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I find it impossible to believe that Shapiro thought PA was a better springboard to the WH than is the VP of the US office. I find it more credible that he is convinced Kamala is a loser and wants no part of it. I also find it more credible that she did not like his authentic Jewishness. I know nothing of Shapiro's faith, but the late Joe Lieberman had gifts that he allowed party to stymy and so diminished himself.

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I don't buy the revisionist quotes about Shapiro not wanting the VP slot. If that was the case why did he go out of his way "to revise" some of his prior views on Israel to conform to the anti Israel wing. I think his handling of this speaks loudly about his character and will have ramifications in the future for his ascendency to national office.

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I very much doubt Harris could have stood to be out shined by Shapiro which would have been the case during the campaign and even more so if they won. I never thought he would be her choice ultimately for that reason.

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Shapiro said no, Kelly said no, Cooper said no, and Beshear said no. They won't admit it, but the fact is Walz satisfied the lock-step extreme of the party, and only after there was no one else remaining. Let's face it, no one wants to be second in command behind Cacklepuss.

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Do you mean...to win Commiela's sweepstakes

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

I'm from Minnesota, where about half of the population can barely stomach the guy. I keep seeing how people say Walz is going to help with the rural vote, but take a look at the vote breakdown for his elections in MN, and everything outstate is bright red. The plain simple truth of why Walz was selected is that he's an airhead just like Kamala, and is more than happy to do/say whatever those who've been pulling the strings the last 4 years tell him (either of them) to do. He has zero fiscal responsibility (check out the squandering of an $18 Billion budget surplus, to which billions in deficit spending were added, or the $500+ Million in fraud that's transpired under his administration), he's got no leadership qualities outside of pandering (check out his National Guard record or what transpired in the George Floyd turmoil), and he's got no shame. A lot of us here would be glad to see him out of our state, though we fear for what he could do (or not do) nationally, and our Lt. Gov is purely an activist. Here's to future days!

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"His first executive order as governor in January 2019 was to establish a DEI council tasked with implementing anti-racist training and embedding equity and inclusion in statewide agencies..." Few things burn my soul as much as this sort of mind set that also happened in California. It was the equivalent of Marxist indoctrination in the schools, and shaming and brainwashing on the adult/corporate/state level... NOTHING has been more destructive than "DEI" and "Anti Racism" to all the gains made since the 1950's on the front to build bonds between the races AND racists.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and with a little help from the MSM the American voter will see in Walz and Vance what they want to see. The challenge will be in parking emotion and wishful thinking and seeing the reality.

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The ONLY thing that many of those voters will see is that Harris is not the "evil Hitler felon" Trump.

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And that is where the little help from the MSM media becomes so effective.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

From Minnesota The Mayor Of Garage Logic Speaks (Mn. Podcast)

Understand GL is Non-Partisan. The Mayor (Joe Soucheray) is NOT a Donald Trump Fan, fad neither is his crew.

Also you may NEED The GL Lexicon


8/5 Will Tim Walz be named as VP running mate for Kamala Harris?


Aug 5, 2024 Garage Logic Videos

By the time you read this, Tim Walz could have been named the VP running mate for Kamala Harris. As far as the local media is concerned, Walz is a folksy guy ready for the big time and has never been involved in any questionable financial losses for the state.

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8/6 Is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz the Right Choice for Vice President?


Aug 6, 2024 Garage Logic Videos

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is Kamala Harris' pick for Vice President. But is he the right choice? That's what Joe Soucheray is ask on today's podcast. Joe and the boys look at how the country is completely divided and why isn't impossible to have a rational discussion about a candidates flaws

What Will Happen if Harris and Walz Win in November?


Aug 7, 2024 Garage Logic Videos

Joe and the gang talk about what comes next if Minnesota Governor Tim Walz does become Vice President. They also spend a few minutes trying to figure out Donald Trump's strategy, as best they can.

