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Love TFP

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I don't mind Elon Musk being paid whatever he's worth, but are we still using taxpayer dollars to subsidize Tesla purchases for our wealthiest car buyers? Seems as though the seller and the buyers have plenty of cheddar, don't they?

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Not to sound like a broken record, but should Biden win the election, I believe he will cave to the lunatic terrorist enablers and sympathizers in his party. If you want to see more hatred and violence then vote for him. There's no telling how many haters of America have infiltrated our country through it's lax border.

I also think it's wise for Jewish people to buy a gun. Don't let what happened in Israel happen here. The police will not be there in time to save you.

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In re Colorado's Weed Bust:

Colorado was always a Boom and Bust State. Examples, Gold 1857, Silver 1864, Petroleum etc 1970s.

One of my favorite bumper stickers in the late 1980s stated, "Dear Lord, Please give me one more Oil Boom and I promise I won't screw this one up".

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This was an exceptional TFP. Thank you.

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Bari, I'm so thankful for the work you do, and for the work that everyone at TFP does. I'm very proud to support you.

(I typed this out because just hitting the "thumbs up" icon seems kinda lame.)

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Только я не горжусь. Я просто читаю, иногда соглашаюсь, иногда нет, но всегда с интересом.

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Second the recommendation on Best Years of Our Lives. William Wyler was a master of the deep focus concept in black and white cinematography, and the movie is, well, moving.

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The masked mobs wreaking havoc and demanding things seem to always be far left. What a curious phenomenon. It’s almost like they want to be able to commit violent crime and obfuscate their identity. I don’t recall nearly as much coverage of AntiFa, who did far more damage, committed far more violent acts and who literally drove people out of buildings so that they could burn them down. I don’t recall weekly stories from ANY publication except perhaps Andy Ngo. Also a very curious phenomenon- the disparity in coverage.

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And who set the precedent on Jan 6th?

The right has historically been more violent than the left, although the left can and has been more violent in times past. And apparently now again. Oh, let's not forget the example the right set with Charlottesville! The campus protests are increasingly looking like that, and the scary part is they both agree on a common 'enemy', which indicates they could join forces at some point.

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Set the precedence for what? Assaulting the Capitol, assaulting a federal building in general, or political violence in general? Federal or state government targets? How should we quantify each as a large or small tear in the social fabric of society? How should we quantify “more violent historically”? Based on what? Starting when? If we count the attack on the US State Dept building in ‘75 by the Weather Underground then the precedence for subversion by attack on a federal government institution was set by the left. In this country, which group was demanding fealty in the form of raised fists from people just minding their own business driving through cities under the threat of violence? The left. One person died on J6, and another few were hospitalized. One person died in Charlottesville. Over 2 dozen died during the riots. Dozens, perhaps hundreds died as a result of riots and unrest in the mid sixties to early seventies. So again, how are we quantifying this “more violent” and “precedence setting” claim? Loss of life? Left. Dollar amount in damage? Left. First to attack the federal government? Left. First to have the government and government-funded institutions support civil unrest? The left. So, I hear you, but I couldn’t possibly disagree more. If you’re comparing AntiFa to the idiots in Charlottesville, the loss of life, reckless disregard for law and property, and the forceful takeover of public spaces, then AntiFa wins by an order of magnitude. If you’re comparing them to the Gravy Seals on J6, then even more so. So really, either define how you’re quantifying your claims of “more violent” and “set the precedence” or you’re just another Radley Balko.

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I wasn't actually thinking of antifa at all, but yes, point taken - political violence stretches waaaaay back in time. Especially in the eternal Gazan vs Israeli ongoing war (all of them) since long before we called them Gazans or Israelis. I wasn't comparing antifa to Charlottesville, I was comparing the modern Hamas cheerleaders on college campuses.

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Nellie Bowles TGIF fair, balanced, honest...I think not.

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Please read my following post at least 5 times...thank you

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You all are under attack by a Muslim invasion of the US. The board of trustees of Harvard Columbia MIT Cornell are Muslim enemy combatants supporting the Muslim invasion of the US. Please do not argue simply absorb those words .......how long before the blood starts flowing on the street where you live?

