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All Disaster Gays All The Time

@dreamwaffles / dreamwaffles.tumblr.com

trash of many things. Knight of Light. tabletop roleplayer. general-purpose nerd. conservation biologist.

being 5'7" is so fucked. AND i'm a top. i suffer more than you could ever know.


doing shadow of the colossus shit to her pussy 🧝‍♀️

uhm.... girls only have cocks around these parts, friend

Doing shadow of the colossus shit to HIS pussy

sorry im a lesbian

doing shadow of the colossus shit to her penis?

well if youre unsure i can take over for you


collecting lizards to boost my stamina and climbing the tower to do shadow of the colossus shit to her 17th secret penis

i think the concept of the post is starting to escape us

nothing escapes from me


Suggested Alternatives to the One China Policy

Currently, the policy of the United States on the Taiwan question is that the US recognizes that polities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait hold that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. In the current tense international climate, it may be useful to considers alternatives to that policy.

Two Chinas Policy: The United States recognizes the independence of Taiwan as a sovereign state, separate from the People's Republic of China.

Three Chinas Policy: The US recognizes Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the mainland as independent states.

Four Chinas Policy: The US recognizes Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and the mainland as independent states.

One China Policy (Retro 1978): The US switches its diplomatic recognition back from the PRC to the ROC.

One China Policy (Retro 1911): The US recognizes the Qing Dynasty as the legitimate government of China and finds some schmuck to play Emperor-in-Exile.

Many Chinas Policy: The US recognizes the sovereign independence of every Chinese province.

Too Many Chinas Policy: Hong Kong makes a perfectly fine city-state, so why not let everyone do that? The US recognizes every Chinese municipality as its own independent state.

1436506450 Chinas Policy: The US recognizes the sovereign independence of every Chinese person.

2^1436506450 Chinas Policy: The US recognizes the sovereign independence of every subset of of the set of all Chinese persons.

2^1436506450-1 Chinas Policy: Same as above, but not including the empty set, because that doesn't even make sense because it's already claimed by Germany.

Infinite Chinas Policy (Countable): The US recognizes that (1) The PRC is a China and (2) for every China c, the successor S(c) is also a China, and (3) for every China c, c != S(c).

Infinite Chinas Policy (Uncountable): The US recognizes that the set C of all Chinas is an ordered field, and that every non-empty subset of C with an upper bound in C has a least upper bound in C.

No Chinas Policy: The United States embraces mereological nihilism and recognizes only atoms and the void.


Xu Bing: 'Tiger-Skin Carpet' (2011)

made of thousands of cigarettes, is a massive display of desire, seduction, and danger - ideas that have been associated with tobacco and also predominant in the human history. The title "Honor and Splendor" #1 # not only hints on the brand of the cigarettes, E ("Wealth"), but also alludes to what tiger-skin carpet symbolizes: luxury and status.

i think trans people need more fun stereotypes. so many groups get at least one that is like, offensive but also kinda baffling, like "gays walk fast" or "germans are obsessed with efficiency." all we get are like "evil sex predator" shit

we need to convince transphobes that trans women love to fish. so much that we will destroy our lives to go fishing. we will lose our jobs for the sake of a good reel. this is not based on anything but i think it would be funny

when i leave my family reunion i want my slightly shitty uncle to turn to me and go "hey, see ya by the riverbank," with a wry laugh that makes me have to awkwardly chuckle in return. i think this would be a fun reality to live in for a few weeks before i get tired of it

this is everything to me. this is my light in the dark. This is why I am still alive. If you want to find your local trans scene. Check out the independent fish stores. I have been given a new main story objective

From Mattie Lubchansky:


Stargate Atlantis | 4x15 Outcast


trainofcommand prevtag: #‘uh-oh John is worried that his brother might know about his secret military space city in this scene’ thought no one ever.#‘is this guy a random hook-up or are they actually dating?’ Dave wondered. ‘would John bring a random hook-up to dad’s funeral?’#‘as a final fuck you?’#‘or would an actual partner be more of a fuck you?’#Dave had a lot of questions at the funeral and none of them were about John’s job.#stargate atlantis


boybeluga's getting a tumblr so I'm going to start reblogging more things that otherwise I assume all my followers have already seen. this will not impact your experience as a follower in the slightest because I reblog all sorts of shit.


were you previously avoiding reblogging things people have probably already seen?? I assumed that was just the tumblr way

not a lot! but occasionally I'd see something and not like it enough to want to see it again later (my main reason for reblogging since I use queue) and also know that everyone who follows me has already seen/reblogged it. and now I will reblog those, too... maybe not using the queue? idk we'll see what happens

wow, not using the queue? so bold! but I believe in you, you can do it!


