.2345% 40.1645 59.9971);
 lab(60.2345% -5.3654 58.956);
 lab(62.2345% -34.9638 47.7721);
 lab(67.5345% -8.6911 -41.6019);
lch() = lch( <percentage> <number> <hue> [ / <alpha-value> ]? )

The first argument specifies the CIE Lightness, interpreted identically to the Lightness argument of lab().

The second argument is the chroma (roughly representing the "amount of color"). Its minimum useful value is 0, while its maximum is theoretically unbounded (but in practice does not exceed 230). If the provided value is negative, it is clamped to 0 at computed-value time.

The third argument is the hue angle. It’s interpreted similarly to the <hue> argument of hsl(), but doesn’t map hues to angles in the same way because they are evenly spaced perceptually. Instead, 0deg points along the positive "a" axis (toward purplish red), (as does 360deg, 720deg, etc.); 90deg points along the positive "b" axis (toward mustard yellow), 180deg points along the negative "a" axis (toward greenish cyan), and 270deg points along the negative "b" axis (toward sky blue).

There is an optional fourth alpha value, separated by a slash, and interpreted identically to the <alpha-value> in rgb().

 lch(29.2345% 44.2 27);
 lch(52.2345% 72.2 56.2);
 lch(60.2345% 59.2 95.2);
 lch(62.2345% 59.2 126.2);
 lch(67.5345% 42.5 258.2);

9.2. Converting RGB colors to Lab colors

Conversion from an RGB color space to Lab requires several steps, although in practice all but the first and last step are linear calculations and can be combined. Taking sRGB as an example:

  1. Convert from sRGB to linear-light sRGB (undo gamma encoding). This has the same gamut as sRGB, but is now additive, so that arithmetic operations on the values give the correct results.
  2. Convert from linear sRGB to CIE XYZ
  3. Convert from a D65 whitepoint (used by sRGB) to the D50 whitepoint used in Lab, with the Bradford transform [Bradford-CAT]
  4. Convert D50-adapted XYZ to Lab

There is sample JavaScript code for this conversion for various RGB color spaces, in § 15 Sample code for color conversions.

9.3. Converting Lab colors to RGB colors

For display on a screen, Lab colors will need to be converted to the color space of the display.

Conversion from Lab to an RGB space also requires multiple steps, and again in practice all but the first and last step are linear calculations and can be combined. Taking display-p3 as an example,

  1. Convert Lab to (D50-adapted) XYZ
  2. Convert from a D50 whitepoint (used by Lab) to the D65 whitepoint used in display-p3, with the Bradford transform
  3. Convert from (D65-adapted) CIE XYZ to linear-light display-p3
  4. Convert from linear-light display-p3 to display-p3 (do gamma encoding)

There is sample JavaScript code for this conversion for various RGB color spaces, in § 15 Sample code for color conversions.

9.4. Converting CMYK colors to Lab

Conversion from a calibrated CMYK color space to Lab is typically done by looking up the Lab values in an ICC profile.

9.5. Converting Lab colors to CMYK

For print, Lab colors will need to be converted to the color space of the display.

This is typically done by looking up the CMYK values in an ICC profile.

9.6. Converting Lab colors to LCH colors

Conversion to LCH is trivial:

  1. H = atan2(b, a)
  2. C = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
  3. L is the same

For extremely small values of a and b (near zero Chroma), although the visual color does not change from being on the neutral axis, small changes to the values can result in the reported hue angle swinging about wildly and being essentially random. To account for this, some conversion routines will report a missing value, such as NaN.

9.7. Converting LCH colors to Lab colors

Conversion to Lab is trivial:

  1. a = C cos(H)
  2. b = C sin(H)
  3. L is the same

10. Profiled, Device-dependent Colors

CSS allows colors to be specified by reference to a color profile. This could be for example a calibrated CMYK printer, or an RGB color space, or any other color or monochrome output device which has been characterized.

In addition, for convenience, CSS provides several predefined color spaces including display-p3' [DCI-P3], which is a wide gamut space typical of current wide-gamut monitors, prophoto-rgb', widely used by photographers and rec2020' [Rec.2020], which is a broadcast industry standard, ultra-wide gamut space capable of representing almost all visible real-world colors.

These can be used without supplying a separate profile.

This example specifies four profiled colors: two are custom spaces (for a SWOP-coated CMYK press, for a wide-gamut seven-ink printer), the other two are predefined spaces (the ProPhoto RGB, and display-p3 RGB spaces). In each case, the numerical parameters are in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (rather than, for example, 0 to 255).
color: color(--swopc 0.0134 0.8078 0.7451 0.3019);
color: color(--indigo 0.0941 0.6274 0.3372 0.1647 0 0.0706 0.1216);
color: color(prophoto-rgb 0.9137 0.5882 0.4784);
color: color(display-p3 0.3804 0.9921 0.1412);

The colors not using a predefined color space are distinguished by their use of <dashed-ident> and also need a matching @color-profile at-rule somewhere in the stylesheet, to connect the name with the profile data.

@color-profile --swopc {
  src: url('http://example.org/swop-coated.icc');}
@color-profile --indigo {
  src: url('http://example.org/indigo-seven.icc');}

10.1. Specifying profiled colors: the color() function

The color() function allows a color to be specified in a particular, specified color space (rather than the implicit sRGB color space that most of the other color functions operate in). Its syntax is:

color() = color( [<ident> | <dashed-ident>] [ <number-percentage>+ ] [ / <alpha-value> ]? )

The color function takes parameters specifying a color, in an explicitly listed color space.

It represents either an invalid color, as described below, or a valid color.

Any color which is not an invalid color is a valid color.

A color may be a valid color but still be outside the range of colors that can be produced by an output device (a screen, projector, or printer). It is said to be out of gamut for that color space.

An out of gamut color has component values less than 0 or 0%, or greater than 1 or 100%. These are not invalid; instead, for display, they are gamut-mapped using a relative colorimetric intent which brings the values within the range 0/0% to 1/100% at computed-value time.

Each valid color is either in-gamut for the output device (screen, or printer), or it is out of gamut.

The parameters have the following form:

A color which is either an invalid color or an out of gamut color can’t be displayed.

If the specified color can be displayed, (that is, it isn’t an invalid color and isn’t out of gamut) then this is the used value of the color() function.

If the specified color is a valid color but can’t be displayed], the used value is derived from the specified color, gamut-mapped for display.

If the color is an invalid color, the used value is opaque black.

This very intense lime color is in-gamut for rec.2020:
color(rec2020 0.42053 0.979780 0.00579);

in LCH, that color is

lch(86.6146% 160.0000 136.0088);

in display-p3, that color is

color(display-p3 -0.6112 1.0079 -0.2192);

and is out of gamut for display-p3 (red and blue are negative, green is greater than 1). If you have a display-p3 screen, that color is:

The color used for display will be a less intense color produced automatically by gamut mapping.
This example has a typo! An intense green is provided in profoto-rgb space (which doesn’t exist). This makes it invalid, so the used value is opaque black
color(profoto-rgb 0.4835 0.9167 0.2188)

10.2. Predefined color spaces: srgb, display-p3, a98-rgb, prophoto-rgb, rec2020, and xyz.

The following color spaces are predefined for use in the color() function. They are used without any @color-profile rule.

The sRGB predefined colorspace defined below is the same as is used for legacy sRGB colors, such as rgb().

The srgb [SRGB] color space accepts three numeric parameters, representing the red, green, and blue channels of the color, with each having a valid range of [0, 1]. The whitepoint is D65 (a daylight white, with a correlated color temperature of 6504°K).

[SRGB] specifies two viewing conditions, encoding and typical. The [ICC] recommends using the encoding conditions for color conversion and for optimal viewing, which are the values in the table below.

sRGB is the default color space for CSS, used for all the legacy color functions.

It has the following characteristics:

x y notes
Red chromaticity 0.640 0.330
Green chromaticity 0.300 0.600
Blue chromaticity 0.150 0.060
White chromaticity 0.31272 0.32903 (D65)
Transfer function see below
White luminance 80.0 cd/m2
Black luminance 0.80 cd/m2
Image state display-referred
Percentages Allowed for R, G and B
let sign = c < 0? -1 : 1;
let abs = Math.abs(c);

if (abs < 0.04045) {
  cl = c / 12.92;
else {
  cl = sign * (Math.pow((abs + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4));

c is the gamma-encoded red, green or blue component. cl is the corresponding linear-light component.

diagram of sRGB primaries and secondaries in LCH
Visualization of the sRGB color space in LCH. The primaries and secondaries are shown.
The display-p3 color space accepts three numeric parameters, representing the red, green, and blue channels of the color, with each having a valid range of [0, 1]. It uses the same primary chromaticities as [DCI-P3], but with a D65 whitepoint, and the same transfer curve as sRGB.

