Caduceus 03
Caduceus 03
Caduceus 03
htm note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on February 4, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.
First. This apparatus has zero impedance, unlike an ordinary coil. When fed electrical energy, the wire in the Tensor coil does not get hot. Secondly. It has infinite resonance, unlike an ordinary coil which will resonate chiefly at its natural fundamental frequency and weakly on the second or third harmonic. The Tensor Coil is capable of resonating strongly on any number of frequencies randomly spaced in the spectrum. The signal pumped into such a coil strangely enough cannot be quantified (detected) by standard RF (radio-frequency) detection apparatus. Many "Ham" radio operators and electronic technicians who have used these coils are completely baffled by them. One radio amateur found that with 2 such coils -- one used as a
transmitter and the other as a receiver -- the second would not pick up the signal from the first unless they were precisely aligned. For the signal to be transmitted, the alignment had to be as critical as that of a laser beam.
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