Ok so firstly I take issue with the concept of universal mythic archetypes itself (which this notion draws from). It collapses cultural context from these figures and stories and presents them stripped of most of their nuance and background for simplified categorization and digestion (often by western observers), to their complete disservice. It's one thing to say like 'theft of fire is a very common motif' or 'a lot of gods can be described as solar deities and have comparable and contrastible traits' or etc, it's another to take a wide spectrum of folkloric and religious figures and attempt to shove them in a neat yet highly subjective archetype (whose defining traits will often be so broad as to be borderline meaningless).
But like, okay, we can acknowledge that a lot of folkloric figures can fall under the broad umbrella of "clever but might also/instead be foolish + plays tricks + subverts authority + defies conventions + might or might not be a culture hero + might or might not be a tutelary figure". Labeling them as this alone is a disservice, but we can say it fits as A label.
'God of being a wretched little gremlin that causes problems on purpose' describes pretty damn few of these figures, and where it does it's in a reductive as fuck way. These figures almost always have broader purposes and aspects to their character, and when they're Gods to begin with (itself a subjective label, frankly) they're almost never Just 'gods of playing tricks'. Sometimes they teach about morality and taboo, sometimes they're heroic and upend order for the benefit of humankind, sometimes they upend order for their own good, sometimes they're teachers (directly or via their stories), sometimes they're humorous and clownish, sometimes they're sinister, sometimes they're adversarial, sometimes their mischief is meant to be admirable, or despicable, or both.
It's rarely just 'wretched little asshole', and when it is, it usually has layers beyond this that makes this description inane even in the context of this post just being a silly joke. It's silly in a 'not really getting it to begin with' way.