Modern displays, TVs, laptop screens and phone screens are able to display all, or nearly all, of the display-p3 gamut.

It has the following characteristics:

x y notes
Red chromaticity 0.680 0.320
Green chromaticity 0.265 0.690
Blue chromaticity 0.150 0.060
White chromaticity 0.31272 0.32903 (D65)
Transfer function same as srgb
White luminance 80.0 cd/m2
Black luminance 0.80 cd/m2
Image state display-referred
Percentages Allowed for R, G and B
diagram of P3 primaries and secondaries in LCH
Visualization of the P3 color space in LCH. The primaries and secondaries are shown (but in sRGB, not in the correct colors). For comparison, the sRGB primaries and secondaries are also shown, as dashed circles. P3 primaries have higher Chroma.
The a98-rgb color space accepts three numeric parameters, representing the red, green, and blue channels of the color, with each having a valid range of [0, 1]. The transfer curve is a gamma function, close to but not exactly 1/2.2.

It has the following characteristics:

x y notes
Red chromaticity 0.6400 0.3300
Green chromaticity 0.2100 0.7100
Blue chromaticity 0.1500 0.0600
White chromaticity 0.31272 0.32903 (D65)
Transfer function 256/563
White luminance 160.0 cd/m2
Black luminance 0.5557 cd/m2
Image state display-referred
Percentages Allowed for R, G and B
diagram of a98 primaries and secondaries in LCH
Visualization of the a98 color space in LCH. The primaries and secondaries are shown (but in sRGB, not in the correct colors). For comparison, the sRGB primaries and secondaries are also shown, as dashed circles. a98 primaries have higher Chroma, especially the yellow, green and cyan.
The prophoto-rgb color space accepts three numeric parameters, representing the red, green, and blue channels of the color, with each having a valid range of [0, 1]. The transfer curve is a gamma function with a value of 1/1.8, and a small linear portion near black. The white point is D50, the same as is used by CIE Lab. Thus, conversion to Lab does not require the chromatic adaptation step.

The ProPhoto RGB space uses hyper-saturated, non physically realizable primaries. These were chosen to allow a wide color gamut and in particular, to minimize hue shifts under tonal manipulation. It is often used in digital photography as a wide gamut color space for the master version of photographic images. The prophoto-rgb color space allows CSS to specify colors that will match colors in such images having the same RGB values.

The white luminance is given as a range, and the viewing flare (and thus, the black luminance) is 0.5% to 1.0% of this.

It has the following characteristics:

x y notes
Red chromaticity 0.734699 0.265301
Green chromaticity 0.159597 0.840403
Blue chromaticity 0.036598 0.000105
White chromaticity 0.345704 0.358540 (D50)
Transfer function see below
White luminance 160.0 to 640.0 cd/m2
Black luminance See text
Image state display-referred
Percentages Allowed for R, G and B
const E = 16/512;
let sign = c < 0? -1 : 1;
let abs = Math.abs(c);

if (abs <= E) {
  cl =  c / 16;
else {
  cl = sign * Math.pow(c, 1.8);

c is the gamma-encoded red, green or blue component. cl is the corresponding linear-light component.

diagram of prophoto primaries and secondaries in LCH
Visualization of the prophoto-rgb color space in LCH. The primaries and secondaries are shown (but in sRGB, not in the correct colors). For comparison, the sRGB primaries and secondaries are also shown, as dashed circles. prophoto-rgb primaries and secondaries have much higher Chroma, but much of this ultrawide gamut does not correspond to physically realizable colors.
The rec2020 [Rec.2020] color space accepts three numeric parameters, representing the red, green, and blue channels of the color, with each having a valid range of [0, 1]. ITU Reference 2020 is used for High Definition, 4k and 8k television.

The primaries are physically realizable, but with difficulty as they lie very close to the spectral locus.

Current displays are unable to reproduce the full gamut of rec2020. Coverage is expected to increase over time as displays improve.

It has the following characteristics:

x y notes
Red chromaticity 0.708 0.292
Green chromaticity 0.170 0.797
Blue chromaticity 0.131 0.046
White chromaticity 0.31272 0.32903 (D65)
Transfer function see below
Image state display-referred
Percentages Allowed for R, G and B
const α = 1.09929682680944 ;
const β = 0.018053968510807;

let sign = c < 0? -1 : 1;
let abs = Math.abs(c);

if (abs < β * 4.5 ) {
  cl = c / 4.5;
else {
  cl = sign * (Math.pow((abs + α -1 ) / α, 1/0.45));

c is the gamma-encoded red, green or blue component. cl is the corresponding linear-light component.

diagram of rec2020 primaries and secondaries in LCH
Visualization of the rec2020 color space in LCH. The primaries and secondaries are shown (but in sRGB, not in the correct colors). For comparison, the sRGB primaries and secondaries are also shown, as dashed circles. rec2020 primaries have much higher Chroma.
The xyz color space accepts three numeric parameters, representing the X,Y and Z values. It represents the CIE XYZ color space, scaled such that diffuse white has a luminance (Y) of 1.0 and, if necessary, chromatically adapted to a D50 reference white.

Values greater than 1.0 are allowed and must not be clamped; they represent colors brighter than diffuse white. Values less than 0 are uncommon, but can occur as a result of chromatic adaptation, and likewise must not be clamped.

It has the following characteristics:

Percentages Disallowed
These are exactly equivalent:
 rgb(46.27% 32.94% 80.39%)
 lab(44.36% 36.05 -58.99)
 color(xyz 0.2005 0.14089 0.4472)

10.2.1. Converting predefined color spaces to Lab

For all predefined color spaces, conversion to Lab requires several steps, although in practice all but the first step are linear calculations and can be combined.

  1. Convert from gamma-encoded RGB to linear-light RGB (undo gamma encoding)
  2. Convert from linear RGB to CIE XYZ
  3. Convert from a D65 whitepoint (used by sRGB, display-p3, a98-rgb and rec2020) to the D50 whitepoint used in Lab, with the Bradford transform. prophoto-rgb' already has a D50 whitepoint.
  4. Convert D50-adapted XYZ to Lab

10.2.2. Converting Lab to predefined color spaces

Conversion from Lab to display-p3 or rec2020 also requires multiple steps, and again in practice all but the last step are linear calculations and can be combined.

  1. Convert Lab to (D50-adapted) XYZ
  2. Convert from a D50 whitepoint (used by Lab) to the D65 whitepoint used in sRGB and most other RGB spaces, with the Bradford transform. prophoto-rgb' does not require this step.
  3. Convert from (D65-adapted) CIE XYZ to linear RGB
  4. Convert from linear-light RGB to RGB (do gamma encoding)

Implementations may choose to implement these steps in some other way (for example, using an ICC profile with relative colorimetric rendering intent) provided the results are the same for colors inside both the source and destination gamuts.

10.2.3. Converting between predefined RGB color spaces

Conversion from one predefined RGB colorspace to another requires multiple steps, one of which is only needed when the whitepoints differ. To convert from src to dest:

  1. Convert from gamma-encoded srcRGB to linear-light srcRGB (undo gamma encoding)
  2. Convert from linear srcRGB to CIE XYZ
  3. If src and dest have different whitepoints, convert the XYZ value from srcWhite to destWhite with the Bradford transform.
  4. Convert from CIE XYZ to linear destRGB
  5. Convert from linear-light destRGB to destRGB (do gamma encoding)

There is sample JavaScript code for this conversion for the predefined RGB color spaces, in § 15 Sample code for color conversions.

10.3. Specifying a color profile: the @color-profile at-rule

The @color-profile rule defines and names a color profile which can later be used in the color() function to specify a color.

It’s defined as:

@color-profile = @color-profile [<dashed-ident> | device-cmyk] { <declaration-list> }

The <dashed-ident> gives the color profile’s name, by which it will be used in a CSS stylesheet. Alternatively, the device-cmyk keyword means that this color profile will be used to resolve colors specified in device-cmyk.

The @color-profile rule accepts the descriptors defined in this specification.

Name: src
For: @color-profile
Value: <url>
Initial: n/a

The src descriptor specifies the URL to retrieve the color-profile information from.

The retrieved ICC profile is valid if

If the profile is not valid, all CSS colors which reference this profile are invalid colors.

