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Zapier SMS integrations with Textmagic

Use Zapier SMS integrations to connect Textmagic with your favourite apps. It is an easy – no code required – automation that helps your business.
Automate text messaging
Simplify your processes with automatic triggers, searches and actions.
Use apps to enhance Textmagic
Make Textmagic even better by integrating useful tools with a few clicks.
Manage prospects efficiently
Use Zapier to integrate with CRM and automatically capture data on sign-up.

Add useful apps to Textmagic with zapier Integrations

Zapier SMS integrations help you to pass the information and build processes between your apps and Textmagic without developer help.
Manage events and schedule appointments instantly
Never lose track of a meeting. Textmagic can integrate with Lucid Meeting, Calendly, and Google Calendar, making it easy to set up and manage events.
Encourage customer feedback with useful integrations
Integrate Textmagic with Typeform to send automatic offers, surveys or thank you messages when someone completes a web form.
Engage prospects as soon as they subscribe
Reach out to subscribers as soon as they join your SMS list. Simply integrate Textmagic with Salesforce, PipeDrive or SugarCRM.
Improve staff collaboration
Use Zapier to integrate with Trello, ZenDesk and Slack to make staff collaboration easier and quicker and streamline your internal operations.

Still not sure about Textmagic integration with Zapier?

Not ready to integrate your favourite apps with Textmagic? Here are even more reasons to sign up for your free trial:
Manage your time better
Easily automate tasks that take your valuable time, so you can focus on the most important work that you’re good at.
Collect and organize data
Automatically log incoming texts and calls into Google Sheets, unsubscribe customers, and much more.
Protect against human error
Create SMS Zaps to stop manual entry of your client data − and the human errors that go with it.
Improve customer care
Integrate auto-responders with various apps to provide instant support and thank you messages to your customers.
Save money and boost profits
Automated admin reduces your costs and allows you to focus on more profitable tasks.
Keep constantly up to date
Stay on top of things at all times through apps that send you real-time SMS notifications.

Learn how businesses like yours use Textmagic

Here is how the Textmagic business texting platform is helping businesses daily to grow their revenue and improve their productivity.

More ways Textmagic and zapier can improve your business

Save time and increase efficiency by using Zapier integrations to automate repetitive actions within your text message marketing workflow. Choose from our library of ready made Zaps below, or create your own.
Create leads in Salesforce from new Textmagic SMS messages
Use this Zap
Create people on Pipedrive from new incoming text messages on Textmagic
Use this Zap
Get SMS notifications for upcoming events on Google Calendar
Use this Zap
Send text messages to new people on Pipedrive
Use this Zap
Send a text message to your Survey Anyplace survey respondents via Textmagic
Use this Zap
View all 5000+ Zapier SMS integrations

Frequently asked questions

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How do I create SMS Zaps?
Zapier SMS integrations are super-easy to use. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating your first zap:
  • Go to our Zapier page and click on “Make a zap”.
  • Choose Textmagic as your trigger app from the list.
  • Give Zapier access to your Textmagic account by clicking “Connect a new account”. A pop-up will appear asking you to provide your username and API key. The API key is available in the API section of Textmagic. If no API key is available, you will have to click “Add new API key”. Copy and paste the API key into Zapier.
  • After you’ve connected the accounts click on “Test”. If the accounts are connected you will receive a “success” message. Save and continue.
  • From the list, choose the app you want to integrate. Set up your integration rules and click “Continue”. You will have to provide the API keys for each new app you connect through Zapier.
  • Test your new integration by clicking “Create + Continue”.
Will Zapier work on existing data?
No. Zapier is an event-based automation tool. For something to happen, you need a new trigger in your zaps. Data that has been created before your Zapier integration will not be acted upon.
Will app updates affect Zapier’s performance?
Most supported apps update without any issues. If issues do arise, the tool will automatically turn off your zap and you will be notified of errors in your Zapier SMS integrations.
Can I remove connected accounts?
Yes. From the “Connected accounts” section of your Zapier account you can test, remove, or reconnect your accounts. However, removing or deactivating accounts will disable related zaps. You can also view all completed tasks in the “Task history” section of your account.
I can’t create my Zap. Can you help me?
Of course! Just leave a message in the chat box below, or use our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. But please read our related help section before sending a message as these solve most queries.