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Product Features

An Unrivaled Test Automation Experience

Explore Virtuoso’s AI-powered, end-to-end functional testing capabilities that are empowering teams to software quality excellence.

Explore Our Features
Virtuoso features in application

Test Authoring with StepIQ

Your intelligent co-pilot works in the background, anticipating your needs, correcting errors, and guiding you effortlessly through every step so you’re always in the driver’s seat.

Stay in Flow

Smart typo correction keeps your focus sharp and your workflow uninterrupted.

Write Naturally

Author intricate scenarios in plain English, without needing a steep learning curve or mandatory punctuations.

Make Confident Decisions

Receive dynamic, context-aware suggestions that bridge the gap between your intentions and execution.

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Test Authoring with StepIQ

Intelligent Typo Correction

Detect and correct typos in real-time, so your flow never skips a beat.

Virtuoso features in application

Simplified Syntax for Complex Commands

Write even intricate scenarios in plain English. No steep learning curve is required.

Virtuoso features in application

Error-Resistant Authoring

Create robust scripts with fewer errors, minimizing debugging and speeding up the testing cycle.

Virtuoso features in application

Test Authoring

Live Authoring

Live Authoring enables real-time feedback with no more back-and-forth debugging tests. You can create tests faster than ever by watching a bot validate each step as you write them on a headless browser before your eyes.

Scrap the painful write-run-debug-repeat cadence, and focus on pure test authoring instead. With DevTools to delve into the details and AI to extend your test step actions, Live Authoring boosts testers’ confidence and productivity.

Virtuoso features in application

Low-Code/No-Code Testing

Natural Language Programming enables any QA practitioners from SDETs to analysts to author robust, human-readable tests that can handle dynamic data, API calls, iFrames/Shadow DOM, and more.

Virtuoso has a wide array of out-of-the-box NLP commands along with the option to extend its capabilities with the AI Extensions Assistant.

Virtuoso features in application

Build Tests from Requirements

Build your test structure from requirements, fill in your NLP-based test steps prior to development, and know that you are testing business-critical elements of your application. Ensure you are always ready for release. 

Virtuoso features in application

Journey Quality Insights

Keep your test cases neat and tidy by adhering to Virtuoso’s suggested best practices. Experience enhanced test cases with more confidence and lower maintenance costs.

Virtuoso features in application

Test Execution

Intelligent Object Identification

Virtuoso uses Intelligent Element Identification to make your tests behave as your users do. Given a natural language hint, Virtuoso’s bots intelligently identify page elements, even when their selectors change. 

Autonomous Waits

No more fiddling with wait times. Virtuoso’s context-aware bots can understand your application network activity and wait autonomously until all requests are completed. One less thing to care about plus faster test creation and more stable executions.

Virtuoso features in application

Cross-Browser, Device, OS

Run your tests on any device, browser, OS, and environment (dev/test/UAT/Production). Virtuoso is continuously upgrading, so you will always have the latest browser, OS, and devices available to test.

Virtuoso features in application

Test Reporting


See at-a-glance how many tests have passed and failed, and let your entire organization have a single source of truth. This is fast feedback right at your fingertips! 

Virtuoso features in application

Root Cause Analysis

Gain detailed insights into the DOM, network performance, and page console logs to understand where tests have failed - and how you can fix them. See your testing history and understand when the last test passed.

Virtuoso features in application

Bring Everyone Together

Get real-time collaboration across teams and team members (including business, development, and QA) with people tagging, journey comments, integration with defect and test management tools, email notifications, and a handy Slack integration.

Virtuoso features in application

Requirement Coverage and Traceability

Go one step further and validate that the appropriate quality tests are being executed for each build. Map requirement coverage and traceability to ensure that business and user needs are met every time. 

Virtuoso features in application

Test Maintenance

Self-Healing Tests

Our Machine Learning self-healing test automation eliminates the need for manual intervention, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted testing cycles. Virtuoso uses intelligent object identification to collect all Xpaths, element selectors, and IDs and detect when one changes dynamically, then updates your test accordingly.

If you're worried about false positives, Virtuoso uses probabilistic determinations, which means if your test step can't be healed with confidenence (which only happens in less that 5% of cases), the test step will fail. In either case, the burden of test maintenance is something left in your rearview mirror.

One-Click Fix

If a test failure is due to changes to the test step, testers can do a one-click fix, picking the new element from interactive screenshots that show the information you need. Once fixed, you can execute immediately. Self-healing test automation is here to lift the burden from you.

Combining UI Testing and API Calls

User-Centric Deep Testing

Create tests that can make API calls in your functional UI testing, ensuring your entire app is operating as expected. Perform end-to-end tests that interact with both your front and back end and behave like your users do.

Testing with API Calls for Anyone

Empower your manual or functional testers to create sophisticated API calls that can be validated, stored in collections, and then used in conjunction with functional tests with simple, intuitive workflows.

Dynamic Testing with Data

Codeless Test Automation

Test with reusable data to expand coverage and create perfect positive and negative testing scenarios.

Codeless Test Automation

Leverage AI test data generation to make your test scenarios even more realistic with zero effort.

Codeless Test Automation

Use native file storage support to cover advanced test scenarios that require file uploads.


Codeless Test Automation

Extensions to extend the power of natural language and create new test actions.

Codeless Test Automation

Tap into our open API to extend Virtuoso and make it an even better fit for your specific needs.

Explore Integrations


Codeless Test Automation

SSO / Enterprise SAML integration

Codeless Test Automation

SOC2 Type II certification

Codeless Test Automation

Sensitive information management

Learn More About our Soc2

Enterprise Capabilities

Codeless Test Automation

Maximum reusability to reduce maintenance costs, while supercharging test creation speed.

Codeless Test Automation

Test environments that most accurately reflect test development lifecycles, while managing parameters that vary across environments.

Codeless Test Automation

Native defect tracking integration with familiar tools like Jira and TestRail.

Codeless Test Automation

Connectivity to internal apps, combining the benefits of Virtuoso in the cloud with the most demanding network security policies.

Codeless Test Automation

Role based access to ensure users and teams only have access to the testing assets and activities they need.

Codeless Test Automation

Consumption tracking ensures that you have full visibility over your usage of Virtuoso.