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@angelicguy / angelicguy.tumblr.com

Before I am done... I want to be big. I am small but want to use my talent in a gigantic way like I am 6'6.

craziest gold stakes run ever i would double my hands with blueprint and run flushes with smeared joker buying every planet card i could. i would only need like 3 of the 10 hands, and i was running green deck so i would get ooodles of cash from the unused ones. dont pay attention to the bus card it was my first card needed to survive the early stakes.


There's no way the opiod crisis is real. You're telling me that a couple of guys in boardrooms said "let's get people addicted to certain drugs so we can make money". Yeah, doesn't check out, and frankly doesn't sound particularly realistic as potential opiod addicts would likely prefer the presence of a family or hobby like sewing instead of indulging in a boring white pill.

If I was born in a dead end town and was given the choice between the presence of my extended family at a 75 degree grey cloud mid day BBQ where half the people there are under the age of 11 or the aimless lobe changing bliss offered by oxycodone, I know which one I'm taking.


Dude showed his barber a picture of neo


4th place in a small tournament yesterday 🤙

it was soo funny the eddy in 5th always one-and-dones me in ranked, esp if i win and i added him to ask like WHATS with the one and dones bro im trying to play sets and he was like Yeah well beat me in a tournament then i beat his ass 2-0


4th place in a small tournament yesterday 🤙


dream tekken stages

dilapidated white house

raft on a lava lake

the dance floor of a night club

tarzan's backyard

on top of a gamecube

in a fridge


Do you know how bad it is that the snl 50th anniversary was funny exclusively because of the comedians that either no longer work for or never worked on snl showing up


These terms engulf the waking mind like cherry grape and lemon lime


yeah my cousin fucked up a guy with his truck in 96 but i talked to the cops about it and they said they cant do shit cuz of the statue of limitations so ive been putting muddy water in his humidifier every night so he gets sick


end of work email from me that i enjoyed

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