Companies doing business with the United Nations are required to accept and comply with the UN Supplier Code of Conduct.
The Code of Conduct informs Vendors of the following:-
- that they may not engage in corrupt practices
- that they must disclose information on any situation that may appear to present a conflict of interest
- that the UN has a zero-tolerance policy with regards to the acceptance of gifts or hospitality from Vendors
- Post-employment restrictions may apply to UN staff in service and former UN staff members who participated in the procurement process, if such persons had prior professional dealings with suppliers. UN suppliers are expected to refrain from offering employment to any such person based on the Secretary-General’s bulletin ST/SGB/2006/15.
The bulletin describes the post-employment restrictions as follows:
(i) | the one-year prohibition on seeking or accepting employment or any form of compensation or financial benefit from any contractor or vendor with whom a former staff member has had personal, significant and substantive involvement during the former staff member's last three years of service with the United Nations; and |
(ii) | the two-year prohibitions on knowingly communicating with, or appearing before, any staff member or unit of the Organization on behalf of a third party on any matters that were under the former staff member's official responsibility relating to the procurement process during the former staff member's last three years of service with the United Nations. |
Any United Nations contractor or vendor of goods or services who offers employment, hires or otherwise compensates staff members in violation of the provisions of the present bulletin may, after review by the Organization, be subject to having its registration as a qualified contractor or vendor with the United Nations barred, suspended or terminated, in accordance with United Nations procurement policies and procedures.
Please use the links below to view or download Rev.06 of the UN Supplier Code of Conduct, which was approved by the High Level Committee on Management – Procurement Network on 9 April 2018.
English (Accessible Version)