What are you going to do? Defend the principles of America?

Go out and kill Jews?

Convert to Islam?

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The Free Press has a sharp eye and withering criticism for the fringe left and their hypocrisy, antisemitism, and excesses. However you turn a blind eye to similar behavior across political spectrum. You correctly asked about a recent rally at UCLA, “where police and security guards are regularly assaulted in the course of doing their jobs?” Yet just a few days before, at a Trump Rally, the crowd booed the officers who helped defend our Capitol on Jan 6–and further Trump did nothing to quell such outrageous behavior. I looked for your sharp criticism on June 7 or 8. Crickets. I find it hard to take your support of the American project seriously when you elevate the vile reaction of a fringe mob but fail to even notice the enthusiastic anti-LEO behavior of a substantial part of an entire party in America, and the complicity of it’s leaders.

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ничего не слышал об этом. первоисточник? был ли там полицейский, застреливший безоружную женщину и позже оправданный?

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You're conflating assault and booing?

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Wow. Jan 6 was a violent insurrection where Capitol Police were assaulted. Trump whipped up the insurrection that day, and continues to egg on the vile disrespect of the police. And yet, no comment from someone who claims to support the American project.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

You declare - twice - that what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was an “insurrection.”

Insurrection is a federal crime that is codified at 18 U.S. Code § 2383.  Of the more than 1,450 persons who have been charged with crimes in connection with the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol, NONE - NOT A SINGLE ONE - HAS BEEN CHARGED WITH THE FEDERAL CRIME OF INSURRECTION.

So what is the basis for your assertion that happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6 was an insurrection? Do you know something that the Democrat U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, and his battalion of prosecutors, do not know?

Please substantiate your “insurrection” assertion, or stand revealed as a blowhard who should stop watching MSNBC.

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Common sense, and if you want to parse definitions, look at Websters. As implied by GSL, charging decisions are not necessarily a good proxy for defining the underlying activity--there is many more factors considered in a charging decision. Just as a parallel, do you think that since Hunter was not charged with anything further than a gun charge, that he is clear of all else?

But more importantly, this discussion is a distraction from the unambiguous violence directed at police by MAGA adherents, the recent enthusiastic denigration of those officers by the mob at a Trump rally, and the lack of any response from a journalist who claims to support the American project and has plenty of bandwidth to call out a fringe mob in LA, yet no interest in calling out the appalling and violent state of affairs in a party that represents a significant fraction of Americans. Let's keep that in mind.

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Because it's very, very hard to prove:


I understand why you question it, and I suspect political reasons may have somethign to do with it too....along with why Trump wasn't charged earlier with the Stormy Daniels-related felonies (because he was Prez? Unprecedented and all that?) and why Hunter Biden wasn't charged sooner either. Both appear to have been 'slow walked' through the justice system.

I suspect politics had a lot to do with no insurrection charges, but I can't be sure.

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How can it be unconstitutional to punish burning the American flag but lawful to punish driving over the Pride flag? This does not compute.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Because Democrats sympathize with the former and oppose the latter.

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I just went to King Soopers in Denver and when I asked a group of panhandling Venezuelans to keep track of their kids in the parking lot they called me a "niggah". Nope, just a white guy picking up breakfast for my daughter...P.S.: I'm one of the 33% of the unaffiliated voters in Colorado. I have voted straight Dem since '96, and I can't wait to vote for Trump. P.S.2. hey dems, glad you finally got your gun case 🤣. P.S. 3: Colorado allows full term abortions, FULL TERM.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

Thank you for The Free Press. I've been around since Common Sense started. The best money I've ever spent, except for that girl, oh never mind that. You've certainly shined a light on current events with your reporting and lack of political agenda. I wish you were required reading for everybody, but then again a lot of people are too stupid to think logically, as seen by the pro-Hams idiots.

Keep up the good work! Per the old Chinese saying-Better to light a candle than curse the darkness. Thanks again for re-affirming my sanity. Hopefully, it will be contagious.

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Bari Weiss, lays down some rules of reporting , I like it a lot ! Thanks for the clear view for the future of theFP . I'm still thinking I made a wise investment with my subscription .

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