Note: The Internet Media Type ("MIME type") for ICC profiles is application/vnd.iccprofile.

Name: rendering-intent
For: @color-profile
Value: relative-colorimetric | absolute-colorimetric | perceptual | saturation
Initial: relative-colorimetric

Color profiles contain “rendering intents”, which define how to gamut-map their color to smaller gamuts than they’re defined over. Often a profile will contain only a single intent, but when there are multiple, the rendering-intent descriptor chooses one of them to use.

The four possible rendering intents are [ICC]:

Media-relative colorimetric is required to leave source colors that fall inside the destination medium gamut unchanged relative to the respective media white points. Source colors that are out of the destination medium gamut are mapped to colors on the gamut boundary using a variety of different methods.

The media-relative colorimetric rendering intent is often used with black point compensation, where the source medium black point is mapped to the destination medium black point as well. This method must map the source white point to the destination white point. If black point compensation is in use, the source black point must also be mapped to the destination black point. Adaptation algorithms should be used to adjust for the change in white point. Relative relationships of colors inside both source and destination gamuts should be preserved. Relative relationships of colors outside the destination gamut may be changed.

ICC-absolute colorimetric is required to leave source colors that fall inside the destination medium gamut unchanged relative to the adopted white (a perfect reflecting diffuser). Source colors that are out of the destination medium gamut are mapped to colors on the gamut boundary using a variety of different methods. This method produces the most accurate color matching of in-gamut colors, but will result in highlight clipping if the destination medium white point is lower than the source medium white point. For this reason it is recommended for use only in applications that need exact color matching and where highlight clipping is not a concern.

This method MUST disable white point matching and black point matching when converting colors. In general, this option is not recommended except for testing purposes.

This method is often the preferred choice for images, especially when there are substantial differences between the source and destination (such as a screen display image reproduced on a reflection print). It takes the colors of the source image and re-optimizes the appearance for the destination medium using proprietary methods. This re-optimization may result in colors within both the source and destination gamuts being changed, although perceptual transforms are supposed to maintain the basic artistic intent of the original in the reproduction. They will not attempt to correct errors in the source image.

Note: With v2 ICC profiles there is no specified perceptual reference medium, which can cause interoperability problems. When v2 ICC profiles are used it can be safer to use the media-relative colorimetric rendering intent with black point compensation, instead of the perceptual rendering intent, unless the specific source and destination profiles to be used have been checked to ensure the combination produces the desired result.

This method should maintain relative color values among the pixels as they are mapped to the target device gamut. This method may change pixel values that were originally within the target device gamut, in order to avoid hue shifts and discontinuities and to preserve as much as possible the overall appearance of the scene.

This option was created to preserve the relative saturation (chroma) of the original, and to keep solid colors pure. However, it experienced interoperability problems like the perceptual intent, and as solid color preservation is not amenable to a reference medium solution using v4 profiles does not solve the problem. Use of this rendering intent is not recommended unless the specific source and destination profiles to be used have been checked to ensure the combination produces the desired result. This option should preserve the relative saturation (chroma) values of the original pixels. Out of gamut colors should be converted to colors that have the same saturation but fall just inside the gamut.
Name: components
For: @color-profile
Value: <ident>#
Initial: n/a

Color profiles can define color spaces which contain a varying number of components. For example, a Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK) profile has four components named c, m, y and k While a four-component additive screen profile might use four components named r, g, y and b.

The value of this descriptor is a comma-separated list of <ident> tokens. Each <ident>> names a component, in the order in which they are used in the color profile, while the total number of tokens defines the number of components.

This descriptor declares that there are four components named cyan, magenta, yellow and black:
components: cyan, magenta, yellow, black

while this descriptor opts for terser names:

components: c,m,y,k
This descriptor declares that there are seven components named cyan, magenta, yellow, black, orange, green and violet:
components: cyan, magenta, yellow, black, orange, green, violet

10.4. CSS and print: using calibrated CMYK and other printed color spaces

The @color-profile at-rule is not restricted to RGB color spaces. While screens typically display colors directly in RGB, printers often represent colors with CMYK.

Calibrated four color print with Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK), or high-fidelity wide gamut printing with additional inks such as Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Orange Green Violet (CMYKOGV) can also be done in CSS, provided you have an ICC profile corresponding to the combination of inks, paper, total ink coverage and equipment you will use.

For example, using offset printing to ISO 12647-2:2004 / Amd 1:2007 using the FOGRA39 characterization data on 115gsm coated paper with an ink limit of 300% Total Area Coverage.
@color-profile --fogra39 {
  src: url('https://example.org/Coated_Fogra39L_VIGC_300.icc');
.header {
  background-color:   color(--fogra39 0% 70% 20% 0%);

Here the color() function first states the name we have given the profile, then gives the percentage of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.

In this profile, this resolves to the color  lab(63.673303% 51.576902 5.811058) which is  rgb(93.124, 44.098% 57.491%).

Because the actual color resulting from a given CMYK combination is known, an on-screen visualization of the printed output (soft-proof) can be made.

Also, procedures that rely on knowing the color (anti-aliasing, compositing, using the color in a gradient, etc) can proceed as normal.

A color checker, used for ensuring color fidelity in the print and photographic industries. Averaged measured Lab values are available for each patch. The rectangles show the Lab values, converted to sRGB. The circles, which are barely visible, show the Lab values, passed through a FOGRA51 ICC profile to convert them to CMYK. The CMYK values are then passed through the same ICC profile in reverse, to yield new Lab values. These are then converted to sRGB for display.

The one patch with a more visible circle (third row, first patch) is because the color is slightly outside the gamut of the FOGRA51 CMYK space used.

The table below shows, for each patch, the DeltaE 2000 between the original Lab and the Lab value after round-tripping through CMYK. A DeltaE 2000 of 1 or more is just visible.

0.06 0.07 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.17
0.03 0.75 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.02
1.9 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.05
0.03 0.08 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.80
This example is using offset printing to ISO 12647-2:2004 using the CGATS/SWOP TR005 2007 characterization data on grade 5 paper with an ink limit of 300% Total Area Coverage, and medium gray component replacement (GCR).
@color-profile --swop5c {
  src: url('https://example.org/SWOP2006_Coated5v2.icc');
.header {
  background-color:   color(--swop5c 0% 70% 20% 0%);

In this profile, this amount of CMYK (the same percentages as the previous example) resolves to the color  lab(64.965217% 52.119710 5.406966) which is  rgb(94.903% 45.248% 59.104%).

Fallback colors can be specified, for example using media queries, to be used if the specified CMYK color is known to be outside the sRGB gamut.

This example uses the same FOGRA39 setup as before, but specifies a bright green which is outside the sRGB gamut. It is, however, inside the display-p3 gamut. Therefore it is displayed as-is on wide gamut screens and in print, and a less intense fallback color is used on sRGB screens.
@media (color-gamut: srgb) {
  .header {
    background-color:  rgb(8.154% 60.9704% 37.184%);
@media print, (color-gamut: p3){
  .header {
    background-color:  color(--fogra39 90% 0% 90% 0%);

This example does not use illustrative swatches, because most of the colors are outside of sRGB.

This CMYK color corresponds to lab(56.596645% -58.995875 28.072154) or lch(56.596645% 65.33421077211648 154.5533771086801). In sRGB this would be rgb(-60.568% 62.558% 32.390%) which, as the large negative red component shows, is out of gamut.

Reducing the chroma until the result is in gamut gives lch(56.596645% 51 154.5533771086801) which is rgb(8.154% 60.9704% 37.184%) and this has been manually specified as a fallback color.

For wide gamut screens, the color is inside the display-p3 gamut (it is display-p3(0.1658 0.6147 0.3533) ).

Colors are not restricted to four inks (CMYK). For example, wide-gamut 7 Color ink sets can be used.

This example uses the beta FOGRA55 dataset for KCMYOGV seven-color printing. Four of the inks - black, cyan, magenta, and yellow - are the same as, and give the same results as, the FOGRA51 set. The other three inks are:

The measurement condition is M1, which means that optical brighteners in the paper are accounted for and the spectrophotometer has no UV-cut filter.

