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@buried-in-the-archives / buried-in-the-archives.tumblr.com

She/They - 30, AO3 BuriedInTheArchives, Alt - arthur-lesters-maggot ~ Unrepentant Jon/Elias shipper✨️ ~ Taking a dirt nap with Hezekiah, horror podcasts, shitty 80s horror, and Will Wood are my main things. icon by Mads Sherrick, background by Arizona Snowman

Finished the first of my 'LonleyEyes as fitting vintage art' sketches. There will be a FAIR FEW. I'm a big fan of how much Elias energy the women in a lot of these pieces have, they look like they wouldn't hesitate with a lead pipe.

(My hypermobile ass doing the Elias pose here for reference was not one of my proudest moments)

Truly cannot wrap my head around why on earth Peter and Elias have become one of my favorite ships of all time, but here we are, so I'll at least make content out of it.


More 'LonelyEyes in vintage art poses'

(click for better resolution)

Elias threw an engagement party for them, Peter is trapped in a fully intentional Hell designed just for him. Elias keeps 'checking in' and asking "How does it feel to be the center of attention? All these supportive faces, all their eyes on you..." In a way that might almost sound loving to a passerby. 🖤

The people in the original had ridiculously tiny martini glasses, and I was forced by the comedy of Peter's massive size to keep that exactly the same.


S2 snippet animation. Was meant as a break from my studies lately. Ended up taking a week haha ha


[ID: A short animation featuring Jonathan sims from the Magnus Archives. Jon is a brown man with short tussle dark hair and bags under his eyes. He wears a blue suit over a grey shirt, with a matching blue tie.

In the first half of the animation he is fidgeting with a green pen, waving it around as he speaks to Elias Bouchard off screen.

Elias: "I'll have a copy made for you one one condition. Be. Careful. No more impetuous subterranean adventures, understand?"

Jon (mumbling): "Yes, of course, of course."

There is a pause in the animation where only a blank dark beige colored screen is shown, before the next bit of dialogue continues. This time, the animation takes place in a stoneway that has a dark atmosphere. Jon in this scene is more paranoid and scared. His pen is replaced by a tape recorder.

Jon (frantically): "Supplimental: I'm in the tunnels. I was exploring, and I got lost."

At the end Jon jumps in surprise at something to his left. /End ID]

Some frames i really like


[ID: Five frames from the above animated clip featuring Jonathan Sims from the Magnus Archives. \End ID]


God listening to Jon turning Jordan this time hit a lot harder. I didn’t really think that hard on it before, just thought “hey that’s fucked up. Jon clearly panicked seeing someone he knew suffer”

But this time I realized something. Jon has been watching this man in his dreams for years now. Every night he’s seen him suffering while he was unable to move, unable to help. And now here he is again. Jordan suffering, Jon watching. Except this time he can do something. And so he does cause he’s so desperate to HELP


I am kissing you on both cheeks. Fat doesn't always mean "kind, cuddly and unarmed".


YES!!!! Exactly.

fat is literally just a body type, as much as skinny or mid sized or absolutely everything else. People treating Martin and other plus-sized characters with kid gloves on, or acting like they’re just sweeties and only sweeties, feels so…. infantilizing?

Especially given that Martin “kill bill” Blackwood is one of the bitchiest punks in the series lol. He successfully manipulated multiple avatars and outsmarted Elias. He’s snappy and pragmatic and he plays nice exceptionally well, but I don’t think I would ever use that word to describe the man who was completely chill with damning every other universe in existence just to stay with his boyfriend. He’s selfish and cool and sexy about it. And he’s also fat. THE character of all time.

not to mention my all time biggest crush but that’s neither here nor there.


Jon is such a funny bitch like while Martin was a blushing nervous guy around him Jon was like ew Martin I don’t like him whatever. And the SECOND Martin stopped being outwardly interested in him Jon was like MARTIN? MAHTIN? MAHTIN WHERE ARE YOU like they’re the definition of They fell first but the other fell harder except Martin walked down the slope very calmly while Jon just looked at the edge of the cliff and said fuck it we ball

Jon, is simply, a cat.

"No tea for me? No longing eye contact? No affection from my favorite person? Hark hark, the cruelty! I am denied when I am finally ready?"


Oh my god. I'm finally done. It took me longer to edit this than to draw it so we're all going to pretend the timings good okay?

All complaining about something I chose to do aside, I made an animatic of the first chapter of Cryptid Watch by @tea-moth11 ! It was just so animatic-able I had to! I'm absolutely loving this fic so far and can't wait to see more of it

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