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Darkling, I Listen


The Vampire Chronicles, Dark Aesthetic, Queer. I am old, I have survived fandom wank and fandom wars. I have been on the front lines and I have been underground. So please understand, I am old for a reason.

Vampire Santa Clause: hmm, better check this list twice! Dotting my i's and crossing my- oh no


i swear to god only interview with the vampire can have the gayest most homoerotic scene on television ever, followed by the cutest happiest most giggle inducing brotherly dance sequence ever, followed by a suicide.

Do you know what it means to be loved by Death? He all but kissed her face, the brilliant stain of her tears. Do you know what it means to have Death know your name?

Interview With The Vampire, Anne Rice.


When Daniel complains that Louis “talks about [Lestat] like you were in some f****d-up gothic romance”….

Please give this man some genre awareness

Anonymous asked:

I'm still amazed at how Sam managed to play like the five different versions of the same character (Armand's version, louis's, claudia's, dreamstat, real!Lestat) while keeping the essence of lestat in all of them but making them slightly different. This is insane! Not to mention speaking a large part of the episode in French, the language in which he's not fluid.

There is this opinion that he only got noticed because he's the more flashy, loud and in your face type of character but there's so much nuance and subtlety in his acting that is often overlooked. Like the Armand's version has dead eyes and the real Lestat had more gentle tone of the voice. It makes me sad to to see Sam acting abilities being downplayed just because he's white and people are upset over something beyond his and AMC's control.

Everybody is panicking that this may be Jacob's last chance at nominations but i actually think it may be Sam's too? There's no guarantee that s3 will be a success and we know how difficult it's to be nominated as the lead actor from the genre show, the fact that they even got nominated at all is a miracle? Both Jacob and Rolin said that they don't care about Emmys and other awards and i think most of the cast have the same attitude. Of course it'd be great if they were recognized for their hard work but i think that they treat it more like an extra bonus not something that they're expecting. They're definitely not crying over it like some people in the fandom seem to think.

I think going by the numbers of "Long Face" that s3 will be a success :)

I mean, TVL has never been adapted before - IWTV has. Now it's better :), but that doesn't negate that there are parts of the book fandom, who have waited for this adaptation - for decades. And yes, I include myself here.

If they do it right I don't doubt that it will be a success.

But it's not just about s3 - this show has finally breached awareness containment.

And that is such a huge possibility. This show has the potential to go BIG (and I hope they will), because all of the cast, crew, writers give it their all. Because they all deliver something extraordinary.

Because it is so extraordinary it breaches from horror to drama for awards.

Now, I don't expect them to actually get a lot of awards, and not because I do not want them to :)

But a lot about the awards is influence and money, and AMC is not the network to push there. Which is fine, I'm glad IWTV is on AMC, I bet it would have been canceled already if on Netflix, and AMC obviously gives them room to dare.

Awards would be the cherry on top, yes. Rolin said that they don't particularly care for that.

But... The nominations are acknowledgment.

And it feels so GOOD to see this show acknowledged.


Summary: In the wake of the destruction of his marriage, Armand finally turns his Beloved.

* another turning oneshot, but i am new the the fandom and these two won't leave me alone. <3


Whatever you do, don't think about alex watching this movie (Wilde 1997) and henry not knowing of its existence (courtesy of Queen Mary)

Don't think about alex telling his boyfriend that about the movie and how I had to see your dad having sex on screen, Henry!

Don't think about Henry google-ing the movie, finding out its based on THE Oscar Wilde's life.

Don't think about him finding out that his dad supported the LGBTQIA+ community all along

And don't you dare think about how he'd cry in relief, and dad you would've loved alex. He made me happier and whole again.

Don't think about that. Don't.

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