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The Left's J-6. Trump's clan are hooligans, but the antisemitic mob are freedom fighters. No one with a brain is buying this. Please sue the shit out of Columbia.

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Not letting them leave is literally kidnapping. They need to be arrested and tried on kidnapping charges along with vandalism, trespassing, and whatever other crimes they committed during this "peaceful protest."

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Maybe they should add as defendants to their lawsuit those "charitable" organizations and individuals who are helping to fund the demonstrations. Digging into the financial connections between the groups organizing these protests and organizations like The Tides Foundation and the Gates Foundation would be challenging but enormously beneficial in bringing to light what's really going on here.

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Isn't holding someone hostage against the law? Why don't these workers demand that criminal charges be filed against those who held them inside the building against their will. Why don't they file a complaint with the police? What do these demonstrators care if Columbia is sued, they'll care when they are arraigned for whatever crimes a good lawyer can pile on.

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On his podcast, The Dershow, Alan Dershowitz said that he would like to represent these men pro bono if someone can put them in touch. Please make that happen.

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Kidnap is a federal offense, where are the FBI?

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So the Transport Workers Union steps up, but the Service Employees International Union? Any other unions? Teachers unions? Grad students have been agitating to be unionized for decades...here's their chance to show some real solidarity! You know, turn that "Theory into Praxis!" You remember "Solidarnosc"? The International Brotherhood of Unions? They will fight for their fellow workers at the barricades? Where are they? Since they're all pretty much Marxist tools, their leadership will side ideologically with the protesters and the agitators. While Columbia faculty blather on about the proletariat, and rich privileged kids order off the gluten-free Revolutionary Workers menu, some actual workers were actually at the barricades! Oops, guess they chose the wrong side of the revolution..they were just cleaning the floors the Vanguard needed to get the revolt going. Oh well.

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I commend TFP for the interviews, especially the video. These men were proudly doing their job and were failed by the university. I want more trade and vocational schools, and way less feeble, woke universities.

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Glad that these gentlemen were interviewed, and had a chance to share their story about these "peaceful protestors". Nonetheless, there are some questions I wish they would have asked:

- How many of the miscreants breaking in are in the US on visa status?

- Where did those people requiring visa status come from?

- Are they already back where they belong?

- Do we have plans to restrict visa access in the future to people who are unlikely to disrupt higher education, traffic, and whatever else in support of a terrorist group?

- Ditto the above for any professors participating in these protests also require visa status.

These "protests" are a big Seinfeld episode. They are about nothing. Where protests against Vietnam revealed rising leaders of student movements, like John Kerry, who is in charge here? The people demanding "humanitarian aid"? How's she going to do in front of Congress?

It's well past time for campuses to start teaching again, starting with teaching consequences to these rioters. Play time is over!

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I’m sure these gentlemen are perfectly nice and appropriately disturbed by what they experienced, but I’m getting a distinct vibe of “go after the deep pockets” in this reporting. They’re talking to plaintiffs’ lawyers, or have been approached by them, and they’re trying for the big pay-off.

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These facilities worker deserve a degree from Colombia instead of the incredibly ignorant student rioters. As these workers brilliantly summed up the elite Colombia students infantile tantrum…. “They didn’t really accomplish anything but destruction and fear.”

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These miscreants, the very best and most civilized term I could use to describe them need to be punished to the full extent of the law. Their masked lawlessness showed their utter disregard for anybody else's rights. They could not have cared less about the consequences of their actions, emotional and economic. They cared even less about the truth in these matters. If they were proud of their actions, and how could they be pleased about mob rule, they would not be wearing masks and other means to hide their identities. Most are rich white suburban kids who have never worked hard at anything in their lives. They need to learn that there are consequences for their ill advised and poorly executed actions.

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Thank you. Shafik is absolutely incompetent. As a former educator let me say that if a classroom public school teacher ever allowed the nonsense that is going on at Columbia, he or she would be removed from the classroom immediately. If they were tenured and could not be fired right away, they would removed from the classroom and if, possible the building. She is completely to blame for this. She is weak and compromised, as must be the board of trustee to keep her in her position. Columbia University needs to be defunded.

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May 8·edited May 8

When one looks at the Presidents of these (and other) universities, the faculties, and the administrators (who outnumber the prof's), the common denominators are obvious relative to competence (low) and ideology (progressive woke). I have a friend who retired about fifteen years ago from a large university in the western U.S. He was long a tenured professor, later Dean of his department. He told me that after seeing what has happened on campuses, he has been saddened - but not surprised. He also says that there is a dearth of interest in the Western canon. He believes that these issues are endemic in higher education now.

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Blocking a fire exit is a federal crime (see picture in the article)

Kidnapping is a serious crime

Blocking an interstate highway is a federal crime.

These are adults not kids. Where are the arrests? Follow the funding for the useful idiots, and find the true meaning of a conspiracy to promote terrorism in the world.

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One notable aspect of the students' complaints about Columbia's handling of the situation is that the protesters were "brutalized" by NYPD, and that the cops were "militant". This doesn't immediately mesh with observations, and generally signals a sense of superiority of these elite students over the working class people who are in the NYPD. Nothing wrong with specific complaints if there are any, but the tone of the whole narrative is distasteful.

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