Key Benefits You Will Get with
Carbon Emissions Calculator API

Advanced Database

The CO2 API is a dynamic data set integrated to assess the scale of the harmful CO2 impact of your chosen shipping method. Analyze and easily implement eco-friendly logistics options to your business instead of polluting shipping. Make personalized estimations with our carbon emissions calculator for your shipping requests and get results complemented by accurate carbon footprint details.

Business opportunities to calculate carbon emission

Improve your environmental initiatives with analysis and reports on the carbon footprint of your logistics processes. Get insights on CO2 emissions into the atmosphere caused by your shipping operations and make your supply chain greener. TOP companies choose partners who respect the environmental-friendly philosophy and take care of sustainability: it’s your chance to show you are the one!

Data Reliability

SeaRates guarantees the right implementation of the emissions calculation methodology. Information on the amount of emissions and their cost is obtained from the SeaRates database, regularly updated by specialized resources.

Functionality Uniqueness

How to calculate carbon emissions via the SeaRates CO2 API? The CO2 API is operated upon your shipment data, such as route coordinates, delivery type, mode of transport, container type/weight, and so on. Quickly get the results of a high-quality CO2 emissions calculation for your type of transportation, as well as the carbon offset.

Integration Convenience

SeaRates CO2 API is ready on CRM/TMS/ERP systems in less than 48 hours.
Simply Request an IT Quote to integrate the CO2 emissions calculator.

Methodology and historical data

One API is all you need to reduce

Carbon Ftprint

Carbon offset

Other than using the Carbon Emissions Calculator as a digital product, when booking through the SeaRates Platform, please note that you can also directly invest in emissions control by selecting the “Carbon offset” booking option. Through our partners, specializing in climate care and managing environmental impact, every dollar put to offset is spent on environmental initiatives and the purification of nature.


Ready to Make an Impact?

The SeaRates team is dedicated to optimizing your logistics operations for modern supply chain sustainability practices and encouraging your trade to contribute to the greening of the industry. We help you make a significant contribution to minimizing the negative influence on the nature. Indeed, it is your maritime business that is crucial to environmental sustainability.

We are here to be with you on this journey of sustainability improvement. With the CO2 API integration, in a couple of clicks, you can replace a lot of manual carbon emissions calculations, prevent any mistakes, and avoid sanctions or fees due to non-compliance with environmental regulations. Try a free carbon emissions calculator trial version to ensure the solution matches your requirements.

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