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made @gamerenby Don's pew pew Pewter and @edalyn-the-spider 's moonshiner!7️⃣ so i could play cowboys 2 online with them (my computer rig is now a bloody pulp)

the linework is all traditional, enjoyed the fudenosuke pens but man, they still erase like microns. but i have a great way to finish it digital!

might make more if other buds have RDO cowboys + at least Instar


i need to draw skull kid again u guys loved that one but it was NOT full potential

Anonymous asked:

so for chia day transparent chias became avaliable and going by the look chias are actually single celled organisms? which is... interesting.

oh my god. the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the chia

pending reclassification of the Chia species from Animalia to the Protist/Monera/Vira superkingdom???



You do not need your Twitter.

Twitter is not the boost you think it is anymore.

I have seen at least 6 people I follow on BlueSky saying they have looked into their numbers and compared to Twitter? BSky gives them over double the exposure and follow through for outside links (probably because Twitter kills your tweet if you have links).

Twitter is testing a feature to allow other users to click a button attached to your posts to put your art into their Grok ai and make ai art with it without your permission automatically.

It is marking non-ai art as being made with Grok (probably to promote it).

You do not need Twitter.

Twitter needs you.

Starve the fuckin thing.


hate it when i write fic length dialogue. i make limited comics what am i supposed to do with this. doing prose, SHARING prose, makes me wanna misfold into a prion

terrifying amount of dialogue aka this could only exist as illustrated fic. which could be me at my most powerful but i am a coward

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