EPM213s Lecture7 (1)
EPM213s Lecture7 (1)
EPM213s Lecture7 (1)
Lecture 7
Spring 2024
25/01/2025 1
DC Machines
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• Introduction
• The Stator and Rotor
• Types of DC Machines
• DC Generators Separately and Self-Excited
• DC Motors Separately and Self-Excited
• DC Motors Speed Control
• Losses and Efficiency
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Although DC is not widely used by consumers, DC machines have played a major role in industry
over the years.
FE: elevators use DC machines.
DC machine operates as the result of the interaction of rotating coils with a stationary magnetic
The rotor contains the armature winding -a number of coils mounted in lots on the rotor.
The ends of the coils are connected to the commutator at the end of the rotor.
Carbon brushes ride on the surface of the commutator to make electrical contact from outside
the motor to the armature coils.
The stationary magnetic field is provided either by DC coils on the stator of the machine or by
permanent magnets mounted inside the stator.
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DC machine stator.
a) Cross section.
b) Side view.
It is simpler and less expensive to make a stator using assembled stack of stamped laminations.
The ear-shaped projections in the center are the pole faces, which actually become a north and
south pole during operation of the machine.
The field coils are mounted behind the ear-shaped projections and provide the magnetomotive
force (MMF) required to establish the magnetic field.
MMF is the product of current and the number of turns in the coil.
Thus, MMF can be provided with high current and few turns or with low current and
many turns.
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The rotor contains the armature winding, which is
the high-power winding of the DC machine.
The slots in the lamination provide space for
the armature coil.
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.Separately excited DC machine
A1-A2: the armature terminals
F1-F2: the shunt field
S1-S2: the series field
The field current is typically only a few percent of the rated output
current, so a small field current controls a much larger armature
The separately excited DC generator effectively operates as a power
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Shunt-motor or self-excited generator
A1-A2: the armature terminals
F1-F2: the shunt field
S1-S2: the series field
The shunt connection is in which the field is connected in parallel, or shunt with the
The voltage from the armature is applied directly to the field in the case of a generator,
while for motor operation the source voltage is applied to the field and armature.
The rheostat is used for changing the field current without changing the voltage, and
therefore provides a measure of voltage control for the generator and speed control
for the motor.
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Generated Voltage Equation for a DC Generator:
To understand the operation of the DC generator we need to obtain the relationship
for the generated voltage in terms of flux, the physical design of the machine, and its speed.
During each revolution, a conductor cuts the flux of P poles, where P is the number of poles
in the machine.
If the speed of the machine in RPM is represented by n, then the time to complete one
revolution is:
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Number of series We need to find the number of series
conductors The total number of armature
conductors conductors in the armature to
calculate the generated voltage
Kg is called the generator constant for a DC machine and is a function of the design of the
machine-specifically, the number of poles and the type of winding.
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Lap Winding:
The ends of each coil are connected to adjacent
commutator segments.
Wave Winding:
The armature coils are connected to commutator
segments of commutator on opposite sides of the
Lap winding provides more parallel paths, which means higher current and lower voltage.
The wave winding has more series coils, yielding higher voltage and lower current.
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Magnetization Curve of the Separately Excited Machine
n1 < n2 < n3
As the load current increases armature reaction may lower the flux per pole causing
an additional reduction in the terminal voltage. The terminal voltage of a separately
excited DC generator will actually decline nonlinearly when the armature current is
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The magnetization curve produced when the machine
is separately excited still applies.
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Variation of the Generated Voltage with
Performance of self-excited generator
as the speed varies.
When the speed changes, we move to a new magnetization curve while moving down the field circuit
equation line.
The voltage drops very quickly when the speed is reduced for a self-excited, shunt DC generator.
Decreasing the speed decreases the generated voltage, which in turn reduces the field current and flux,
thus further reducing the generated voltage.
The voltage versus speed plot is nonlinear for the self-excited DC generator.
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Conditions for Voltage Build-Up in a Self-
Excited DC
1. There must be residual magnetism in the machine pole pieces.
2. The field coil must provide flux in the same direction as the residual flux. Otherwise, the
machine will build down to zero volts.
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Under Load
By putting a variable load on the self-excited DC generator, we observe the effect on the terminal
voltage of varying the load current.
Three effects are observed:
1. As the load increases, the load voltage declines
due to the resistance of the armature (dot-
As the armature current increases, armature
reaction reduces the flux per pole, further
reducing the voltage (dotted line) unless it is
corrected for implementing compensating
windings .
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DC Motor
For a motor, the armature current is into the machine
and the voltage equation is:
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Shunt Motor
For the motor, the armature current is into machine and the voltage equation
For a shunt machine connected to a constant voltage, the flux per pole is constant and the speed equation is
a linear relation between n and Ia.
The major advantage of DC motors has been the ability to control the speed-torque characteristic over a
wide range of speeds for a given torque.
The losses in a machine affect its cost, rating, and performance. The efficiency of a rotating machine
is frequently determined by measuring the losses.
The efficiency is defined the same way as it is for transformers and other types of machines:
Typical efficiencies of DC motors are shown in the table below. Generators would have similar
efficiencies except they would be rated in kW.
The amount of loss in each category depends on the number of windings, type of core, whether the
machine has brushes, etc.
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