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Instructions for Authors


Before you submit

i Publishing Agreement

As a part of the manuscript submission you will need to accept the following Publishing Agreement. If your manuscript is rejected, this agreement is automatically cancelled.

Suo-Mires & Peat is an open access journal published by the Suoseura ry - Finnish Peatland Society (hereafter “Publisher”). All articles published in Suo-Mires & Peat (hereinafter, the “Articles”) shall be publicly available on the Internet according to the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 attribution - share alike licence.

The Author retains the copyright of his/her Article. The Publisher has the right to publish the Articles and keep them available for the public in any current or future publishing format. Publisher may also transfer publishing rights and/or maintenance of the Suo-Mires & Peat website to others who respect the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.

Suo-Mires & Peat accepts deposition of the final, edited Publisher's Version of Record of the Article in other repositories e.g., personal, institutional, or professional if the repository respects the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence. The Author has the right to deposit the Author’s Accepted Manuscript to any external repository. If the manuscript has been published as a preprint, the preprint should be amended with information on the publication of the final version in Suo. All articles deposited in an external repository must include a full bibliographic reference to the Article published in Suo and a mention on the publication with CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.

ii Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Wo The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses rd, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Instructions for Authors.

1. Editorial policy

SUO–Mires & Peat is a quarterly journal publishing original papers on all aspects of mire and peat research, conservation, and utilisation. Review articles as well as congress and symposium reports, travel reports, book reviews and news may also be published.

The article categories are:

Research articles report findings of original research. They follow a structure that best fits to the research problem, e.g., when reporting experimental work, the structure must be Introduction – Material and methods – Results – Discussion – References. The research articles are peer-reviewed.

Review articles are literature-based critical surveys summarizing and analysing particular fields or topics related to peat or peatlands. The review articles are peer-reviewed.

Research notes report preliminary or tentative results of projects underway e.g., test of a research methodology, or completed research with limited scope but relevant to a national or international readership.

Discussion articles put forward new ideas or views about the theory and practice of science, point out problems needing the attention of researchers, or comment on topical issues. Discussion articles are reviewed by the Editors.

Travel reports present popularized descriptions of the national or international scientific trips related to peat or peatlands. The reports are reviewed by the editors

Book reviews present new textbooks of the scope of SUO. The style of the article can be popularized, and author is encouraged to present constructive critical opinions. The editor may also invite authors to write a book review on an interesting new book. The book reviews are reviewed by the editors

News are short bulletins written by editors. Suggestions of news topics are warmly welcome.

2. Submission of manuscripts

SUO uses the Editorial Manager (EM) for manuscript processing. All types of manuscripts must be submitted using the EM page of SUO-Mires & Peat to which you have to register as an author. In the first submission, you must submit the complete manuscript as a single MS Word or RTF file. Make sure that the manuscript is complete with all tables and figures and that pages and lines are numbered continuously.

You must accept the publishing agreement of SUO - Mires & Peat before submitting a manuscript.

During the manuscript submission, you must submit complete information of all authors, including affiliations, addresses, and e-mail addresses, in the EM page. An e-mail message acknowledging receipt will be sent to the corresponding author.

3 Review process

Manuscripts are usually sent to two reviewers. Upon receiving and considering the reviewers' reports, the editor will send a letter of response to the corresponding author. If the editor's response calls for revision, a revised manuscript must be sent to the editorial office in one month. The Editor will then inform the corresponding author about his/her final decision.

4. Arrangement

4.1. General structure and the title page

Manuscripts must follow this sequence:
Title page
Abstract and Keywords
Tables (incl. Table headings)
Figures (incl. Figure legends)

The text must be double-spaced with a generous margin, and pages must be numbered consecutively, including those containing acknowledgements, references, tables and figures. Do not hyphenate, justify or use other special features. Use "Normal" -text style, only.

The title page must contain the full addresses of the author(s), including affiliations and e-mail addresses of all authors. If there are several authors, the corresponding author, if not the first-named, must be indicated.

All papers must start with an abstract, not exceeding 250 words, followed by key words in alphabetical order.

4.2. Headings

Three headings are to be used: PRINCIPAL HEADING (in upper case), First subheading (in boldface) and Second subheading (in italics). Normally, the following headings must be used: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion.