@color-profile --fogra55beta {
  src: url('https://example.org/2020_13.003_FOGRA55beta_CL_Profile.icc');
.dark_skin {
  color(--fogra55beta 0.183596 0.464444 0.461729 0.612490 0.156903 0.000000 0.000000);
.light_skin {
  color(--fogra55beta 0.070804 0.334971 0.321802 0.215606 0.103107 0.000000 0.000000);
.blue_sky {
  color(--fogra55beta 0.572088 0.229346 0.081708 0.282044 0.000000 0.000000 0.168260);
.foliage {
  color(--fogra55beta 0.314566 0.145687 0.661941 0.582879 0.000000 0.234362 0.000000);
.blue_flower {
  color(--fogra55beta 0.375515 0.259934 0.034849 0.107161 0.000000 0.000000 0.308200);
.bluish_green {
  color(--fogra55beta 0.397575 0.010047 0.223682 0.031140 0.000000 0.317066 0.000000);

11. Device-dependent CMYK Colors: the device-cmyk() function

Sometimes, when a given printer has not been calibrated, but the output for particular ink combinations is known through experimentation, or via a printed sample swatchbook, it is useful to express CMYK colors in a device-dependent way.

Note: Because the actual resulting color can be unknown, CSS processors might attempt to approximate it. This approximation is likely to be visually very far from the actual printed result.

The device-cmyk() function allows authors to specify a color in this way:

device-cmyk() = device-cmyk( <cmyk-component>{4} [ / <alpha-value> ]? , <color>? )
<cmyk-component> = <number> | <percentage>

The arguments of the device-cmyk() function specify the cyan, magenta, yellow, and black components, in order, as a number between 0 and 1 or a percentage between 0% and 100%. These two usages are equivalent, and map to each other linearly. Values less than 0 or 0%, or greater than 1 or 100%, are not invalid; instead, they are clamped to 0/0% or 1/100% at computed-value time.

The fifth argument specifies the alpha channel of the color. It’s interpreted identically to the fourth argument of the rgb() function. If omitted, it defaults to 100%.

The sixth argument specifies the fallback color, used when the user agent doesn’t know how to accurately transform the CMYK color to RGB. If omitted, it defaults to the CMYK color naively converted to RGBA.

Typically, print-based applications will actually store the used colors as CMYK, and send them to the printer in that form. However, such colors do not have a colorimetric interpretation, and thus cannot be used in gradients, compositing, blending and so on.

As such, Device CMYK colors must be converted to an equivalent color. This is not trivial, like the conversion from HSL or HWB to RGB; the precise conversion depends on the precise characteristics of the output device.

  1. If the user, author, or user-agent stylesheet has an @color-profile definition for device-cmyk, and the resource specified by the src descriptor can be retrieved, and the resource is a valid CMYK ICC profile, and the user agent can process ICC profiles, the computed value of the device-cmyk() function must be the Lab value of the CMYK color.
  2. Otherwise, if a valid fallback color has been specified, the computed value of the device-cmyk() function must be that fallback color.
  3. Otherwise, the computed value of the device-cmyk() function must be the sRGB value of the CMYK color, as converted with the following naive conversion algorithm.
For example, with no @color-profile and no fallback specified, the following colors are equivalent, using the naive conversion.
color:  device-cmyk(0 81% 81% 30%);
color:  rgb(178 34 34);
color:  firebrick;
With the @color-profile specified as in the example stylesheet, the following colors are equivalent, using colorimetric conversion.
color:  device-cmyk(0 81% 81% 30%);
color:  lab(45.060% 45.477 35.459)
color:  rgb(70.690% 26.851% 19.724%);

The naive conversion is necessarily approximate, since it has no knowledge of the colorimetry of the inks, the dot gain, the colorimetry of the RGB space, and so on.

A color checker, used for ensuring color fidelity in the print and photographic industries. Averaged measured Lab values are available for each patch. The rectangles show the Lab values, converted to sRGB. The circles show the Lab values, passed through an ICC profile to convert them to CMYK. The CMYK value are then naively converted to sRGB.

The table below shows, for each patch, the DeltaE 2000 between the original Lab and the Lab value after round-tripping through CMYK. A DeltaE 2000 of 1 or more is just visible, while 5 or more is just a different color altogether.

11.33 9.36 5.66 7.52 12.39 21.58
6.40 8.79 11.77 17.16 11.91 3.97
12.1 17.00 3.38 1.94 18.08 14.97
1.89 6.56 7.85 8.76 9.82 10.29

11.1. Naively Converting Between Uncalibrated CMYK and sRGB-Based Colors

To naively convert from CMYK to RGBA:

To naively convert from RGBA to CMYK:

12. Transparency: the opacity property

Opacity can be thought of as a postprocessing operation. Conceptually, after the element (including its descendants) is rendered into an RGBA offscreen image, the opacity setting specifies how to blend the offscreen rendering into the current composite rendering. See simple alpha compositing for details.

Name: opacity
Value: <alpha-value>
Initial: 1
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: map to the range [0,1]
Computed value: specified number, clamped to the range [0,1]
Canonical order: per grammar
Animation type: by computed value type
The opacity to be applied to the element. It is interpreted identically to its definition in rgb(), except that the resulting opacity is applied to the entire element, rather than a particular color.

The opacity property applies the specified opacity to the element as a whole, including its contents, rather than applying it to each descendant individually. This means that, for example, an opaque child occluding part of the element’s background will continue to do so even when opacity is less than 1, but the element and child as a whole will show the underlying page through themselves.

It also means that the glyphs corresponding to all characters in the element are treated as a whole; any overlapping portions do not increase the opacity.

overlapping glyphs rendered correctly, and incorrectly
Correct and incorrect rendering of text with an opacity value of less than one, whose glyphs overlap.

If separate opacity for each glyph is desired, it can be achieved by using a color value which includes opacity, rather than setting the opacity property.

If a box has opacity less than 1, it forms a stacking context for its children. (This prevents its contents from interleaving in the z-axis with content outside it.)

Furthermore, if the z-index property applies to the box, the auto value is treated as 0 for the element; it is otherwise painted on the same layer within its parent stacking context as positioned elements with stack level 0 (as if it were a positioned element with z-index:0).

See section 9.9 and Appendix E of [CSS2] for more information on stacking contexts.

These rules about z-order do not apply to SVG elements, since SVG has its own rendering model ([SVG11], Chapter 3).

12.1. Simple alpha compositing

When drawing, implementations must handle alpha according to the rules in Section 5.1 Simple alpha compositing of [Compositing].

13. Interpolation

Color interpolation happens with gradients, compositing, filters, transitions, animations, and color mixing and color modification functions.

In general, interpolation between <color> values occurs by linearly interpolating each component of the computed value of the color separately, in a given color space which will be referred to as the 'interpolation space' below.

Interpolating to or from currentcolor is possible. The numerical value used for this purpose is the used value.

Computed value needs to be able to represent combinations of currentColor and an actual color. Consider the value of text-emphasis-color in div { text-emphasis: circle; transition: all 2s; }
div:hover { text-emphasis-color: lime; }
em { color: red; }
See Issue 445.

13.1. Color space for interpolation

Different color spaces may be more appropriate for each interpolation use case. For example, the perceptually uniform Lab works well for avoiding bunching up in gradients, and the chroma-preserving LCH works well for avoiding greying out in color mixing, while the linear-light XYZ is best for compositing and gamma-encoded sRGB, which is neither linear light nor perceptually uniform, will give overly dark mixes but is compatible with older Web content. The host syntax may define what the default interpolation space should be for each case, and optionally provide syntax for authors to override this default.

If the host syntax does not define what color space interpolation should take place in, it defaults to Lab.

However, user agents will handle interpolation between legacy sRGB color formats (hex colors, named colors, rgb(), hsl() or hwb() and the equivalent alpha-including forms) in gamma-encoded sRGB space. This provides Web compatibility; legacy sRGB content interpolates in the sRGB space by default.

This also means that authors can choose to opt-in to Lab interpolation by using the non-legacy color(srgb r g b) form.

If the colors to be interpolated are outside the gamut of the interpolation space, then once converted to that space, they will contain out of range values.

These are not clipped, but the values are interpolated as-is.

13.2. Interpolating with alpha

When the colors to be interpolated are not fully opaque, they are transformed into premultiplied color values as follows:

To obtain a color value from a premultipled color value, each component which had been premultiplied is divided by the interpolated alpha value.

For example, to interpolate, in the sRGB color space, the two sRGB colors rgb(24% 12% 98% / 0.4) and rgb(62% 26% 64% / 0.6) they would first be converted to premultiplied form [9.6% 4.8% 39.2% ] and [37.2% 15.6% 38.4%] before interpolation.

The midpoint of linearly interpolating these colors would be [23.4% 10.2% 38.8%] which, with an alpha value of 0.5, is rgb(46.8% 20.4% 77.6% / 0.5) when premultiplication is undone.

