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Significant Cooperations and Research Networks

Numerous grown networks within the Leibniz-Association, with Universities, with Max-Planck Institutes, with institutes of the Helmholtz-Society, and collaborations at the international level demonstrate the actual situation of TROPOS networking in the field of interdisciplinary aerosol and cloud research.

Similar alike TROPOS is networked on the European and global level and actively develops research programmes.  This includes the extension of the outpost Melpitz towards a prototype supersite for a vertical aerosol characterization as another milestone.

In the framework of the Leibniz competition funds TROPOS establishes collaborations within the Leibniz Association or with university institutes. TROPOS has built cooperation with the Peking University, the Korean Meteorological Information Service Institute and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The ground-based remote sensing and in-situ measurement activities of the institute are integrated into the long-term orientated Infrastructure ACTRIS and into ESA policy advice. The in-situ measurements of aerosol particles are part of the EMEP and WMO GAW networks. The collaboration with partners from eastern Europe is being established.

Technological developments at TROPOS lead to international standards in the experimental direct and indirect acquisition of aerosols and hydrometeors from ground up to the high atmosphere as well as in model-based descriptions of the complex multiphase system.

Cooperation with the University and Memberships with TROPOS participation

Cooperation with the University

In collaboration with the Universität Leipzig TROPOS establishes an international educational centre in the field of tropospheric aerosols and cloud particles. The recently started Leibniz-Graduate school on the topic of Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation" builds a further mile stone in this direction.


Leibniz Research Alliances

  • “INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing World", Link

       Overview of all Leibniz Research Alliances, Link

Leibniz Research Networks

  • "Environmental Crisis - Crisis Environments (CrisEn)", Link
  • "Integrated Earth System Research" (iESF), Link

       Overview of all Leibniz Research Networks, Link

Leibniz Working Groups

       Overview of all Leibniz Working Groups, Link


Research organisations and associations

  • Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG), (German Research Society)
  • International Radiation Commission (IRC)
  • Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF)
  • Deutsche Meteorologische Gesellschaft (DMG), (German Meteorological Society)
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie (DECHEMA), (German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology)




Promotion of family frienly working conditions and young researchers