Yeah yeah scary pier ate your date whatever, girl what do you mean you did a velociraptor impression?
me after my 15 min break at work
me after sleeping a healthy 8 hours
me at the end of a two day weekend
I hate how so many people say shit like "having empathy is basic common decency" but refuse to have empathy or compassion for people who cannot experience empathy. You don't genuinely believe that constant 24/7 empathy for others is a morally correct trait if your empathy stops at neurodivergent and disabled people because they don't have the same traits or abilities as you do.
Another Gerry!! I had a vers where his eye tattoos had more detail but I must've deleted the layer (,: still happy with how he turned out in the end, though
teeth studies
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.
DONT use glasses, youll become dependent on them to see!!!! #WARONDRUGS #OVERPRESCRIPTION #CORRECTIVELENSADDICTION
why did he lie about not realizing how big the office was… now that i hear the buzzes it’s SO freaky
The American guy in Magnus Protocol gave me whiplash. Like the fuck are doing here? According the great Jonny Sims the horrors only happen to the British.
I had to check the wiki for Dr. Welling. He's become a frequent flyer:
And now here in 33, redacting the Institute's questions. 🤔
What a good classic statement. Magnus institute. Jonathan’s voice. Woman haunted by at least 6 fear entities at once. We are so back
cute date idea! *disappears into the dark fog*
doorkeay smoocherz <3 <3