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KSM should be tried, convicted and executed for his heinous crimes

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Bravo! Well-stated. The death penalty was designed for people like KSM!

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God bless Mr. Pearl and his son's memory. It's absolutely heartbreaking and infuriating that without KSM being charged in Daniel Pearl's death, there is no justice. An American was horribly murdered and no one is charged with murder. How's that possible?

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The death penalty should not be routine but killing nearly 3,000 people requires no less. And the brutal beheading of Danny Pearl should be added to the charges against KSM.

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I am not a supporter of the death penalty, but the latest prisoner swap highlights the danger that KSM could be a free man if bad actors kidnap the right Americans.

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We have learned nothing from this entire affair and marching out the grief of an old man, father, etc... is victim porn. If we let every victim decide the outcome of the law, the old lady who sideswiped me would be in a pine box...alas I only got an apology note and higher insurance premiums.

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Philosophically, I am against the death penalty. How I feel about the people that murdered Danny Pearl is something else entirely. Justice has been delayed about 18 years from the sound of it.

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How much of the evidence, including any confessions, came from the enhanced torture that the US used on these criminals? If that evidence is disallowed, there is a chance that these terrorists could not only get life or less, it's possible they may be acquitted. They should never, ever have been allowed into the criminal justice system. But now that they have been, everyone should be careful about what they wished for.

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I don't know whether the death penalty is appropriate, but I do know a jury should decide the issue.

The rejection of the plea bargain is the worst kind of cynical election year politics. Shame on the Biden Administration for accepting it in the first place.

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As an individual who regularly visits a penitentiary I can assure you that a long life of hard time is a brutal punishment. No need to martyr this subhuman. An execution would be a gift to him and his ilk. One hour a day outside his isolated cell and a diet of pork products is more than he deserves. A cyinide cap taped to his cell wall would give him an out without his 72.

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If he really wanted to die he would not have accepted the plea deal.

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Without knowledge of the “deal” we are at a loss. I suspect the conditions were not very harsh. He deserves nothing more than Supermax protocol. Limited human interaction and an austere cell life. Locked away and forgotten until his death. If memory serves me his interrogation yielded vital information that was actionable. However it destroyed any chance of a trial. Perhaps new charges for murder of Daniel would be an avenue to persue

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The trial of KSM has been postponed and then they tried to avoid it because the CIA tortured KSM to get information about 9/11. In USA jurisprudence a confession obtained by torture is not admissible. The trial of KSM for Daniel Pearl's murder would not require the use of any confession obtained by torture and therefore the charge of capital murder should be pursued with a death sentence sought.

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to these men the death penalty will make them martyrs - life in prison is worse

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I spent several weeks at GITMO as an "official observer" over two periods in 2012.

While the pace of the Military Commission trials are maddeningly slow, KSM is a fundamentally evil man and one of the truly rare killers who deserves the death penalty.

Watching his arrogance in the courtroom, and realizing his key role in murders both specific (Daniel Pearl) and massive (9/11) he deserves the ultimate penalty. I was surprised and impressed that Lloyd Austin stepped in and vetoed the flacid plea bargain that lower level Pentagon bureaucrats had agreed to. Like many others, I have been skeptical of advancing a general officer to SecDefense, but in this case it may well have made sense!

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Secretary Austin did the right thing this time but don't forget his role in our woke military or his being AWOL from his job for nearly a week. One correct call does not make him a hero or even a good SecDef in my book.

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It may have been bad policy for him not to alert POTUS when he had prostate cancer surgery, but I don't think that made him AWOL...

I was still surprised.

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It would be doing a favor to humanity.

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Absolutely!!! Daniel Pearl's murder demands a trial for KSM. He proudly trumpeted his complicity and responsibility for it. Now he should answer for it. Daniel Pearl's religion, place of birth, and any other detail is not an excuse for cold blooded murder.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

How come KSM and others are still alive continuing exploiting our system on our dime? My heart goes out to the father and hope he sees the true justice done, as it should have been done many years ago.

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