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a jar of jam

moth!john human designs there’s more stuff under cut

(these doodles arent very good looking, i dont have my pencil 🥹 lost it and i cant be bothered to get a new one, so pen it is)

got a new pen and pencil we all cheered


im so sooo glad that my arthur lester drawing became more popular than that fuckass moth!john drawing in the pl pose trend thing. that drawing haunts me. i hate. it. i hate it so much


Was re-listening to s3 of Malevolent- ep 28 specifically- and I picked up some things that I missed the first time around that actually make a lot snap into place. I listened and it clicked and i was like OH!!! THIS is why this was the capstone of the season. I can't believe I didn't hear it the first time. So. here's my disorganized thoughts!

First of all- smaller note, but this reminded me very much of Yellow:

Never allowed to be "just a man" - Arthur immediately set up something he was or should be. John had space to grow, to be a separate thing without his memories. Yellow was immediately pigeonholed: the terrible shadow of the god-king he barely remembers, and the impossible-to-fill shoes of the perfect, saintly John.

and then this- Arthur in a way confronting himself and his own motivation at the start of the season:

"what was it you wanted to be, then?" "not alone" Arthur in the cabin had his freedom- he was fully "human" again, no longer touched by the eldritch, maybe even able to somewhat return to normal life. But he didn't want to be 'just a man.' He wanted to be not alone. He couldn't bear losing another person, he wanted John back, no matter the consequences- even erasing everything his friend had been. And so, in the end, he took something that was not his to take, kept it captive, fed off of it, in a way.

And then this:

"Because you're a monster." "We are a monster."

Echoing Arthur's self-perception as the season progressed, and capping off that Arthur-monster parallel with Arthur once again telling the monster exactly how he feels about it, showing it exactly how he feels about himself, in a way. The same reason he planned to kill Larson, the same reason he screamed what he did at Uncle as he killed him. Condemnation of the creature and of himself in the form of violent catharsis.

He allows the monster to enter his mind, becomes "one" with it, even in deception. Falls again into the role- even the communion with-the monster. Brings himself to its level, pours the guilt and hatred and self-loathing and desire for punishment onto these dark mirrors of himself and destroys them utterly, makes them suffer, because the option to actually do that to himself is locked behind both John and his own instinct of self-preservation.

god DAMN s3 is peak.


So I actually dived a bit into 1930 British fashion. This suits might be British/American, since my buddy Pinterest has no links when I need, and I'm not that determined...

And I was like. Yeah. Sure. Anatomy practice.

1. Is like unisex base stuff, all family members, any age.

2. There are different types of these shirts... Some of them could be directly ¿attached? to the trousers.

3. Whatever that is, bring it back. Also, on the pictures I found the trunks were... short. But I respect Artur more than myself, so I gave him cover.

PS: dunno what the shit with colours on my screen, but from the phone art looks so fk greeeeeey gddm.


im giggling so hard i’m so happy this is why i do art

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