To interpolate, in the Lab color space, the two colors rgb(76% 62% 03% / 0.4) and color(display-p3 0.84 0.19 0.72 / 0.6) they are first converted to lab lab(66.927% 4.873 68.622 / 0.4) lab(53.503% 82.672 -33.901 / 0.6) then the L, a and b coordinates are premultiplied before interpolation [26.771% 1.949 27.449] and [32.102% 49.603 -20.341].

The midpoint of linearly interpolating these would be [29.4365% 25.776 3.554] which, with an alpha value of 0.5, is lab(58.873% 51.552 7.108) / 0.5) when premultiplication is undone.

To interpolate, in the chroma-preserving LCH color space, the same two colors rgb(76% 62% 03% / 0.4) and color(display-p3 0.84 0.19 0.72 / 0.6) they are first converted to LCH lch(66.93% 68.79 85.94 / 0.4) lch(53.5% 89.35 337.7 / 0.6) then the L and C coordinates (but not H) are premultiplied before interpolation [26.771% 27.516 85.94] and [32.102% 53.61 337.7].

The midpoint of linearly interpolating these, along the shorter hue arc (the default) would be [29.4365% 40.563 31.82] which, with an alpha value of 0.5, is lch(58.873% 81.126 63.64) / 0.5) when premultiplication is undone.

w3c/csswg-drafts/445[css-transitions] Define interpolation of the currentcolor keyword

13.3. Hue interpolation

For color functions with a hue angle (LCH, HSL, HWB etc), there are multiple ways to interpolate. We typically want to avoid arcs over 360 for the difference between the angles, as they are rarely desirable, so in most cases angles are fixed up prior to interpolation so that per-component interpolation is done over less than 360 degrees, often less than 180.

Host syntax can specify any of the following algorithms for hue interpolation (angles in the following are in degrees, but the logic is the same regardless of how they are specified).

Unless the type of hue interpolation is specified, both angles need to be constrained to [0, 360) prior to interpolation. One way to do this is θ = ((θ % 360) + 360) % 360.

Unless otherwise specified, if no specific hue interpolation algorithm is selected by the host syntax, the default is shorter.

If one of the angles has the value NaN, then for interpolation, NaN is replaced by the value of the other hue angle. If both angles have the value NaN, then for interpolation, NaN is replaced by the value 0 for both angles.

13.3.1. shorter

Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ [-180, 180]. In pseudo-Javascript:

if (θ₂ - θ₁ > 180) {
  θ₁ += 360;
else if (θ₂ - θ₁ < -180) {
  θ₂ += 360;

13.3.2. longer

Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ {0, [180, 360)}. In pseudo-Javascript:

if (0 < θ₂ - θ₁ < 180) {
  θ₁ += 360;
else if (-180 < θ₂ - θ₁ < 0) {
  θ₂ += 360;

13.3.3. increasing

Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ [0, 360). In pseudo-Javascript:

if (θ₂ < θ₁) {
  θ₂ += 360;

13.3.4. decreasing

Angles are adjusted so that θ₂ - θ₁ ∈ (-360, 0]. In pseudo-Javascript:

if (θ₁ < θ₂) {
  θ₁ += 360;

13.3.5. specified

No fixup is performed. Angles are interpolated in the same way as every other component.

w3c/csswg-drafts/4928[css-color-4] Undefined Hue angle when interpolating from neutrals
w3c/csswg-drafts/5277[css-color-5] Hue interpolation and multiple colors

14. Default Style Rules

The following stylesheet is informative, not normative. This style sheet could be used by an implementation as part of its default styling of HTML4, HTML5, XHTML1, XHTML1.1, XHTML Basic, and other XHTML Family documents.

/* traditional desktop user agent colors for hyperlinks */
:link { color: LinkText; }
:visited { color: VisitedText; }
:active { color: ActiveText; }

/* a reasonable, conservative default for device-cmyk */
@color-profile device-cmyk {
  src: url('https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-4/ICCprofiles/Coated_Fogra39L_VIGC_300.icc');

15. Sample code for color conversions

This section is not normative.

For clarity, a library is used for matrix multiplication.

// Sample code for color conversions
// Conversion can also be done using ICC profiles and a Color Management System
// For clarity, a library is used for matrix multiplication (multiply-matrices.js)

// sRGB-related functions

function lin_sRGB(RGB) {
	// convert an array of sRGB values
	// where in-gamut values are in the range [0 - 1]
	// to linear light (un-companded) form.
	// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB
	// Extended transfer function:
	// for negative values,  linear portion is extended on reflection of axis,
	// then reflected power function is used.
	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		if (abs < 0.04045) {
			return val / 12.92;

		return sign * (Math.pow((abs + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4));

function gam_sRGB(RGB) {
	// convert an array of linear-light sRGB values in the range 0.0-1.0
	// to gamma corrected form
	// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB
	// Extended transfer function:
	// For negative values, linear portion extends on reflection
	// of axis, then uses reflected pow below that
	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		if (abs > 0.0031308) {
			return sign * (1.055 * Math.pow(abs, 1/2.4) - 0.055);

		return 12.92 * val;

function lin_sRGB_to_XYZ(rgb) {
	// convert an array of linear-light sRGB values to CIE XYZ
	// using sRGB's own white, D65 (no chromatic adaptation)

	var M = [
		[ 0.41239079926595934, 0.357584339383878,   0.1804807884018343  ],
		[ 0.21263900587151027, 0.715168678767756,   0.07219231536073371 ],
		[ 0.01933081871559182, 0.11919477979462598, 0.9505321522496607  ]
	return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb);

function XYZ_to_lin_sRGB(XYZ) {
	// convert XYZ to linear-light sRGB

	var M = [
		[  3.2409699419045226,  -1.537383177570094,   -0.4986107602930034  ],
		[ -0.9692436362808796,   1.8759675015077202,   0.04155505740717559 ],
		[  0.05563007969699366, -0.20397695888897652,  1.0569715142428786  ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

//  display-p3-related functions

function lin_P3(RGB) {
	// convert an array of display-p3 RGB values in the range 0.0 - 1.0
	// to linear light (un-companded) form.

	return lin_sRGB(RGB);	// same as sRGB

function gam_P3(RGB) {
	// convert an array of linear-light display-p3 RGB  in the range 0.0-1.0
	// to gamma corrected form

	return gam_sRGB(RGB);	// same as sRGB

function lin_P3_to_XYZ(rgb) {
	// convert an array of linear-light display-p3 values to CIE XYZ
	// using  D65 (no chromatic adaptation)
	// http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
	var M = [
		[0.4865709486482162, 0.26566769316909306, 0.1982172852343625],
		[0.2289745640697488, 0.6917385218365064,  0.079286914093745],
		[0.0000000000000000, 0.04511338185890264, 1.043944368900976]
	// 0 was computed as -3.972075516933488e-17

	return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb);

function XYZ_to_lin_P3(XYZ) {
	// convert XYZ to linear-light P3
	var M = [
		[ 2.493496911941425,   -0.9313836179191239, -0.40271078445071684],
		[-0.8294889695615747,   1.7626640603183463,  0.023624685841943577],
		[ 0.03584583024378447, -0.07617238926804182, 0.9568845240076872]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

// prophoto-rgb functions

function lin_ProPhoto(RGB) {
	// convert an array of prophoto-rgb values
	// where in-gamut colors are in the range [0.0 - 1.0]
	// to linear light (un-companded) form.
	// Transfer curve is gamma 1.8 with a small linear portion
	// Extended transfer function
	const Et2 = 16/512;
	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		if (abs <= Et2) {
			return val / 16;

		return sign * Math.pow(val, 1.8);

function gam_ProPhoto(RGB) {
	// convert an array of linear-light prophoto-rgb  in the range 0.0-1.0
	// to gamma corrected form
	// Transfer curve is gamma 1.8 with a small linear portion
	// TODO for negative values, extend linear portion on reflection of axis, then add pow below that
	const Et = 1/512;
	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		if (abs >= Et) {
			return sign * Math.pow(abs, 1/1.8);

		return 16 * val;

function lin_ProPhoto_to_XYZ(rgb) {
	// convert an array of linear-light prophoto-rgb values to CIE XYZ
	// using  D50 (so no chromatic adaptation needed afterwards)
	// http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
	var M = [
		[ 0.7977604896723027,  0.13518583717574031,  0.0313493495815248     ],
		[ 0.2880711282292934,  0.7118432178101014,   0.00008565396060525902 ],
		[ 0.0,                 0.0,                  0.8251046025104601     ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb);

function XYZ_to_lin_ProPhoto(XYZ) {
	// convert XYZ to linear-light prophoto-rgb
	var M = [
	  	[  1.3457989731028281,  -0.25558010007997534,  -0.05110628506753401 ],
	  	[ -0.5446224939028347,   1.5082327413132781,    0.02053603239147973 ],
	  	[  0.0,                  0.0,                   1.2119675456389454  ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

