Our mission is to help you make the best choices for your health.

Welcome to Verywell Health, an award-winning resource for credible, fact-based, and up-to-date information you need to confidently make health choices for yourself and your loved ones.

We are dedicated to empowering you with the best answers to your most pressing questions, from understanding infectious diseases to managing a new diagnosis and everything in between.

For more than 20 years, we’ve worked to create and refine our curated library of comprehensive and trustworthy information. Our team of writers and editors are industry experts and health journalists who create and update our 22,000+ article library, and research and report vital health and medical news. 

The Verywell Health Medical Expert Board of board-certified physicians vets our articles and join us in our mission to make you confident in your next steps to better health. 

Meet Our Medical Expert Board

Our team of more than 150 experienced medical professionals join us in our mission to empower you to confidently take the next steps in your health journey—for yourself or a loved one. They ensure our content is medically accurate and reflects the latest in evidence-based research and health information. 

The Medical Expert Board of board-certified physicians represents 30+ specialties. Here are a few of our members:

Anisha Shah, MD

Internist, Interventional Cardiologist
Anisha Shah, MD
Anisha Shah, MD, is board-certified in internal medicine and cardiology. She served as a Medical Advisor at Cigna, Physician Editor at MCG Health, and is currently a Physician Clinician Reviewer at Magellan Health.
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Diana Apetauerova, MD

Diana Apetauerova, MD
Diana Apetauerova, MD, is board-certified in neurology with a subspecialty in movement disorders. She is an associate clinical professor of neurology at Tufts School of Medicine.
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Mary Choy, PharmD

Mary Choy, PharmD
Mary Choy, PharmD, is board-certified in geriatric pharmacotherapy. She currently serves as the director of pharmacy practice of the New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists.
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Anju Goel, MD

Physician, Public Health Professional
Anju Goel, MD
Dr. Goel, MD, is board-certified in internal medicine. She has over 10 years of experience in the California public health system addressing communicable disease, health policy, and disaster preparedness.
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David Ozeri, MD

David Ozeri, MD
David Ozeri, MD, is a board-certified rheumatologist. He is based in Tel Aviv, Israel, where he does research at Sheba Medical Center. Previously, he practiced at New York-Presbyterian Hospital.
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Doru Paul, MD

Doru Paul, MD
Doru Paul, MD, is triple board-certified in medical oncology, hematology, and internal medicine. He is an associate professor of clinical medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College and attending physician in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at the New York Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center.
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Anita Sadaty, MD

Anita Sadaty, MD
Anita Sadaty, MD, is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology. She is a clinical assistant professor at Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine and founder of Redefining Health Medical.
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Jay N. Yepuri, MD

Jay N. Yepuri, MD
Jay Yepuri, MD, MS, is board-certified in gastroenterology. He is a partner with Digestive Health Associates of Texas and a medical director at Texas Health Harris Methodist HEB Hospital.
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Our Editorial Process

Our editorial process centers on aiming to ensure you understand what you’re reading and know how to use the information to make confident choices about your health. Our writers, editors, and fact checkers only use fact-based, up-to-date research and present it in a clear, judgement-free way that empowers you to take an active role in your health.

Our editorial team manages all of our content, which includes new articles on evergreen topics, coverage on the latest news, and updates to existing content to ensure our information is reflective of the latest research. The integrity of our content is a top priority. We are not influenced by advertisers in our coverage. We rely on current primary sources, including peer-reviewed studies and government institutions, to ensure our information is as up to date as possible, and applicable to real people.

Written by health experts and journalists
Fact-checked with science-backed research
Medically reviewed by board-certified physicians
Updated to reflect medical advances

We Value Diversity and Inclusion

As a health brand that reaches more than 38 million readers per month, Verywell has the power and responsibility to create positive change. We have pledged to recruit and amplify Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) contributors across Verywell.

At Verywell, we work with Dotdash Meredith's Anti-Bias Review Board to create inclusive content and set standards for how to answer health questions without perpetuating bias, prejudice, and stereotypes. The Anti-Bias Review Board is a multi-disciplinary panel of experts that works with our writers and editors on content initiatives.

Since its creation in 2020, panelists on the expert board have contributed to new series like the Health Divide, audited content, and identified places where Verywell can make editorial changes to answer readers' questions better. We have more work ahead of us to unlearn practices that haven't served all readers. In the coming years, we will take on new content initiatives, partnerships, and editorial standards that make our content more inclusive. 

Verywell also works with the Anti-Bias Review Board through the Anti-Racism Pledge process.

Our Content Integrity Promise

Verywell Health is committed to content integrity. As a Dotdash Meredith Brand, we follow The Dotdash Meredith Content Integrity Promise. This means that the quality and trustworthiness of our content and editorial processes is very important to us. Our team of writers, editors, fact checkers, illustrators, photographers, and medical professionals rigorously researches and reviews all content on an ongoing basis to ensure it is up to date, accurate, and puts the needs of our readers first. 

