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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Biden won't do that. It would increase energy prices before the election. That could hurt democrats chances in November. Since he has demonstrated winning elections is more important the democracy in the U.S., why would you think he would risk the November election to help democracy in another country.

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Shouldnt the Venezuelan people stand up for the Venezuelan people? Why does the US have to do this for everyone else in the world.

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How can he stand up for Venezuela when he can’t even stand up for himself.

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TFP should end the charade that Biden is POTUS. He is in the crisper drawer. Harris or whoever are running the country.

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Why would they want to force him from power since he gave us their absolute best citizens to freely roam our country and siphon off funds?

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The vast majority of Venezuelans who have come to America have settled in South Florida. Here they have built a thriving, safe community with countless new businesses that have contributed greatly to our economy. Was it wrong to accept those fleeing a despot? I think not. Was it wrong for many of them to enter illegally? Yes, but, in my opinion, returning them to a failed country serves no useful purpose and would be incredibly hurtful especially as they have been working, building a new life here, and paying their taxes.

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The FP hasn't covered a single word of the breaking news that's come out of Georgia over the last few weeks about the admittances of voting fraud in Fulton County from the 2020 election, to include:

Not counting thousands of votes by registered Republican voters

Thousands of individual ballots with identical signatures

Thousand of ballots being counted multiple times

Over 300K missing ballot images

10K dead people voted

... and so much more.

But sure, let's ignore what's going on in our country and feel bad for people who 26 years ago voted for Communism only to find out that they... checks notes... got exactly what they voted for.

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At this point, it doesn’t seem like we have a President.

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"We condemnably support increased decrease of unpopular popularity of existent loose winning unsystematic systematism of democratic dictatorship that rejected via commonly accepted peaceful barbaric demonstration. "

Kind off like that...

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Ummm .... Biden? Who is that, exactly? There's no one in the US presidency named Biden. In fact, the US happens not to have a president at all at the moment. Maybe in January we'll get one, or maybe some ridiculous kook from California will move into the White House and we'll just continue, rudderless, until we run aground and cease to be a country at all. But no one named "Biden" is about to do anything.

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News flash. The US is not the world’s policeman. Even if we wanted to be it’s both unsustainable and frankly arrogant. If you’re worried about offending people then you shouldn’t be in high office. Leadership is about vision not popularity. Hamas lovers don’t like Israel, too bad. This isn’t a good bad decision. Israel is run by extreme right wing leaders. They are not angels. Hamas is way worse and not the real enemy anyway. Spend a year in Iran to experience the oppression of women, other religions and homosexuals.

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meet the new boss

same as the old boss

why don't we give complete disengagement a try?

do we believe what we've been doing works?

let's restore freedom here first

then make suggestions to others about their country

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The administration will drag their feet as long as possible so as to keep Maduro in office and the oil flowing. All while spouting vague statements about democracy and the will of the people.

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OLD MAN TALE: Age 20, 1982 arrived in Venezuala via ship. Way back then, it WAS known as the Switzerland of South America. We took a trip up to Caracas and could not believe the new subway system. Amazing climate, safe, clean and American Fast Food joints everywhere. "The LEFT destroys everything it touches" Dennis Prager

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If we do all of that, who then (may we ask) will be mowing our lawns and cleaning our homes while we toil away at our Green New Deal Startup? Mmmmm? We are waiting....

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Here's a 2013 video of Venezuelans wildly celebrating the election victory of Chavez. Today they're in the streets pathetically banging their pots and pans.


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Biden, Harris and their minions will continue to issue wishy-washy statements that do not call out Maduro's cheating. They will not reimpose sanctions or do anything concrete to help the people of Venezuela throw out their tyrant. They essentially believe Venezuela is a good example of how well socialism works. They are right in the sense that Venezuela shows how socialism works - it impoverishes the people and leads to authoritarian rule.

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As far as I have seen, Biden has not issued a statement. Has he been seen or heard from at all since his enfeebled address to the nation acknowledging his overthrow?

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Biden and Harris are propagandists.....A leader, what is that?

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Poor Venezualans, come here to escape Socialist hell. and get Socialist hell.

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