About this book series
Advances in Neurobiology covers basic research in neurobiology and neurochemistry. It provides in-depth, book-length treatment of some of the most important topics in neuroscience including molecular and pharmacological aspects. The main audiences of the series are basic science researchers and graduate students as well as clinicians including neuroscientists (neurobiologists and neurochemists) and neurologists. Advances in Neurobiology is indexed in PubMed, Google Scholar, and the Thompson Reuters Book Citation Index.
Alexej Verkhratsky
University of Manchester
Editorial Board Members
Marta Antonelli, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Michael Aschner, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York
Philip Beart, University of Melbourne, Australia
Stanislaw Jerzy Czuczwar, Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Ralf Dringen, University of Bremen, Germany
Mary C. McKenna, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Arturo Ortega, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico City, Mexico
Vladimir Parpura, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Caroline Rae, Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney
Ursula Sonnewald, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
H. Steve White, University of Washington, Seattle
Albert Yu, Peking University, China
David Aidong Yuan, Nathan S. Klein Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg
- Electronic ISSN
- 2190-5223
- Print ISSN
- 2190-5215
- Series Editor
- Alexej Verkhratsky
Book titles in this series
Systems Neuroscience
- Editors:
- Albert Cheung-Hoi Yu
- Kai Gao
- Jiangshan Zhan
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
Neurophysiologic Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Etiologic and Treatment Considerations
- Editors:
- Daniel C. Javitt
- James C. McPartland
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
Dendritic Spines
Structure, Function, and Plasticity
- Editors:
- Alberto A. Rasia-Filho
- Maria Elisa Calcagnotto
- Oliver von Bohlen und Halbach
- Copyright: 2023
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- Soft cover
- eBook
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Navigating the Unique Terrain of the Injured Young and Aged Brains
- Editors:
- Linda J. Noble-Haeusslein
- David M. Schnyer
- Copyright: 2024
Available Renditions
- Hard cover
- eBook
Abstracted and indexed in
- EMBiology
- Medline
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
- Reaxys
- SCImago