We are committed to telling readers when there is an error in an article, and to fixing it. When we discover an error, we will correct the article as quickly as possible and add a correction note. All corrections will be clearly labeled, dated, and include information about what was corrected.

If you believe we have published a factual error in any of our content, please let us know and we will investigate and take appropriate corrective and/or updating measures. You can report a possible error by emailing us at corrections@dotdashmdp.com.

Verywell Health is committed to independent, impartial, fair journalism. Our editorial content is not influenced by our advertisers. We maintain a strict separation between advertising and editorial content and clearly differentiate editorial content from that provided by advertisers.

Every Verywell Health staff member and contributor is held accountable to a high standard of honesty and transparency. All of our writers, editors, and contributors are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

Meet Our Team

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive, accurate information that you can rely on. Our team of editors, designers, developers, and more have experience, expertise, and passion for health content.

Meet some of our team below. They are just one part of our staff, which includes SEO experts, product managers, designers, developers, and sales and marketing partners.

Sara Michael

SVP and Group General Manager, Health
Sara Michael 2022 headshot
Sara joined Dotdash Meredith in 2019 and previously led programs to ensure content accuracy and quality. Prior, she led content integrity initiatives at Healthline Media. Sara received a master’s from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.
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Sohaib Imtiaz, MD

Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Sohaib Imtiaz
Dr. Imtiaz is the Chief Medical Officer for Verywell Health. He is a board-certified lifestyle medicine doctor who brings expertise in digital health, preventive medicine, and human behavior.
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Nicole Kwan

Senior Editorial Director, Verywell Health
Nicole Kwan

Nicole joined the company in 2019 after overseeing and launching digital health and wellness media brands at start-ups and legacy publishers. Her work as an editor, writer, and reporter has appeared on iYogaLife, Prevention, SELF, FoxNewsHealth.com, Yoga Journal, and Everyday Health.

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Craig Haines

Chief Revenue Officer
Craig Haines

Craig has over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, leading sales and partnerships at top publishers and pharmaceutical companies. He is a go-to thought leader in the pharma field, with several media appearances on MM&M and other outlets.

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Rob Stephen

SVP Marketing
Rob Stephen

Rob is a healthcare industry veteran with over 20 years of experience in both B-to-B and B-to-C marketing.  Previously, he held roles at Time Inc, Everyday Health, and FCB Health.  Rob has worked with almost every top pharmaceutical company and brings deep industry knowledge and insight to Verywell.

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Verywell and our leadership team have been recognized by healthcare media as a leader in consumer health and wellness content, innovative tools and features, and as a great place to work.

We Are a Dotdash Meredith Brand

Dotdash Meredith is the largest digital and print publisher in America. From mobile to magazines, nearly 200 million people trust us to help them make decisions, take action, and find inspiration. Dotdash Meredith's over 50 iconic brands include PEOPLE, Better Homes & Gardens, Verywell, FOOD & WINE, The Spruce, Allrecipes, Byrdie, REAL SIMPLE, Investopedia, Southern Living and more. Dotdash Meredith is an operating business of IAC.

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Our Policies

Terms of Use

Verywellhealth.com and its affiliated sites (collectively, the “Site”) are Dotdash Meredith brands, owned and operated by About, Inc. and its affiliates ("Verywell", the "Company", "we", or "us"). Access to and use of the Site is subject to terms and conditions of use (“Terms of Use”).

Privacy Policy

We take online privacy seriously and we respect the concerns of our community of users. We may collect information, including personal data, directly from you if you choose to provide that information. When you access the Site, we and our third-party partners may automatically collect certain information about your visit using tools such as cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies.  We may use the information gathered on Verywell for various purposes, including responding to an email inquiry, and to serve advertising content and offers to you based on your interests and online activities.

Connect With Us

We love to hear from our readers. If you have a comment, suggestion, or correction to share, feel free to contact us at contact@verywellhealth.com.

You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

For press inquiries, email us at press@verywellhealth.com.
If you would rather call us or send us a letter, you can reach us at:

Dotdash Meredith, Inc.
Attn: Verywell
225 Liberty St, 4th Fl
New York, NY 10281

Write for Us

We’re always looking for experienced and qualified writers with expertise and credentials in health, medicine, and wellness. Email us at writeforus@verywellhealth.com.

Please note that we do not accept unsolicited guest-authored content.

Work With Us

Join our team of top-notch editors, designers, programmers, and others as we continue to make Verywell a leading source of health and wellness information.

Advertise With Us

Verywell offers the highest value to advertisers through a combination of scale, credibility, and intent. Interested in advertising with us? Email us at sales@verywellhealth.com.