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Biden and Harris have absolutely no idea how they could end the fighting in 10 days.


Signal that you will unleash an end to Iran’s military if they do not stop. Period. And, mean it.

Their pathetic fourth rate air force, third rate navy, and second rate army cannot stop an American attack which could anhilate their capabilities. Trump threatened it, they backed down. Biden came in and his weakness has led to war, death, and suffering.

There is no fool like an old fool.

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Just listened, learned so much - very enlightening. Thank you Bari. I pray for Israel and that we get our act together. I hear the heartbreak and worry in your voice.

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I stopped reading when I reached "in Israel's north." The place in unambiguously in Syria's South. This is the "one thing" that all of the bloodshed in the middle east is about.

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So is Texas "unambiguously" in Mexico's north. Wars have consequences. Syria lost its war and lost territory as a result. Sorry that you have a problem with reality.

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Contrasting this excellent exchange and deep insight with the ridiculous zooms for Kamala (as River Page covered today) makes me wonder if America is truly and forever lost.

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I recommend the movie, the Syrian Bride, which takes place in Majdal Shams.

I'd also note that Druze in the Golan Heights had very good reason in the past to think the Golan would be returned to Syria, like the Sinai was to Egypt. If Assad had been interested in a peace treaty, it probably would have happened.

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It was a psychological hit. It said, " We can hit anyone at anytime," which is true. Israel is doing what the Sauds, the Jordanians, and many others in the region do not do. America is so weak under this administration. The world is full of chicken shit regimes. Thank God for the Israelis.

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As long as the religious fanatics control Iran, a direct U.S-Iran conflict is almost inevitable. "Death to America" is more than just a slogan. It's at the forefront of their political and religious ideology. They are just bidding their time by bombing Israel until their nuclear program produces weapons. Just hope Harris is not in charge when that happens.

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Also suggest a book - all the Shah's men. In case you want to know how Iran started on this path.

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Didn't Trump make a change to our agreement with Iran during his administration? Seems like that happened after 2015 but was conveniently left out of the Democrats fail on Iran.

Might have helped to list all the Trump accomplishments in the region I am overlooking. It's hard to imagine how all of those accomplishments are already gone...

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Haviv is a sage unlike anyone. Watch his two amazing lectures here if you want to understand what's going on Israel:

The Jews Who Lived Through History: https://youtu.be/yKoUC0m1U9E?si=PRgBcYRsFBc38YLg

The Great Misinterpretation: How Palestinians View Israel

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Haviv sounded like an American Leftist at the end . He states how Biden failed to follow through on the Abraham Accords which is where he was most critical of the Democrats. Then he very subtly criticized the Messiah himself Obama who literally sent pallets of cash to Iran. When asked about who would help Israel more Trump or Harris he would not give an answer but did say that Trump was unpredictable! I have a prediction for you Haviv . If Donald J Trump does not get elected president of the United States. Sometime In the coming 4 years Israel will cease to exist. How do you like them apples Haviv?

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It is just the opposite. Trump is no friend to Israel & neither is Harris but Trump is a fascist, and America will not survive a 2nd Trump presidency. America must survive as a democracy for Israel to survive as a country. Trump is not only unpredictable, he is a long time antisemite. He did some positive things for Israel because his base are evangelical christians, who see Jews as a means to an end (the Jews move to Israel & their messiah will appear.) He is also a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. Being "unpredictable" is the east of his issues. Many of his right wing MAGA fans are anti-Jewish ("Jews will not replace us") and have no desire to support Jews in the US, much less in Israel.

American Jews have clearly failed at messaging over the last 70 years. Hamas has been wonderful at propaganda, and it is amazing how many U.S. citizens believe their lies.

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Thank you Judith but Donald Trump is neither a fascist or an antisemite. In fact it is the Lefists who are the antisemites (see the hatred of Jews at colleges and universities. Those aren’t MAGA supporters doing that) . It is also the Leftists who are the fascists ( see the demonization of Bari & Nellie for taking one step away from the Leftist Doctrine) . Which is why they were forced to start this wonderful publication.

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Thank you Kip but - who were the people in Charlottesville chanting "Jews will not replace us?" They weren't the "lefties." Were the "lefties" the one holding torches and marching - the "very fine people" Trump spoke about? During Trump's presidency, antisemitic incidents increased over 200%. How many times does Trump blame George Soros for whatever is happening that he objects to? Surely even you can push your rather large ego out of the way and accept that that is not a normal response from someone who isn't anti-Jewish.

Perhaps your arrogance & your need to be condescending of others interferes with your understanding that antisemitism is coming from both sides? Trump is both a fascist and an antisemite - he and his father had a long history of real estate discrimination against both blacks and Jews. If you LISTEN TO WHAT TRUMP IS SAYING, his comments today are very anti-Jewish and anti democratic.

A strong United States makes it easier for a stronger Israel. A house divided against itself cannot stand - and Trump sows that division. It is his best chance for staying out of prison, which is the only thing that he is concerned about.

So, with all due respect, pull your head out of your rear end and take a look around. Left or right, American Jews have a battle ahead of them, and so far we are losing.

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"Is America’s current policy—containment of Iran—backfiring and inadvertently creating a regional crisis?"

America's policy towards Iran under Joe Biden, is one of appeasement, not containment.

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We all know Faux Joe's simply been reading the Obama playbook, so why should anyone be surprised? He's sending Iran billions to bomb our own ships.

Like Obama was, and like Harris would be, which God forbid, he is firmly "America last."

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"Is Kamala Harris equipped to bring calm to the region?"

Shirley you can't be serious.

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Stop calling me Shirley.

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I appreciated the discussion of the Druze which really adds to my previous simplistic understanding.

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Another incisive article from bari Weiss that helps us understand Israel's critical decisions more deeply. I really think friends, ( Israel is our only friend in the middle east), should be supported and respected enough to allow them make their own decisions regarding their fate. USA limiting aid, sympathizing with factions they know little about, and promulgating propaganda for local political reasons, just make Israel's Herculean tasks harder. USA should be able to all questions, and suggest, but in the end , should give Israel what it needs to live safely.

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Robert Gates, former Secretary of defense once said Biden had been wrong about every foreign policy issue over the last four decades. I expect Kamala if elected to follow fully in Biden’s footsteps

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