// a98-rgb functions

function lin_a98rgb(RGB) {
	// convert an array of a98-rgb values in the range 0.0 - 1.0
	// to linear light (un-companded) form.
	// negative values are also now accepted
	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

	  	return sign * Math.pow(abs, 563/256);

function gam_a98rgb(RGB) {
	// convert an array of linear-light a98-rgb  in the range 0.0-1.0
	// to gamma corrected form
	// negative values are also now accepted
	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		return sign * Math.pow(abs, 256/563);

function lin_a98rgb_to_XYZ(rgb) {
	// convert an array of linear-light a98-rgb values to CIE XYZ
	// http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
	// has greater numerical precision than section of
	// https://www.adobe.com/digitalimag/pdfs/AdobeRGB1998.pdf
	// but the values below were calculated from first principles
	// from the chromaticity coordinates of R G B W
	// see matrixmaker.html
	var M = [
		[ 0.5766690429101305,   0.1855582379065463,   0.1882286462349947  ],
		[ 0.29734497525053605,  0.6273635662554661,   0.07529145849399788 ],
		[ 0.02703136138641234,  0.07068885253582723,  0.9913375368376388  ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb);

function XYZ_to_lin_a98rgb(XYZ) {
	// convert XYZ to linear-light a98-rgb
	var M = [
		[  2.0415879038107465,    -0.5650069742788596,   -0.34473135077832956 ],
		[ -0.9692436362808795,     1.8759675015077202,    0.04155505740717557 ],
		[  0.013444280632031142,  -0.11836239223101838,   1.0151749943912054  ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

//Rec. 2020-related functions

function lin_2020(RGB) {
	// convert an array of rec2020 RGB values in the range 0.0 - 1.0
	// to linear light (un-companded) form.
	// ITU-R BT.2020-2 p.4

	const α = 1.09929682680944 ;
	const β = 0.018053968510807;

	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		if (abs < β * 4.5 ) {
			return val / 4.5;

		return sign * (Math.pow((abs + α -1 ) / α, 1/0.45));

function gam_2020(RGB) {
	// convert an array of linear-light rec2020 RGB  in the range 0.0-1.0
	// to gamma corrected form
	// ITU-R BT.2020-2 p.4

	const α = 1.09929682680944 ;
	const β = 0.018053968510807;

	return RGB.map(function (val) {
		let sign = val < 0? -1 : 1;
		let abs = Math.abs(val);

		if (abs > β ) {
			return sign * (α * Math.pow(abs, 0.45) - (α - 1));

		return 4.5 * val;

function lin_2020_to_XYZ(rgb) {
	// convert an array of linear-light rec2020 values to CIE XYZ
	// using  D65 (no chromatic adaptation)
	// http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
	var M = [
		[0.6369580483012914, 0.14461690358620832,  0.1688809751641721],
		[0.2627002120112671, 0.6779980715188708,   0.05930171646986196],
		[0.000000000000000,  0.028072693049087428, 1.060985057710791]
	// 0 is actually calculated as  4.994106574466076e-17

	return multiplyMatrices(M, rgb);

function XYZ_to_lin_2020(XYZ) {
	// convert XYZ to linear-light rec2020
	var M = [
		[1.7166511879712674,   -0.35567078377639233, -0.25336628137365974],
		[-0.6666843518324892,   1.6164812366349395,   0.01576854581391113],
		[0.017639857445310783, -0.042770613257808524, 0.9421031212354738]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

// Chromatic adaptation

function D65_to_D50(XYZ) {
	// Bradford chromatic adaptation from D65 to D50
	// The matrix below is the result of three operations:
	// - convert from XYZ to retinal cone domain
	// - scale components from one reference white to another
	// - convert back to XYZ
	// http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_ChromAdapt.html
	var M =  [
		[  1.0479298208405488,    0.022946793341019088,  -0.05019222954313557 ],
		[  0.029627815688159344,  0.990434484573249,     -0.01707382502938514 ],
		[ -0.009243058152591178,  0.015055144896577895,   0.7518742899580008  ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

function D50_to_D65(XYZ) {
	// Bradford chromatic adaptation from D50 to D65
	var M = [
		[  0.9554734527042182,   -0.023098536874261423,  0.0632593086610217   ],
		[ -0.028369706963208136,  1.0099954580058226,    0.021041398966943008 ],
		[  0.012314001688319899, -0.020507696433477912,  1.3303659366080753   ]

	return multiplyMatrices(M, XYZ);

// Lab and LCH

function XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ) {
	// Assuming XYZ is relative to D50, convert to CIE Lab
	// from CIE standard, which now defines these as a rational fraction
	var ε = 216/24389;  // 6^3/29^3
	var κ = 24389/27;   // 29^3/3^3
	var white = [0.96422, 1.00000, 0.82521]; // D50 reference white

	// compute xyz, which is XYZ scaled relative to reference white
	var xyz = XYZ.map((value, i) => value / white[i]);

	// now compute f
	var f = xyz.map(value => value > ε ? Math.cbrt(value) : (κ * value + 16)/116);

	return [
		(116 * f[1]) - 16, 	 // L
		500 * (f[0] - f[1]), // a
		200 * (f[1] - f[2])  // b

function Lab_to_XYZ(Lab) {
	// Convert Lab to D50-adapted XYZ
	// http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_RGB_XYZ_Matrix.html
	var κ = 24389/27;   // 29^3/3^3
	var ε = 216/24389;  // 6^3/29^3
	var white = [0.96422, 1.00000, 0.82521]; // D50 reference white
	var f = [];

	// compute f, starting with the luminance-related term
	f[1] = (Lab[0] + 16)/116;
	f[0] = Lab[1]/500 + f[1];
	f[2] = f[1] - Lab[2]/200;

	// compute xyz
	var xyz = [
		Math.pow(f[0],3) > ε ?   Math.pow(f[0],3)            : (116*f[0]-16)/κ,
		Lab[0] > κ * ε ?         Math.pow((Lab[0]+16)/116,3) : Lab[0]/κ,
		Math.pow(f[2],3)  > ε ?  Math.pow(f[2],3)            : (116*f[2]-16)/κ

	// Compute XYZ by scaling xyz by reference white
	return xyz.map((value, i) => value * white[i]);

function Lab_to_LCH(Lab) {
	// Convert to polar form
	var hue = Math.atan2(Lab[2], Lab[1]) * 180 / Math.PI;
	return [
		Lab[0], // L is still L
		Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Lab[1], 2) + Math.pow(Lab[2], 2)), // Chroma
		hue >= 0 ? hue : hue + 360 // Hue, in degrees [0 to 360)

function LCH_to_Lab(LCH) {
	// Convert from polar form
	return [
		LCH[0], // L is still L
		LCH[1] * Math.cos(LCH[2] * Math.PI / 180), // a
		LCH[1] * Math.sin(LCH[2] * Math.PI / 180) // b

16. Sample code for ΔE2000 color difference

This section is not normative.

The simplest color difference metric, ΔE76, is simply the Euclidean distance in Lab color space. While this is a good first approximation, color-critical industries such as printing and fabric dyeing soon developed improved formulae. Currently, the most widely used formula is ΔE2000. It corrects a number of known asymmetries and non-linearities compared to ΔE76. Because the formula is complex, and critically dependent on the sign of various intermediate calculations, implementations are often incorrect [Sharma].

The sample code below has been validated to five significant figures against the test suite of paired Lab values and expected ΔE2000 published by [Sharma] and is correct.

// deltaE2000 is a statistically significant improvement
// over deltaE76 and deltaE94,
// and is recommended by the CIE and Idealliance
// especially for color differences less than 10 deltaE76
// but is wicked complicated
// and many implementations have small errors!

function deltaE2000 (reference, sample) {

    // Given a reference and a sample color,
    // both in CIE Lab,
    // calculate deltaE 2000.