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If I understand today's meme culture correctly, the Poli Sci prof from Muhlenberg College is suggesting that Tim Walz is the Tim Kaine of Geraldine Ferraros?

We live in such stupid times, but it is comforting to know that there are wiser leaders such as Josh Shapiro waiting patiently in the wings to deliver us from this clown world, hopefully, in four years' time. I can't say I'm confident that 2028 will deliver something like Shapiro vs. Haley, or Polis vs. Amash, but it's nice to dream.

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I shake my head when I see people blithly shrugging off the 2024 election and making big plans for 2028. In the last three and a half years we've had inflation, war in the Middle East, and had our borders erased. Just image what four years of Harris/Walz can inflect on our country, (unburdened by what has been!)

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Please don't mistake my frustration at this year's candidate choices as a lack of interest in the election. Like all elections, this one will have consequences--expected and unexpected. But I am not confident in any of the choices, for none seem to offer viable plans for improving the economy, promoting peace and security around the world, or reforming our broken immigration system. I will participate this November in the way that best represents my opinions and interests: None of the Above.

If I come across as blithe, it is perhaps because I believe the Presidency doesn't not matter nearly as much as we imagine. The process is vitally important, which is why I always participate, but the outcome less so. This is due both to the robustness of our federal, Constitutional system, as well as to the uncertainty that every administration faces. I agree with Martin Gurri that one of the pitfalls we face is that we the public expect too much of our government, especially the Presidency, and that our leaders are too keen on telling us what we want to hear. They habitually overpromise and underdeliver, yet we somehow muddle through. Trump is not going to save or destroy us, and neither will Harris. No other candidates would either, but we could do a lot better than these two. That's why I'm already dreaming about 2028.

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My view of the presidency is that their most important task is to nominate the 2000-3000 appointees that head the various executive agencies. These agencies have a major impact on citizens and businesses. Since congress has refused to do their job, in my view this is why the president is important.

Let’s not forget the various executive orders that flow from the White House. While these may not be official laws, they kind of tell people what they should do

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I like how Walz, the same guy who wanted to put tampons in the boys bathroom, called Tump/Vance weird. You can’t make this stuff up.

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I don't care how many times he donned a military uniform or coached a baseball game. If he established a "DEI council tasked with implementing anti-racist training and embedding equity and inclusion in statewide agencies;" stated that “my administration will use every tool at our disposal to deconstruct generations of systemic racism in Minnesota;" and made Minnesota a sanctuary state for "child gender transition," then Walz is a LEFT-WING RADICAL. Or to use Midwestern "folksie" vernacular- a WOKE DIPSHIT.

That's our choice- Radical left-wing dipshitism, or a childish, narcissistic Trump. Jeez, Louise. This will be the first presidential election in which I refuse to vote.

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At least the childish narcissist isn't trying to disarm the Supreme Court, encourage millions more unvetted migrants to enter our country, or separate parents from child who may have gender dysphoria. Also, the down ballot is every bit as important as the presidential race.

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TJ - I love it! Woke Dipshit - perfect. If I were a bumper sticker kind of person, that's the one I'd paste to my car.

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Salena Zito is one of the 2 or 3 best political reporters in America. I hope the Free Press will be publishing a lot more of her work!

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The spin that Shapiro is "too ambitious" is ridiculous. What he is, and this is unacceptable to the left wing of Democrats that is apparently now controlling the party, is Jewish. And he's no dummy-his rising political aspirations may include running for the Senate at some point-but he knows he's never going to be an actual contender for the Presidency.

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Being "folksey" will not be enough for people to overlook his radical gender, anti-law, and DEI policies for most average voters. Too funny in this age to even consider this.

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First, I'm so grateful that Ms. Zito is writing for the Free Press. I've followed her work for a long time, and she is a singularly great reporter. Second--Tim Walz was a kind of brilliant choice, if the goal was to shore up the left. It worked--and will continue to do so. But whether or not Gov. Walz appeals to the rest of us? Well---not so much.

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