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When a Chaotic Gay Anime Trap learns to use tech


He/They. Extreme homosexual. A fan of almost anything. Cheese addict. Purple is the best colour fight me. Has an overactive imagination. Professional simp. Chaos fuels me.

Not to sound like an old fart here but my philosophy about video games is like. A kid living out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no internet access for miles should be able to purchase a game from walmart, take that game home, put it in their console, and play the whole game with all of its features and the only thing lack of internet affects is the inability to play online with others. Nothing else. They shouldn't be missing entire chunks of the game becuase they can't download a patch. The game shouldn't be borderline empty or unplayable without a patch.


It is so fucking sinister that the only form of child abuse that society really cares about is sexual in nature. parents are free to control everything about their child's movement, presentation, eating, faith traditions, information exposure, socialization, and can restrict all of these things to an extreme degree as a form of punishment or in order to shape the child into whatever they want that child to be. and that's all considered completely normal, the parent's right! people don't even see the fact that a parent has the power to control so much about a child's life for damn near 20 years to be a problem. The only time they become concerned about child abuse is when the prospect of an outside stranger behaving in a sexual way toward a child is raised. and yeah a lot of really horrific sexual abuses are enacted unto children, but that's because they have zero control over their own lives and bodies in any other way as well. It is all about power and control. and typically the ones who are abusing children the most frequently are the ones who have the most control over them, the parents.


Dehumanizing bigots is bad, not because I want to be nice to them, but because they are human beings and they serve as a reminder that anyone is capable of evil ideation and action. Violent bigots are not fundamentally different beings from you. They are human beings, who have developed a reactionary and destructive belief system due to their circumstances combined with their biases. In a different timeline, that could've been you. Anyone can be radicalized. Nobody is immune to propaganda, not even the person reading this.


There's nothing wrong with Hooters per se, but only a deeply sexually repressed society would be capable of producing Hooters. It's wild that it existed alongside Applebee's and Chilli's. Yeah man let's go to the psychosexual chicken wing place.

"I want to watch sports and eat chicken wings but I also want to constantly be aware that every waitress in this restaurant was hired for her fat tits. No I want them to be clothed the whole time. I just wanna know that like, in the background."

Any upstanding pervert could come up with a strip club. That's good honest fun. But even a normal pervert couldn't come up Hooters. You gotta be a pervert who doesn't even know you're a pervert.


Here is your mission.

TSLA hit its all time high of $488.50 on 15 DEC 2024. To reach of a price of $114.00 would be a 76.7% drop. That's huge, right?

Yeah well, when I checked the price just now (12 MAR 2025 @ 1:31 PM EDT), TSLA is currently trading at $250.85. That's down 48.6% from the high.

Babes, we're already nearly two-thirds of the way there.

TSLA $114.00. I believe this is where I say 'like to charge, reblog to cast.'

let it be so


John Cena's social media is fascinating because his twitter is the most generic sounding inspirational messages ever that sound like theyre from an old calendar while his instagram is filled with weird memes that Cena mustve made himself because a lot of them seem like he's the only person that understands them

Probably the most notable meme is Cena photoshopping someone else’s head (or an object) onto Stone Cold Steve Austin and saying “Stone Cold [thing in image]). He’s posted like hundreds of these


Prince: I wish to marry!

Queen: Only if she can pass my test: failing to sleep on a bed with a pea under it!

Prince: Why are you screening for princesses with sensory issues?

Queen: She must be true royalty! Only the most autistic girl in all the land shall marry my son!

The phrase “most autistic girl in all the land” popped unbidden into my head last night and I couldn’t remember who had made the joke and had to Google it

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