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Vin Fast

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Presented by: group 4

Huỳnh Thị Tố Vũ Đào Vũ Thu Huệ

Anh Ngọc Hân

Đỗ Anh Huy Nguyễn Trần Phùng Nguyễn

Tấn Kiệt Khánh Linh

Huỳnh Lê Bảo Thiều Quang

Ngân Thiện
01 02 03
Reason Introduction
organization chart

04 05 06
Pros and cons Opinions and Conclusion

Our team choose the Vinfast because:

- A Vietnamese Success Story - Competitiveness in the Automotive

on the Global Stage: VinFast is Industry: VinFast has ventured into
one of the first Vietnamese electric vehicles, a highly competitive
brands to make a strong impact and emerging field, with a
internationally. commitment to sustainability and
environmental protection.
Strategic Vision: Since its founding, VinFast has taken
strategic steps by adopting advanced technologies, investing
in modern production facilities, and targeting high-potential
export markets like the U.S. and Europe.

Driving Growth for Vietnam's Automotive Industry: Vinfast's

success not only represents its own achievements but also
acts as a driving force to promote the growth and
competitiveness of Vietnam's automotive industry on a global

Rapid Development: Since its launch in 2017, VinFast has

rapidly expanded from producing cars to electric motorcycles
and soon electric buses.
- VinFast Trading and Services Company Limited
- VinFast: Pioneering Vietnam’s Automotive Industry
- VinFast, a subsidiary of Vingroup, one of Asia's largest multi-
industry private economic groups, was established in 2017 and has
quickly become a significant player in the global automotive
• Core values:
-Vision: Become a smart electric vehicle brand that strongly
promotes the global electric vehicle revolution
- Mission: For a green future for everyone.
- Brand philosophy: "Put customers at the center".
- Core values: Classy products, good prices, outstanding after-
sales policy.

• Product Range:
- Vinfast offers a range of cars and electric motobikes.
- Vinfast has produced two lines of cars: cars using combustion
engines and electric cars.
+ Cars using combustion engines: Fadil, Lux A and Lux SA.
+ Electric cars: VFe34, VF5, VF6, VF7, VF8, VF9 and VF3
(Vinfast's first mini car)
VinFast’s organizational structure is
designed to support its rapid growth
and innovation. The company is led
by CEO Pham Nhat Vuong, with
key departments including Research
and Development,
Manufacturing, Sales and
Marketing, and Customer Service.
use the

(Refer to the illustration of Vinfast's organizational structure in Quang Tri)

• Advantages:
- It groups employees based on functional skills for a
higher degree of performance.
- Employees have experience in the same field, resulting
in higher output. Also, they deliver high-quality services
and results.
- The roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.
- Hierarchy is visible and no need for multiple reporting
- No duplication of work as each department is different.
• Disadvantages:
- Employees get bored from the routine and
lose enthusiasm.
- It limits the management skills,of
functional managers => restrictions on their
growth path.
-Departments are more concerned with
their departmental goals. => less responsive
to the organization's overall objectives.
-Hiring costs are too high as high-skilled
employees cost more.
-Conflicts in making critical decisions.
• Opinions:
Th e organiz ation al str u c ture of VinFast, a
m e m be r of Vin grou p, is one of th e ke y
factor s th at h e lps th e c om pan y ac hie v e
r apid grow th an d de v e lopm e n t in the
au tom otiv e and e le c tron ic s
industr ie s .Ov e r all, Vin Fast has a
re ason able an d fl ex ible organ iz ation al
str uc tu re , com bin in g tr adition al
m an age m e n t m ode ls an d in nov ativ e
m ode ls , to m e e t the r apidly ch an gin g
n e e ds of th e m ar ke t.
-C e n tr aliz e d an d de ce n tr aliz e d
organiz ation al m ode l.
-Flex ibility and in n ov ation .
-Multi-fun c tion al m an age m e n t.
• Opinions:
-You ng an d inte rn ation al le ade r s hip te am .
-Focu s on cre ativ ity an d te c hn ological
inn ov ation.
-Ability to quick ly adapt to th e m ar ke t.
In sh or t, Vin Fas t's organ iz ational str uc tu re
h as an e ff e ctiv e com bin ation of str ate gic
focu s an d exe c u tion de c e ntr aliz ation ,
be tw e e n tr adition an d in nov ation. Th is
h e lps th e c om pan y n ot on ly m aintain its
dom e stic stre n gth bu t also gr adu ally
asse r t its global position . Th is s tr u ctu re
also re fl e cts a m ode rn , dy nam ic com pan y
th at s e e ks to de v e lop su stain ably an d
re s pon d to r apid ch ange s in th e
au tom otiv e and te ch n ology in du str ie s .
• Solutions:
To ov e rcom e Vin Fas t's w e ak ne s se s, th e
com pan y c an im ple m e nt th e follow in g
solu tion s:
- Stre n gth e n th e br an d:
+Strong m ar ke tin g c am paign.
+B uild cu stom e r re lation sh ips .
- Im prov e produ c ts an d se r v ic e s:
+Im prov e produ ct qu ality.
+Afte r-sale s s e r v ic e .
- E xpandin g th e m ar ke t :
+Mar ke t de m and s ur v e y.
+Collabor ation w ith local par tn e r s.
- D e v e loping c h argin g in fr as tr u ctu re :
+Inv e stin g in ch arging sy ste m s .
+E n c ou r aging the us e of e le ctr ic v e h icle s.
- D iff e re n tiatin g:
+ In n ov ation an d c re ativ ity.
+ Focu s on su stainability.
VinFast's organizational structure has many notable points:
- Flexibility: The flat structure helps VinFast respond quickly to changes in the
market and customer needs, which is important in the rapidly growing auto
- Specialization: VinFast recruits talents from many different fields, ensuring a
highly specialized team, from product design to technology and production.
- Encourage innovation: The organizational structure facilitates creativity and
innovation, allowing employees to participate in product
development and process improvement.

- Internal Collaboration: Encouraging cross-departmental collaboration helps

optimize workflows, increase efficiency, and reduce information silos.
- Going global: The organizational structure is consistent with the strategy of
expanding into the international market, helping VinFast build a more
competitive brand and products.
In short, VinFast's organizational structure is reasonably designed to
support rapid and sustainable development in the context of global competition.
However, maintaining flexibility and the ability to innovate into the future will
be a challenge that requires continued attention.

https://vinfastauto.com/vn_vi/ve-chung-toi https://vinfast.vn/ https://www.vinfa

stauto.com/ https://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/VinFast https://accgroup.vn/so-do-to-c
huc-cong-ty-vinfast https://www.studocu.com/vn/document/dai-hoc-ton-duc-tha
Thank's For

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