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Current issue: 58(5)

Under compilation: 59(1)

Scopus CiteScore 2023: 3.5
Scopus ranking of open access forestry journals: 17th
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Silva Fennica 1926-1997
Acta Forestalia Fennica

Special issues

Virtual special issues

All new special issues of Silva Fennica will be published as virtual special issues. The manuscripts will be submitted as a specific article type to Silva Fennica. All manuscripts are submitted to the normal rigorous peer-review of Silva Fennica and they will be published in regular issues under the special topic immediately if accepted. After the final dispositions on all submissions to a special issue are made and accepted articles published, a virtual special issue will be published on this page.

Call open 1 July through 31 December 2024: Complex remote sensing-assisted forest surveys

Participants of the technical session T5.8 “Developments in complex remote sensing-assisted forest surveys to support monitoring and assessment of forest ecosystems” at the IUFRO World Congress Stockholm, Sweden in June 2024 may submit a manuscript based on their talk in the meeting. The special issue and technical session are organised by the IUFRO Working Group 04.02.00 - Forest resources inventory and monitoring.

The session is focused on mobilizing research and technology to develop credible, easy-to-understand, and user-friendly knowledge systems and platforms that can help researchers and practitioners conduct broad-scale forest inventories. It is distinctively conceived to give participants hands-on experience with remote sensing-assisted forest inventory applications for monitoring and assessing forest ecosystems on a large scale.

Subject Editor responsible:
Svetlana Saarela, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

The Special Issue’s Guest Editors:
Gherardo Chirici, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, Italy
Piermaria Corona, CREA Research Centre for Forestry and Wood, Italy

Manuscripts for a research article, research note or a review article will be accepted for peer-review. All submissions must comply with the data and code openness policy of Silva Fennica i.e., the metadata of the research data must be unconditionally open. As a general rule, research data and computational codes must be open and all exceptions must be agreed with the Editor-in-Chief or the Managing Editor of Silva Fennica. The Guest Editors will not have the right to agree on exceptions to data openness. Read more in the author instructions of Silva Fennica.

The accepted articles will published in regular issues of Silva Fennica under the topic “Complex remote sensing-assisted forest surveys”. The virtual special issue will be published on this page after final disposition on all submissions is made.

A discount of 15 % will be given on the article processing charge of Silva Fennica. The deadline for submission will be 30 September 2024.

Call closed: Climate resilient and sustainable forest management

This special issue is based on the presentations in the meeting of the International Boreal Forest Association (IBFRA) in Helsinki, Finland in August 2023. The call for manuscripts is closed. Part of the contributions have been published and a few are still in peer-review. The virtual special issue will be published here after the final disposition is made on all submissions.

Drought and Dryland Management

Published as Silva Fennica 51(1B), 2017.

Northern Primeval Forests & Ecology, Conservation and Management

Published as Silva Fennica 45(5), 2011.

Forest Resources and Wood Quality

Published as Silva Fennica 43(3), 2009.

Uneven-aged Forest Management

Published as Silva Fennica 38(4), 2004.

Optimality Approach in Plant Ecology

Published as Silva Fennica 36(3), 2002.

Disturbance Dynamics in Boreal Forests

Published as Silva Fennica 36(1), 2002.

Forestry Scenario Modelling in Risk Analysis and Management

Published as Silva Fennica 34(2), 2000.

Functional-Structural Tree Models

Published as Silva Fennica 31(3), 1997.

Climate Change, Biodiversity and Boreal Forest Ecosystems

Published as Silva Fennica 30(2–3), 1996.

Adaptation of Tree Breeding to Changing Circumstances and Demands

Published as Silva Fennica 28(4), 1994.

Biological Systems in Tree Breeding

Published as Silva Fennica 25(4), 1991.

Frost Hardiness and Over-Wintering of Forest Trees

Published as Silva Fennica 22(3), 1988.

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