    // This implementation assumes the parametric
    // weighting factors kL, kC and kH
    // (for the influence of viewing conditions)
    // are all 1, as seems typical.

    let [L1, a1, b1] = reference;
    let [L2, a2, b2] = sample;
    let C1 = Math.sqrt(a1 ** 2 + b1 ** 2);
    let C2 = Math.sqrt(a2 ** 2 + b2 ** 2);

	let Cbar = (C1 + C2)/2; // mean Chroma

	// calculate a-axis asymmetry factor from mean Chroma
	// this turns JND ellipses for near-neutral colors back into circles
	let C7 = Math.pow(Cbar, 7);
	const Gfactor = Math.pow(25, 7);
	let G = 0.5 * (1 - Math.sqrt(C7/(C7+Gfactor)));

	// scale a axes by asymmetry factor
	// this by the way is why there is no Lab2000 color space
	let adash1 = (1 + G) * a1;
	let adash2 = (1 + G) * a2;

	// calculate new Chroma from scaled a and original b axes
	let Cdash1 = Math.sqrt(adash1 ** 2 + b1 ** 2);
	let Cdash2 = Math.sqrt(adash2 ** 2 + b2 ** 2);

	// calculate new hues, with zero hue for true neutrals
	// and in degrees, not radians
	const π = Math.PI;
	const r2d = 180 / π;
	const d2r = π / 180;
	let h1 = (adash1 === 0 && b1 === 0)? 0: Math.atan2(b1, adash1);
	let h2 = (adash2 === 0 && b2 === 0)? 0: Math.atan2(b2, adash2);

	if (h1 < 0) {
		h1 += 2 * π;
	if (h2 < 0) {
		h2 += 2 * π;

	h1 *= r2d;
	h2 *= r2d;

	// Lightness and Chroma differences; sign matters
	let ΔL = L2 - L1;
	let ΔC = Cdash2 - Cdash1;

	// Hue difference, taking care to get the sign correct
	let hdiff = h2 - h1;
	let hsum = h1 + h2;
	let habs = Math.abs(hdiff);
	let Δh;

	if (Cdash1 * Cdash2 === 0) {
		Δh = 0;
	else if (habs <= 180) {
		Δh = hdiff;
	else if (hdiff > 180) {
		Δh = hdiff - 360;
	else if (hdiff < -180) {
		Δh = hdiff + 360;
	else {
		console.log("the unthinkable has happened");

	// weighted Hue difference, more for larger Chroma
	let ΔH = 2 * Math.sqrt(Cdash2 * Cdash1) * Math.sin(Δh * d2r / 2);

	// calculate mean Lightness and Chroma
	let Ldash = (L1 + L2)/2;
	let Cdash = (Cdash1 + Cdash2)/2;
	let Cdash7 = Math.pow(Cdash, 7);

	// Compensate for non-linearity in the blue region of Lab.
	// Four possibilities for hue weighting factor,
	// depending on the angles, to get the correct sign
	let hdash;
	if (Cdash1 == 0 && Cdash2 == 0) {
		hdash = hsum;   // which should be zero
	else if (habs <= 180) {
		hdash = hsum / 2;
	else if (hsum < 360) {
		hdash = (hsum + 360) / 2;
	else {
		hdash = (hsum - 360) / 2;

	// positional corrections to the lack of uniformity of CIELAB
	// These are all trying to make JND ellipsoids more like spheres

	// SL Lightness crispening factor
	// a background with L=50 is assumed
	let lsq = (Ldash - 50) ** 2;
	let SL = 1 + ((0.015 * lsq) / Math.sqrt(20 + lsq));

	// SC Chroma factor, similar to those in CMC and deltaE 94 formulae
	let SC = 1 + 0.045 * Cdash;

	// Cross term T for blue non-linearity
	let T = 1;
	T -= (0.17 * Math.cos((     hdash - 30)  * d2r));
	T += (0.24 * Math.cos(  2 * hdash        * d2r));
	T += (0.32 * Math.cos(((3 * hdash) + 6)  * d2r));
	T -= (0.20 * Math.cos(((4 * hdash) - 63) * d2r));

	// SH Hue factor depends on Chroma,
	// as well as adjusted hue angle like deltaE94.
	let SH = 1 + 0.015 * Cdash * T;

	// RT Hue rotation term compensates for rotation of JND ellipses
	// and Munsell constant hue lines
	// in the medium-high Chroma blue region
	// (Hue 225 to 315)
	let Δθ = 30 * Math.exp(-1 * (((hdash - 275)/25) ** 2));
	let RC = 2 * Math.sqrt(Cdash7/(Cdash7 + Gfactor));
	let RT = -1 * Math.sin(2 * Δθ * d2r) * RC;

	// Finally calculate the deltaE, term by term as root sum of squares
	let dE = (ΔL / SL) ** 2;
	dE += (ΔC / SC) ** 2;
	dE += (ΔH / SH) ** 2;
	dE += RT * (ΔC / SC) * (ΔH / SH);
	return Math.sqrt(dE);
	// Yay!!!

Appendix A: Deprecated CSS System Colors

Earlier versions of CSS defined several additional system colors. These color keywords have been deprecated, however, as they are insufficient for their original purpose (making website elements look like their native OS counterparts), represent a security risk by making it easier for a webpage to “spoof” a native OS dialog, and increase fingerprinting surface, compromising user privacy.

User agents must support these keywords, and to mitigate fingerprinting must map them to the (undeprecated) system colors as listed below. Authors must not use these keywords.

The deprecated system colors are represented as the <deprecated-colors> sub-type, and are defined as:

Active window border. Same as ButtonBorder.
Active window caption. Same as CanvasText.
Background color of multiple document interface. Same as Canvas.
Desktop background. Same as Canvas.
The color of the border facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Same as ButtonFace.
The color of the border away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to one layer of surrounding border. Same as ButtonFace.
Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. Same as CanvasText.
Inactive window border. Same as ButtonBorder.
Inactive window caption. Same as Canvas.
Color of text in an inactive caption. Same as GrayText.
Background color for tooltip controls. Same as Canvas.
Text color for tooltip controls. Same as CanvasText.
Menu background. Same as Canvas.
Text in menus. Same as CanvasText.
Scroll bar gray area. Same as Canvas.
The color of the darker (generally outer) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Same as ButtonBorder.
The face background color for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Same as ButtonFace.
The color of the lighter (generally outer) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Same as ButtonBorder.
The color of the darker (generally inner) of the two borders facing the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Same as ButtonBorder.
The color of the lighter (generally inner) of the two borders away from the light source for 3-D elements that appear 3-D due to two concentric layers of surrounding border. Same as ButtonBorder.
Window background. Same as Canvas.
Window frame. Same as ButtonBorder.
Text in windows. Same as CanvasText.


Thanks for the feedback from Emilio Cobos Álvarez, Marc Attinasi, Chris Bai, Amelia Bellamy-Royds, Lars Borg, Mike Bremford, Bert Bos, Andreu Botella, Dan Burzo, Joe Clark, Max Derhak, fantasai, Simon Fraser, Patrick Garies, Tony Graham, Ian Hickson, Phil Green, Dean Jackson, Andreas Kraushaar, Pierre-Anthony Lemieux, Susan Lesch, Alex LeDonne, Cameron McCormack, Krzysztof Maczyński, Chris Moschini, Chris Murphy, Jonathan Neal, Chris Needham, Christoph Päper, Steven Pemberton, David Perrell, Brad Pettit, Jacob Refstrup, Craig Revie, Melanie Richards, Florian Rivoal, Joseph Salowey, Simon Sapin, Dave Singer, Igor Snitkin, Jonathan Stanley, Andrew Thompson, Lea Verou, Mark Watson, Russ Weakley, Natalie Weizenbaum, Etan Wexler, David Woolley, Boris Zbarsky, Steve Zilles, the XSL FO subgroup of the XSL working group, the Color on the Web community group and all the rest of the www-style community.


Changes since the Working Draft of 12 November 2020

Changes since Working Draft of 5 November 2019

Changes since Working Draft of 05 July 2016

Changes from Colors 3

The primary change, compared to SS Color 3, is that CSS colors are no longer restricted to the narrow gamut of sRGB.

To support this, several brand new features have been added:

  1. predefined, wide color gamut RGB color spaces
  2. lab() and lch() functions, for device-independent color
  3. color() function and @color-profile at-rule, for profiled device-dependent color, including calibrated CMYK.
  4. device-cmyk() function, for specifying uncalibrated colors in an output-device-specific CMYK color space.

Other technical changes:

  1. Serialization of <color> is now specified here, rather than in the CSS Object Model
  2. hwb() function, for specifying sRGB colors in the HWB notation.
  3. Addition of named color rebeccapurple.

