Usage Scenario Introduction

Graphic Arc

Graphic Rect

Graphic Symbol

Graphic Text

Not only an out-of-the-box multi-terminal chart library, but also a vivid and flexible data storyteller.
Not only a high-performance multi-dimensional data analysis form, but also a grid artist created between rows and columns.
It is not only a visual grammar that generates thousands of charts, but also a data magician who turns boring into magic.
Not only a visual rendering engine with rich functions, but also a handy pen.
Not just a high-performance visualization tool, but also a Story Weaver who skillfully blends data and narrative.
Animation customisation, meta-composition, narrative choreography for multiple visualisation scenarios.
Usage Scenario Introduction
Graphic Arc
Graphic Rect
Graphic Symbol
Graphic Text
The More Beauty You See,
The More Insights You Gain.