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The WinUI Date Picker control provides an intuitive, touch-friendly interface to quickly select a date from a dropdown spinner. It supports different date formats. Date selection can be restricted by specifying minimum and maximum dates. Dates can also be hidden or disable some from selection. In addition, it supports editing with validation and built-in watermark text display.

WinUI Date Picker Control

Date restriction

WinUI Date Picker Min and Max Dates

Limit date range

Prevents users from selecting a date in a particular range by specifying minimum and maximum dates.

WinUI Date Picker Blackout Dates

Blackout dates

Prevents users from selecting specific dates.

WinUI Date Picker block weekends

Block weekends

Prevent users from selecting weekends.

Date editing

The WinUI Date Picker control provides support to edit dates using the text box. Date input can be validated when typing or after the input is completed.

WinUI Date Picker Editing


Displays hints using watermark text when the selected date is null.

WinUI Date Picker Watermark Text


The WinUI Date Picker can be used across the globe by applying regional settings.

Calendar Types aka Calendar Identifier in WinUI Date Picker

Calendar types

The WinUI Date Picker control supports different calendar types including Gregorian, Julian, Korean, and more.

Formatting in WinUI Date Picker

Date formatting

The WinUI Date Picker control supports formatting the date in the editor and spinner UI in the dropdown popup.

WinUI Date Picker Languages


The WinUI Date Picker supports multiple languages such as French, German, Thai, and more.

WinUI Date Picker Right-to-Left

Right to left (RTL)

The WinUI Date Picker supports right-to-left formatting for languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, and more.


WinUI Date Picker Dropdown Button

The WinUI Date Picker control allows showing or hiding the dropdown button and also customizing it.

WinUI Date Picker Dropdown Placement

The placement of the drop-down spinner can be customized. The WinUI Date Picker also smartly shifts the placement if there is no sufficient space.

Dropdown Header in WinUI Date Picker

Display hints and customize the header.

Column Header in WinUI Date Picker

Column header

Display hints for each column to indicate the date field.

WinUI Date Picker Item Size


Customize the size of individual cells, dropdown height, and number of cells to be displayed in the spinner.

WinUI Date Picker Style


Customize the spinner UI Complete using custom template, style, and its selector.

WinUI Date Picker Themes


The WinUI Date Picker control includes light and dark themes.

Syncfusion WinUI DataViz & UI Controls

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