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Nowadays, the Universidade do Minho (UMinho) is clearly a Research University. This is reflected in the position it has taken in the main international rankings, particularly the Leiden Ranking,, the main ranking linked to scientific research, as it is a bibliometric ranking, but also in the major rankings of the Times Higher Education (THE)), both in the global ranking and in the THE ranking of universities under 50 years old..
The increase in the number of scientific publications is also very clear, as well as the various scientific outputs of the University of Minho, over the last few years, as well as the number of citations obtained, and of UMinho researchers that are considered highly cited researchers, and with higher number of citations and h-indexes in their scientific areas.
The University already represents about 9%, approaching 10%, of the Portuguese scientific system, which is clearly higher than the number of researchers it proportionally represents at a national level. In 2015 UMinho published 1642 articles listed in the ISI Web of Science (20% more than in 2014) and 1997 articles listed in Scopus (10% more than in 2014).
The University has been able to increasingly attract large European projects, currently having 3 European Council Advanced Research Grants – ERC AdG (one of them shared with a Dutch Institution) and currently managing 4 large projects, all with funding to UMinho greater than 2.3 million euros.
UMinho is one of the most successful Portuguese institutions in attracting large European projects. It is the only Portuguese University that coordinates projects in all typologies of the Widening programme of the European Commission (EC). After having coordinated a REGPOT project in the 7th Framework Programme, it is currently coordinating a TEAMING project which is in its second phase, 2 TWINNING projects and an ERA-Chairs project, and is actively participating in another TEAMING project.
UMinho also participates in the two major FET Flagship projects, FET Graphene and FET Brain. The University of Minho has managed to obtain approval of projects in all the Sub-Programmes of the 7th Framework Programme and has also had increasing success in the Horizon 2020 programme of the EC. In this programme, UMinho has been particularly competitive in the areas of research for small and medium enterprises, nanosciences, nanotechnology, materials and new production technologies, information and communication technologies, and food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology, as well as in projects for open access to scientific publications and data.
UMinho also has projects approved in FET – Future Emerging Technologies - that funds disruptive ideas/projects, having also been successful in most of the types of grants and training networks (ITNs) for Marie Sklodowska-Curie activities. UMinho also participates in numerous bilateral collaboration projects. The University has also been very active in cross-border collaboration projects (POCTEP), the Euro-Atlantic Area and CYTED, as well as in several ERA-NET projects.
UMinho also has a large number of projects funded by FCT and by the National Innovation Agency (ANI), of different types, in progress. It has been increasingly successful in bids for the employment of Researchers – FCT Researchers, and in tenders for FCT individual grants. It also has a number of FCT-funded PhD Programmes underway in various scientific fields. UMinho participates in 22 PhD Programmes, of the 96 financed by FCT, coordinating 9 of these Programmes, which corresponds to about 650 PhD scholarships. At this moment, UMinho has about 900 research grants, of different types, awarded as part of ongoing projects.
The University has also obtained funding from the Regional Programmes, ON2 and NORTE 2020, for Integrated Programmes and IC&DT Structured Programmes, Improvement projects, Scientific Reequipment projects, Cultural Heritage Enhancement and Animation projects and Institutional Promotion and Capacity Building projects.

UMinho has a very clear strategy for Intellectual Property, being one of the most successful Portuguese Universities in this area of knowledge protection and in obtaining national and international patents. All this is undertaken with a very strong connection to companies, the region and the country. The University considers itself a complete University and has been able to carry out highly successful large-scale projects, both involving direct funding from companies and also mobilised funding and co-promoted projects, of note at present being the major partnership with the company Bosch.
The University also has a policy of creating spin-offs and start-ups which has been very successful in recent years.
  • Universidade do
  • Largo do Paço
    4704-553 Braga
  • T.:253 601 100, 253 601 109
    E.: gcii@reitoria.uminho.pt
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