4.3. Citing references and reference format

Text references must be written thus: Cajander (1913), Bubier et al. (1993) (if more than two authors) or (Botch & Masing 1979, Jauhiainen & Vasander 1994), in chronological order. The references in the reference list must be in alphabetical order with the journal names unabbreviated. Give titles of papers cited in the language, in which they have been written, but include the name of an English (or other congress language) abstract/summary, if available. If the paper is in English, Finnish/ Swedish names need not be given. If several works by the same author are cited, please order the references as follows:

    Author: chronologically
    Author & coauthor: alphabetically according to coauthor, then chronologically.
    Author et al. (several coauthors): chronologically.

References must only be cited as ‘in press’ if the paper has been accepted for publication. Unpublished documents should not be cited. For transliteration of Cyrillic characters, use British Standard 2979: 1958, simplest version, for English text and SFS 4900: 1983 for Finnish and Swedish (or consult the Editor).


Aarne, M. (ed.) 1992. Yearbook of forest statistics 1990– 91. Folia Forestalia 790: 1–281.

Botch, M. S. & Masing, V. V. 1979. Ekosistemy bolot SSSR. Nauka, Leningrad. 187 pp.

Bubier, J. L., Moore, T. R. & Roulet, N. T. 1993. Methane emissions from wetlands in the midboreal region of northern Ontario, Canada. Ecology 74: 2240–2254.

Cajander, A. K. 1913. Studien über die Moore Finnlands. Acta Forestalia Fennica 2(3): 1–208.

Hotanen, J.-P. 1990. Esimerkki pseudolajien runsauskynnysten muuntelun vaikutuksesta TWINSPAN-luokittelussa (Summary: The effect of pseudospecies cut level settings on the results of TWINSPAN classification). Suo 41: 43–53.

Jauhiainen, J. & Vasander, H. 1994. The effects of elevated N-input and CO2 on Sphagna with different trophic levels. In: Kanninen, M. & Heikinheimo, P. (eds). The Finnish Research Programme on Climate Change. Second progress report. Publications of the Academy of Finland 1/94, pp. 251–256. Painatuskeskus, Helsinki.

4.4. References to Internet sources with DOI number

Hökkä, H., Lindeman, H. & Ala-Ilomäki, J. 2016. Performance of weather parameters in predicting growing season water table depth variations on drained forested peatlands – a case study from southern Finland. Silva Fennica 50 (4): https://doi.org/10.14214/sf.1687

4.5. References to Internet sources without DOI number

Turveinfo. 2017. http://www.turveinfo.fi. [Cited 29 March 2017].

Finnish Statistical Yearbook of Forestry. 2014. Forest Resources. http://www.metla.fi/metinfo/tilasto/julkaisut/vsk/2014/vsk14_01.pdf. [Cited 21 Aug 2015].

4.6. Tables and figures

Tables and Figures must be numbered with an explanatory heading. They must be comprehensible independent of the text itself. Tables are numbered continuously through the paper. Vertical dividers are not allowed. Prepare the tables using a table editor. Never enter a paragraph break or a line break within a table cell.

Figures must be of high-quality files: TIFF/JPEG, min. 300 ppi. Tables and Figs. should be planned to appear with a maximum final width of 68 mm (column width) or 142 mm (page width), and a height up to but not exceeding 180 mm, depending on the length of the figure legend. Indicate the approximate locations within the text in the margin.

4.7. Summary

Manuscripts in Finnish and Swedish must have an English summary, table headings and figure legends. Manuscripts in English must have the summary, table headings and figure legends in Finnish. For contributors who do not speak Finnish, translation will be taken care of by the publisher.

5. Offprints

Full texts of articles in pdf-format are freely available at www.suo.fi. Paper offprints can also be ordered from the printer — a price list will be sent on request.

If you need any further information, please consult the Editor!

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the editorial purposes of the journals of this site (Silva Fennica, Dissertationes Forestales, Metsätieteen aikakauskirja, and SuoMires & Peat). Editorial Manager follows the privacy policy of Aries Systems. The following author information will be published with each article: Name, affiliation, e-mail and ORCID identifier. These data, or part them, are also used in the reference databases where Suo - Mires & Peat is listed. Suo - Mires & Peat will not use the personal data for any other purpose and will not make them available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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