I wouldn't say I'm a lapsed cultist. I still accept the basic worldview--I believe that Cthulhu lies in R'lyeh in a deathlike sleep, I believe his Star-spawn shall one day cleanse the earth and usher in an age of shouting and killing and reveling in joy, yada yada--but I'm not, y'know, religious about it. Cthulhu has lied sleeping for, like, countless aeons, he's probably not waking up in my lifetime. I doubt giving up my Friday nights to chant "Cthulhu fhtagn" with a bunch of naked old guys in a basement is gonna wake him up any faster. I mean, if I ever have kids, I'll probably start going again, but that's more about teaching good morals.


Every word that starts with an N should have a silent G in front. Gnorway. Gnuclear. Gnervous system. Gnipples.


At some point my brain decided based on the word knee that body parts beginning with a n sound should have a silent k (particularly the word neck) so I am against gnipples wholeheartedly, it should clearly be knipples!

How about a compromise? Gn words and kn words get switched. So now it’s gneecaps and gnowledge, but it’s also knome and Knosticism.

the problem with this is that it doesn’t account for the original dilemma, which was gnipples vs. knipples 

I, for one, think it should be pnipples, like pneumonia 

Okay, but what about mnipples, like ‘mnemonic’?

Gkpmnipples (pronounced “nipples”)

This is the kind of content I remain for. (and y'all provide on the regular, I love you)

Female presenting gkpmnipples


what the fuck are you people doing, trying to invent neo-french?

No, we’re inventing Gkpmneo-French

don’t try and read this phonetically you’ll have a stroke


Lesbian flag Seychellized.


All pride flags should be like this

seychellizes your flag

yeah okay ill reblog that!!




im peer reviewing these ones (@notpukichosadly)

Okay this but with a blue shell+shrapnel, pink explosion beams and a white background would be a sick MtF logo.

Give me 10 minutes.


I’ve been in a “cybertruck owners only” group for a year now just to watch posers try to haul over towing capacity but it has yielded something more beautiful lately


the thing about CC is that she did plagiarize. she was found guilty of plagiarism and banned from fanfiction dot net! she plagiarized pamela dean, among others, and lied about it repeatedly! it happened! and regardless of whatever else she writes, regardless of whether the publishing industry and her fans trust her not to do it again, regardless of how many times her wikipedia page gets scrubbed clean, that will always have happened! so it is not in fact cruel gossip, but a factually true statement, to say that she plagiarized and i'm not interested in supporting her or giving her the benefit of the doubt because she plagiarized and lied about it repeatedly! fuck!

what really incenses me about cassandra clare — and forgive me for bringing this up again, but i don't think i've articulated this point yet — is not that i believe she is currently plagiarizing. any accusations i've seen about recent work seem to me to be superficial. but even if one could prove that she never plagiarized again once she started publishing, it wouldn't matter to me, because she chose to capitalize on her fandom history. while trying to distance herself from what she did, she made a brand out of the fanfic pen name "cassandra clare" and continues to profit off the reputation and fanbase that she amassed while she was, provably, a plagiarist.

you don't get to do that and bury the things that made you famous. as an individual, as a human being, she is capable of change and any other good qualities you may want to ascribe. but she built her career on lies. professionally, i don't understand why she gets to move on.


the worst part for me--worse than building her career on plagiarism--is that her career was also built on a truly reprehensible level of harassment. she told her followers to help get her unbanned from FFN (as if that would ever happen) and they spent months harassing the site owner and several abuse team members. one of them, after enduring extensive abuse, ended up in the hospital.

this was just the beginning of the harassment, though. CC additionally used her friend heidi, a lawyer, to send cease & desist letters and other forms of legal harassment against ppl. none of it would hold up in court and these sort of things weren't even heidi's area of expertise as a lawyer, but it still happened.

CC was such a terrible serial harasser that people started to leave her alone about the plagiarism stuff after a while because it was just not worth her blowing up your entire spot. not just with her lawyer, but with her minions who harassed targets on her behalf. getting a deluge of harassment is a horrible experience that hurts people, so of course people tried to avoid it.

i hate CC because she hurt lots of people. she did it intentionally, repeatedly, and with singular focus on covering her own ass no matter who she hurt.

she has the career she has now because of her harassment of fandom as much as the plagiarism.


Americans, did you know there were mass protests all across the country over Super Bowl weekend?

Coast-to-coast, from DC...

... to Portland

... from blue states

... to red states

And nary but *crickets* from the national media. The revolution is NOT being televised, it is being suppressed. 

Just remember, you are NOT alone. People ARE doing things. You will meet those people when YOU start doing things.

But we cannot rely on the courts alone. Trump is already defying numerous restraining orders, and the Executive branch controls the enforcement arm of federal law (U.S. Marshals Service).

When Trump inevitably refuses to comply with the courts and directs the DOJ/U.S. Marshals to stand down, effectively neutering the Judicial branch of the government, it will signal THE END OF U.S. DEMOCRACY.

Our only recourse will be to take to the streets. WE THE PEOPLE, need to demand rule of law by asserting our First Amendment right to assemble while we still have it.

Rise up against tyranny/oligarchy/white supremacy/you-name-it

JOIN THE REVOLUTION! National Day of Protest Presidents' Day | February 17, 2025

And pledge to join the General Strike.

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