Bio 1 lab 2
Bio 1 lab 2
Bio 1 lab 2
than a protein.
2) Physical agents:
Temperature and ionizing radiations constitute two most
large groups of denaturants.
The method is based on the property of organic acids to neutralize
the charges on protein molecule and to disarrange its spatial
structure, which leads to denaturation and precipitation of protein.
1- Transfer 10 drops of egg's white solution to two test tubes.
2- Add 2 drops of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to one tube and
2 drops of perchloric acid to the other tube and observe the
changes occurring.
C) Denaturation of protein by heavy metal salts:
The method is based on the ability of heavy metal
ions to bind to the functional group of the side chain
radicals of amino acids in protein molecules; causing
destruction of protein spatial structure and precipitation of
a denatured protein.
D) Denaturation of protein by organic solvents:
The method is based on the ability of organic solvents (ethanol,
chloroform, or acetone) to destroy hydrophobic interactions within
the protein molecule and thereby produce its denaturating effect,
leading to protein precipitation.
1- Transfer 10 drops of undiluted egg's white solution into three
test tubes.
2- Add equal volumes of the following organic solvents: ethanol to
the test tube, acetone to the second, and chloroform to the third tube.
3- Note the protein precipitation in each case.
:Determination of the Isoelectric Point of Proteins
Protein molecule carries both positive and negative charges due to
presence of acidic and basic amino acids in its structure. The net charge of
protein macromolecules is affected by the medium pH.
1- Into three test tubes labeled A, B, and C, introduce 1 ml of buffers of
2- Add 2 ml of milk to each test tube, shake the tube contents, and note
The method is based on the property of hemin group of hemoglobin
to catalyze the oxidation of benzidine by hydrogen peroxide to
diphenoquinone di-imine that is coupled with a molecule of non-
oxidized benzidine to yield a green-blue colored complex.
1- Introduce 1 ml of 5000-fold diluted blood into a test