Gillette Activation
Gillette Activation
Gillette Activation
Idea Presentation
Gillette India
Campaign Name:
Shave India Movement 4
Campaign Theme:
You Shave, I Shave
Theme amplification to on ground activities building up to a grand culmination event, Key Messaging has to be maintained throughout the campaign and activities.
The Revolution:
A 3 week intense campaign takes place with multiple activities leading to a mega event:
Activity 1: Signature Campaign - Petition Against Stubble Activity 2: Girlfriends & Wives Flash Mob Activity 3: Womens No Shave Week Activity 4: Stubble Patrol Mall activation & pub Crawl Activity 5: Stubble Elections Activity 6: The Big Debate Main Event: Judgment Day - Girlfriends & Wives bring the men to the shaving arena where the men pledge to shave everyday. This is VICTORY!
Please note: These are initial ideas the client can pick all or just a few concepts for execution.
Marine Drive
Worli Seaface
Bandra Bandstand
Juhu Beach
Each wall is one km long & branded with Girlfriend & Wives Revolt: YOU SHAVE. I SHAVE.
The walls are setup for a duration of 7 days during which women from all walks of life show their support.
The activity goes viral and makes the news headlines/ media coverage/ live women sound & video bytes covered on radio, on FB & across the TV for a national impact.
Suddenly women start coming wives, girlfriends, singles. Mothers. Sisters. Daughters.
They carry banners, placards, wear t-shirts: REVOLT AGAINST STUBBLE YOU SHAVE. I SHAVE.
6000 Women Come Out In Protest; making it to the Guinness Book Of Records for the worlds largest womens flash mob in the world.
Event Coverage:
The event is covered by Guiness Book Of World Records/ Limca Book of Records/ news channels/ newspapers and other media.
10,000 women participate in a No Shave Week they refuse to shave for one week, in a lead upto the main mega Judgment Day event.
They go public posting their status I wont shave till he does across BBM/ FB/ Twitter. Judgment Day XXXX Date/venue/time
Sound bytes captured and played across radio & media platforms WE WILL NOT SHAVE TILL HE DOES.
I WILL NOT SHAVE TILL HE DOES. Judgment Day April 24 2012 @ Inorbit Mall
The Stubble Patrol Crew setup at mall location near the entry gate itself.
The Patrol crew covers the mall area in search of Stubble Offenders
They catch anyone with a stubble & arrest them with script sir we are the Gillette Stubble Patrol. Having a stubble is a turn off & almost like a crime. So if you do not want a lifetime of rejection from women, we order you to get rid of your stubble immediately.
Stubble Elections
The Idea:
Create a mass on ground voting campaign stubble or clean shaven? Who wins? Who loses? Tie up with 200 on ground locations colleges, hangouts, malls, corporate parks & setup a voting booth at each location. Promoters at each location invite people to VOTE for their choice stubble or clean shaven? Both men & women can vote end result, clean shaven wins hands down!!
FB & Twitter post regular updates & encourage people to vote at their nearest polling station.
The results are announced live on radio, online & next day make the headlines in print.
Build Up Activities
The activation builds up hype more & more women join the U Shave I Shave Movement they talk about it at public events/ pub crawls/college debates etc.
Couples come in crowds women bring their men and come for You Shave I Shave at a mall venue.
2 separate zones created one for men, one for women women & men both shave & come out clean.
The press is present, the crowds are present and professional shavers are present.
Judgment Day
10000 people shave at the event its time to COME OUT CLEAN.
Men bow down to the wishes of the women & both get shaved at the event.
Media takes sound bytes and video bytes of the men who admit they want to COME OUT CLEAN for the sake of the women.
These are initial ideas a detailed plan of action will be provided post client feedback.