In addition, there have been some syntactic changes:

  1. rgb() and rgba() functions now accept <number> rather than <integer>.
  2. hsl() and hsla() functions now accept <angle> as well as <number> for hues.
  3. rgb() and rgba(), and hsl() and hsla() are now aliases of each other (all of them have an optional alpha).
  4. rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), and hsla() have all gained a new syntax consisting of space-separated arguments and an optional slash-separated opacity. All the color functions use this syntax form now, in keeping with CSS’s functional-notation design principles.
  5. All uses of <alpha-value> now accept <percentage> as well as <number>.
  6. 4 and 8-digit hex colors have been added, to specify transparency.

17. Security and Privacy Considerations

This specification defines "system" colors, which theoretically can expose details of the user’s OS settings, which is a fingerprinting risk.

The system colors, if they actually correspond to the user’s system colors, also pose a security risk, as they make it easier for a malware site to create user interfaces that appear to be from the system. However, as several system colors are now defined to be "generic", this risk is believed to be mitigated.

This specification adds to CSS the on-demand downloading of ICC profiles. These do not contain executable code, and thus do not constitute an increased security risk.

18. Accessibility Considerations

This specification encourages authors to not use color alone as a distinguishing feature.

This specification encourages browsers to ensure adequate contrast for specific system color foreground/background pairs. A harder requirement with specific AA or AAA contrast ratios was considered, but since browsers are often just passing along color choices made by the OS, or selected by users (who may have particular requirements, including lower contrast for people living with migraines or epileptic seizures), the CSSWG was unable to require a specific contrast level.


Document conventions

Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification.

All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. [RFC2119]

Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", like this:

This is an example of an informative example.

Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text with class="note", like this:

Note, this is an informative note.

Advisements are normative sections styled to evoke special attention and are set apart from other normative text with <strong class="advisement">, like this: UAs MUST provide an accessible alternative.


Tests relating to the content of this specification may be documented in “Tests” blocks like this one. Any such block is non-normative.

Conformance classes

Conformance to this specification is defined for three conformance classes:

style sheet
A CSS style sheet.
A UA that interprets the semantics of a style sheet and renders documents that use them.
authoring tool
A UA that writes a style sheet.

A style sheet is conformant to this specification if all of its statements that use syntax defined in this module are valid according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars of each feature defined in this module.

A renderer is conformant to this specification if, in addition to interpreting the style sheet as defined by the appropriate specifications, it supports all the features defined by this specification by parsing them correctly and rendering the document accordingly. However, the inability of a UA to correctly render a document due to limitations of the device does not make the UA non-conformant. (For example, a UA is not required to render color on a monochrome monitor.)

An authoring tool is conformant to this specification if it writes style sheets that are syntactically correct according to the generic CSS grammar and the individual grammars of each feature in this module, and meet all other conformance requirements of style sheets as described in this module.

Partial implementations

So that authors can exploit the forward-compatible parsing rules to assign fallback values, CSS renderers must treat as invalid (and ignore as appropriate) any at-rules, properties, property values, keywords, and other syntactic constructs for which they have no usable level of support. In particular, user agents must not selectively ignore unsupported component values and honor supported values in a single multi-value property declaration: if any value is considered invalid (as unsupported values must be), CSS requires that the entire declaration be ignored.

Implementations of Unstable and Proprietary Features

To avoid clashes with future stable CSS features, the CSSWG recommends following best practices for the implementation of unstable features and proprietary extensions to CSS.

Non-experimental implementations

Once a specification reaches the Candidate Recommendation stage, non-experimental implementations are possible, and implementors should release an unprefixed implementation of any CR-level feature they can demonstrate to be correctly implemented according to spec.

To establish and maintain the interoperability of CSS across implementations, the CSS Working Group requests that non-experimental CSS renderers submit an implementation report (and, if necessary, the testcases used for that implementation report) to the W3C before releasing an unprefixed implementation of any CSS features. Testcases submitted to W3C are subject to review and correction by the CSS Working Group.

Further information on submitting testcases and implementation reports can be found from on the CSS Working Group’s website at https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/. Questions should be directed to the public-css-testsuite@w3.org mailing list.


Terms defined by this specification

Terms defined by reference


Normative References

Ming R. Luo; R. W. G. Hunt. A Chromatic Adaptation Transform and a Colour Inconstancy Index. Color Research & Application 23(3) 154-158. June 1998.
ISO/CIE 11664-4:2019(E): Colorimetry — Part 4: CIE 1976 L*a*b* colour space. 2019. Published. URL: http://cie.co.at/publications/colorimetry-part-4-cie-1976-lab-colour-space-1
Rik Cabanier; Nikos Andronikos. Compositing and Blending Level 1. 13 January 2015. CR. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/compositing-1/
Elika Etemad; Miriam Suzanne; Tab Atkins Jr.. CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 5. 19 March 2021. WD. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-cascade-5/
Elika Etemad; et al. CSS Color Adjustment Module Level 1. 9 November 2020. WD. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-adjust-1/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Simon Sapin. CSS Syntax Module Level 3. 16 July 2019. CR. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad. CSS Values and Units Module Level 3. 6 June 2019. CR. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-3/
Tab Atkins Jr.; Elika Etemad. CSS Values and Units Module Level 4. 11 November 2020. WD. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values-4/
Bert Bos; et al. Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) Specification. 7 June 2011. REC. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/
Elika Etemad; Koji Ishii. CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3. 13 August 2019. CR. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-decor-3/
Simon Pieters; Glenn Adams. CSS Object Model (CSSOM). 17 March 2016. WD. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/cssom-1/
SMPTE Recommended Practice - D-Cinema Quality — Reference Projector and Environment. 2011. URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7290729/
Anne van Kesteren; et al. HTML Standard. Living Standard. URL: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/
ICC.1:2010 (Profile version December 2010. URL: http://www.color.org/specification/ICC1v43_2010-12.pdf
Recommendation ITU-R BT.601. URL: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.601/en
Recommendation ITU-R BT.709. URL: https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.709/en
Dean Jackson; Florian Rivoal; Tab Atkins Jr.. Media Queries Level 5. 31 July 2020. WD. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/
Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020-2: Parameter values for ultra-high definition television systems for production and international programme exchange . October 2015. URL: http://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BT.2020/en
S. Bradner. Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2119.html
ST 296:2012, 1280 × 720 Progressive Image 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 Sample Structure — Analog and Digital Representation and Analog Interface. 17 May 2012. Standard. URL: https://doi.org/10.5594/SMPTE.ST296.2012
Multimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1: Colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB. URL: https://webstore.iec.ch/publication/6169
Erik Dahlström; et al. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition). 16 August 2011. REC. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/
Amelia Bellamy-Royds; et al. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2. 4 October 2018. CR. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2/

Informative References

Eric Hamilton. JPEG File Interchange Format. September 1992. URL: https://www.w3.org/Graphics/JPEG/jfif3.pdf
Tom Lane. Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition). 10 November 2003. REC. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/
G. Sharma, W. Wu, E. N. Dalal. The CIEDE2000 Color-Difference Formula: Implementation Notes, Supplementary Test Data, and Mathematical Observations. February 2005. URL: http://www2.ece.rochester.edu/~gsharma/ciede2000/
TIFF Revision 6.0. 3 June 1992. URL: https://www.loc.gov/preservation/digital/formats/fdd/fdd000022.shtml
Andrew Kirkpatrick; et al. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. 5 June 2018. REC. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/

Property Index

Name Value Initial Applies to Inh. %ages Anim­ation type Canonical order Com­puted value
color <color> CanvasText all elements and text yes N/A by computed value type per grammar computed color, see resolving color values
opacity <alpha-value> 1 all elements no map to the range [0,1] by computed value type per grammar specified number, clamped to the range [0,1]

@color-profile Descriptors

Name Value Initial
components <ident># n/a
rendering-intent relative-colorimetric | absolute-colorimetric | perceptual | saturation relative-colorimetric
src <url> n/a

Issues Index

w3c/csswg-drafts/3088[css-color-3] HSL examples show incorrect RGB values
Computed value needs to be able to represent combinations of currentColor and an actual color. Consider the value of text-emphasis-color in div { text-emphasis: circle; transition: all 2s; }
div:hover { text-emphasis-color: lime; }
em { color: red; }
See Issue 445.
w3c/csswg-drafts/445[css-transitions] Define interpolation of the currentcolor keyword
w3c/csswg-drafts/4928[css-color-4] Undefined Hue angle when interpolating from neutrals
w3c/csswg-drafts/5277[css-color-5] Hue interpolation and multiple colors